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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. I also was raised in a family where everyone including the kids were expected to do chores that included everything from cooking, ironing, washing dishes and cloths and sewing. While you sound like more of a gourmet cook than I am, I know my way around the kitchen and haven't poisoned anyone yet over the years. I can hand sew better than anyone I know and although a bit slow on a sewing machine can get that done as well. My mother made certain that we were well rounded including the one boy in the crowd, (Me). Two Mossies' a a Mitchel and the Japanese AC all at once. Better be careful, very many more and you will be in competition with Denis, (Popeye) and start loosing track.
  2. That is one Lethal box Patrick! I would think that with that many completed Centurions there is a possibility you may be the local expert on the design.
  3. Even though I follow your excellent build, I don't come around or post here all that often, but Merry Christmas to you also, with hopefully many more to come.
  4. WOW it sounds like the party is well underway! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you. I know what you mean about home made Fruitcake Roger. A few years ago my wife made me one. She had never done it before, (And unfortunately since) but it was to die for. I don't think I have ever eaten a better one. Real fruit and stuff and almost gluey from the booze. I am having the first piece of the one I received last night and even though it is not as good as the one my wife made I think it may be good idea not to light a match anywhere near. This is not a drunken brawl OC. This is Pure Christmas indulgence, unsupervised decadent eating in it's finest form! You would pass out from being too full to move before you would get drunk. Well mostly. Kevin You have it all wrong......... You are supposed to be EATING all that stuff not having to make it all! But having said that, you are lucky you live so far from the PNW or I may have dropped in for dinner! I am sure glad you are up here in the rafters with me Edward, that is making my mouth water even while I am eating my Fruitcake. Speaking of fruitcake we must have two thirds of the worlds population of fruitcake eaters right here on MSW Based on the comments above! See all of you who survive tomorrow. You will all be at my mercy as you will be too stuffed to defend yourselves.
  5. Interesting............ Three tennis courts and only two pools! No shuffleboard at all. Great build Chris, hope your Christmas goes well.
  6. I only got a small box of See's Crunchy Nutty Goodness Peanut Brittle so far this year but all of you are welcome to some of it. Went to a friend's house to exchange gifts and dinner last night, and came away with a HUGE old fashioned style fruit cake with real fruit and nuts soaked for months in brandy! I have no idea where she got it but I think I will be in heaven until at least the new year! I am possibly one of two people in the world who love a good fruit cake!
  7. Should be a unique build. Heading for the rafters with my Christmas stash of peanut brittle.
  8. Had that happen to a friend just the other day. He went to the shelf to pick up a ME109 he built some time ago and dropped it! Landed on the gear and knocked all three off!
  9. I have never seen the movie so can't comment, but we had all of our boys together for a birthday party the other day and the subject came up. It turns out that all four, Two Sons and two grandsons are either slightly freaked out by the dolls or just don't like them at all. I think they may have hurt her feelings slightly.
  10. The only firearm I have bought since long before I retired and no longer had to carry one daily, was for my wife! She insisted that she wanted to have her own. Now days I'm not even certain where her gun is! The last time I saw it was when I took her out to get some practice and of course I was allowed to clean it!
  11. It is not so much that they don't have money, it is more of where they choose to spend the money and around here they mostly choose not to spend any money on a project that is not 3/4 or more funded by Federal dollars. Even then their latest efforts have taken their portion of the cost and converted it into tolls. That seems to answer the local cost needs in their minds.
  12. I thought it may have been something like that. I would have thought that getting and maintaining a US manufactured auto in the 50s was not something available to the average Russian citizen. But then getting a Russian auto here in the US would probably have posed the same issues back then. Now days we seem to be able to buy anything we want from ships to tanks to aircraft!
  13. Click on the link for a more complete story, but the bridge was constructed in 1955 and while considered sound was also rated as "functionally obsolete." I-5 is a major highway that carries a considerable amount of auto and truck traffic through the US from Canada to Mexico. No barge, just a truck carrying a high load. And it was not the first to hit parts of that bridge. We have another bridge in Seattle that has been partly closed because of structural issues and it looks like they intend to repair it rather than replace it, but it will be closed until 2022! It was built in 1984 after the prior bridge was hit by a ship coming up river in 1978. They also just replaced a two mile overhead Viaduct built in the 50s in Seattle mostly due to structural issues. We don't seem to have a very good record for bridges around here.
  14. It is also available at Cornwell Models at about $100 less.
  15. Just keep any trucks with high loads you may have in your collection off of the bridge Philo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-5_Skagit_River_Bridge_collapse
  16. Around here it is more like DOLLS, STUFFED BEARS/ANIMALS, and most of all JEWELRY. The only ones she can even attempt to hide would be the jewelry but they are sneaky and get you to buy it in the first place so they don't even try. I tell you the system is rigged!
  17. I think I would love seeing BOTH museums. Is that a 1955 Bel Air in the 2nd picture?
  18. Nice to see that term used in a good way here in 2020! Sad to see the deck stripes come off along with the tape, they really were looking nice.
  19. That is just the point. Every time we get to see some kind of miniature perfectly executed masterpiece, it becomes clear that it is not alone and that everything you create for this ship is perfection. I personally am enjoying my front row seat on this journey. My only other choice would be to visit one of the museums in Zaporizhia someday when you finish it!
  20. Very nice work and to me it is hard to see that the cockpit is even card, not plastic or wood Chris. One thing that kind of sticks out to me though is the curved instrument panel. I cannot remember seeing a wrap-around panel used on a military aircraft before. Not a bad thing certainly but just odd looking, at least to me.
  21. Only one word works for me. I hope it translates well for you. WOW!
  22. It's interesting how little the helmets have changed in design over the years.
  23. In pictures of her underway at speed the dragon looks like it is running on the bow wave.
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