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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. Very nice build Craig. I want one................... Not the model, the real thing! Actually being the old foggie I am think I would like a Shelby American GT40 https://www.shelby.com/en-us/Vehicles/GT40-Shelby-Edition or a Superperformance GT40, https://www.superformance.com/factory-models-gt40 Neither one would be as fast or high tech design but would have a lot of cool factor and I'm almost certain just as fun to drive on the roads available here in the US.
  2. That's odd. My Mini is by far the lowest car I own, both to the ground and at the seats. But for some reason it is also the easiest for me to get in and out of with my back and leg issues. They made the ground clearance and therefore the overall height higher in the 2006 and newer models and while I think they wrecked everything by doing so, my wife says they are much nicer to get in and out of and have a softer ride. I will probably never even get to sit in a Corvette so I can't answer for that.
  3. Around here they have sales of "Zoo Doo" where you can buy exotic animal poop for gardening. I have no idea if it is better than what cows produce but it appears that some people do. They pay quite well from what I understand.
  4. If aged properly they make good camp fires in dry unwooded country. No smell at all strangely enough.
  5. AH, the Goblin armies! I did much the same including the little crazy night goblin fanatic guy with the ball and chain. Brings back memories of evenings with the kids
  6. Incredible detail at this scale.......... Or any scale come to think of it.
  7. That must be one of the differences of the Navy and the Army. We had to watch a "Health and Safety" film about the hazards OUTSIDE of the base! Beautiful build, I like that you took it a notch higher with the addition of crewmen. It really brings life to the ship. Not long there was a build I saw that was a FANTASTICLY realistic build and just begged for the addition of crew. I would have even provided the builder with the crew but there was no way under the circumstances.
  8. 1/8th is so HUGE compared to 1/24th! But then I suppose that is what allows so much detail. Beautiful build James. I have always liked the looks of the AC Cobra. Dated for it's day in some ways but still iconic.
  9. Looking better and better at every step of the way Craig. This last summer I was driving over a local mountain pass that has a lot of twisty corners and I always like to day dream that I am driving Nurburgring when I am driving my Mini. It's not the fastest car in town but it corners like all get out with it's JCW suspension. No fun on rough roads but a dream in the mountains. Anyway I found myself catching up on a yellow with black trim low slung car that at first I did not recognize. I was a beauty! As I got closer I realized it was a Corvette C7 done in the same color scheme you have here. I think that after looking at one on the road, it has to be possibly one of the most beautiful Corvettes of all time. I ended up slowly overtaking him and eventually passing him over an almost fifteen minute time frame. I almost hated to pass him because of the view, but on the down hill section of the pass where the road becomes even twister and even more fun in my Mini, I didn't want to be stuck behind him on what would at that point be one lane each way, and he was tending to drive a little slower than I was. So I reluctantly bid him a fond farewell and went back to my Nurburgring daydream. It may be a long time before I get to do that ride again, as I seldom get to go long distances with my Mini, (My wife does not like riding in it as it is so low, and rides a bit rough with the JCW suspension. Wonder what she would think of a C6 or 7?) and the roads will possibly never again be a clear of cars in the good weather seasons as they were this last spring and summer in the early parts of COVID.
  10. If you keep putting recipes like that out, you will have more than a few popcorn laying about in the dockyard! Off to the kitchen to look for the chocolate syrup. Sounds like late night snack time to me.
  11. Another thing about these airbrushes and their small pumps. If the noise level is too loud you can always throw a folded towel into an empty cardboard box lay the pump on it, run the hose out and close the flaps while it is running. that would muffle the sound so much that you may not notice it from six feet away. There would be plenty of air leakage in the box so the pump would not be starved for air.
  12. How about the bats Mark.............. Or is that batty? That is NOT necessarily what cows are full of. You still may not want to stand under them though.
  13. Great work. That is going to look really nice hanging on the stern.
  14. That is certainly yellow all right. LOVE it. maybe they should have used this car in the last Transformer movie for Bumblebee.
  15. I wish I could do figures that well.................... Heck I wish I could do anything that well! Great job J.
  16. 47 DB is considered about the same as heavy rainfall, a dishwasher, light conversation, bird calls, (Depending on bird of course) Chances are that your TV is making more or about the same amount of noise. So whether it interferes with TV watching would depend on how far a way it is from the TV and how close the watcher of said TV is and what their hearing is. The buzzing of a small air compressor could make the conversations on TV hard to understand if it was close enough to the listener. I suspect that the compressor I use is about that sound level and it does not seem to bother my wife's Tv watching when i have used it when 35-40 feet away in the adjoining dinning room In my house the living abd dinning rooms are really just one long large room of probably 20+ feet each and my work area is almost as far from the TV as you can get and still be in the house so it is probably more like 40 feet. The little compressor I have been using looks like this: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Airbrush-Compressor-C-16-B-Compre/dp/B00ATEKB5G/ref=asc_df_B00ATEKB5G/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167148482147&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8170202559968232396&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033347&hvtargid=pla-310332754799&psc=1 Except it was not that expensive when I bought it years ago at a local hobby shop along with the airbrush. I am certain that it would not meet with approval with the master airbrush users here on the forum but you might be surprised what you could do with something like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dual-Action-Airbrush-Compressor-Kit-Spray-Air-Brush-Set-Tattoo-Nail-Art-Gift/383319913495?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D225086%26meid%3D96a22ad8f6b34fe5b12088ce4ca88ee9%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dco%26sd%3D114013068842%26itm%3D383319913495%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 It is almost exactly or possibly is exactly what I used for my Huey build so far. You can make your own opinion by watching some of these: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cheep+airbrush+comparison+ AirbrushAsylum seemed to think that this airbrush was goo enough to carry in their own inventory as an alternative: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071NTM8TY/?ref=exp_airbrushasylum_dp_vv_d&th=1 My argument is that even if it only did as well as a rattle can it would more than pay for it's self in a sort time just in the savings in paint. My experience is that my cheap little gun does MUCH better than a can and so far has been very miserly on paint usage. It has also only been limited by my inexperience not by it's ability.
  17. As I said I am no authority on anything medieval, I don't even get to play an authority on TV, but I think I also may have seen somewhere that water powered mills were built into the city walls when the stream or river ran alongside. May have been some kind of Disney fantasy thing from Snow White as well.
  18. While it is true that I like my munchies while spread out in the rafters on my hammock. There is no way that I would let that much popcorn go to waste by letting it dribble down onto the shipyard. I think it is more likely that someone from the back row is tossing them at you trying to get your attention. Besides, like I said, I am a Peanut Brittle fan. (But I tend to make a fairly good dent in salted peanuts when I get them as well. Everyone knows you can't eat just one!) Nice job on the planking Jack. You say you are going to do a second planking! If so you are only half done and get to experience the pleasure all over again. Joy joy, chips ahoy!
  19. I will be sitting in on this one as well. My favorite Whaleback though would be the one that was built right here a few blocks from where I live. Strangely enough she was built just four years earlier than my house. I think the City Of Everett was possibly the only Whaleback or even Great Lakes style ship ever built on the west coast. But I'm not certain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_City_of_Everett
  20. Possibly a little off subject but I am curious about what appears to be scaffolding on some ship in the background to the right side. The tall pyramid type structure with the ball on top looks like nothing I have ever seen on any military, (Or for that matter ANY) vessel. The hull also looks more American with it's radar reflecting sloped sides. Any ideas? https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjcc/50324253002/in/photolist-2iZJwpN-2iHJgWg-2itNDGF-2hZVtMg-2jEYX9w-2jZRvKM-2hZXV6M-2k7vhmy-2iXyog5-2i1SBFk-2jEUBdo-2hZVu4y-2iYdXkR-2i1TLp6-mngvkH-2jZVXWa-2k7rssk-2hZZ4Un-2hWwaHt-2hWv9Fu-2k7vh8Y-2hWw8vN-Efm4oe-2k7rsdY-2iYeef7-2iYeegj-2iYbMyW-2iYdohT-pQzf74-J1uRAA-2iYdoie-2hi5HDv-2hZ87T3-27zdJ2H-2hYVE31-2i1QcbK-mngXCv-2hi453T-mo5Yn4-He98yg-2dJUy7v-MmYEZg-ejezxy-mwirXm-2iP6G4m-2jmxN52-GFyzJQ-2jmwCkd-7Z6ALt-mFybke
  21. As always I am enjoying your creativity and choice of buildings Ekis. By the time you are done this village will be lacking for nothing. I do have one question though. Although I have seen pictures of windmills almost exactly like the one you have build i wonder about it's placement inside the village walls. Would it more likely be placed outside the walls where the farmer's fields were and save them the longer trip into the village to get their grain ground into flour. Also there would be a steadier and stronger wind available available outside of town. Just a question, you are the expert in these maters not I.
  22. Well if this picture is accurate we know that #1, somewhere between August 10, 2002 and April 23, 2012, depending on what caption you read on this page, the hull extension was not there. You can still keep clicking the picture and really zoom in. #2 it is obvious that the two ships are not clones either and each is slightly different. https://www.flickriver.com/photos/emdjt42/7480366722/ By the time of this as far as I can see, undated photo, the hull extension has been installed but appears to be much smaller than EGs Iron Duke picture above. https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjcc/50324253002/in/photolist-2iZJwpN-2iHJgWg-2itNDGF-2hZVtMg-2jEYX9w-2jZRvKM-2hZXV6M-2k7vhmy-2iXyog5-2i1SBFk-2jEUBdo-2hZVu4y-2iYdXkR-2i1TLp6-mngvkH-2jZVXWa-2k7rssk-2hZZ4Un-2hWwaHt-2hWv9Fu-2k7vh8Y-2hWw8vN-Efm4oe-2k7rsdY-2iYeef7-2iYeegj-2iYbMyW-2iYdohT-pQzf74-J1uRAA-2iYdoie-2hi5HDv-2hZ87T3-27zdJ2H-2hYVE31-2i1QcbK-mngXCv-2hi453T-mo5Yn4-He98yg-2dJUy7v-MmYEZg-ejezxy-mwirXm-2iP6G4m-2jmxN52-GFyzJQ-2jmwCkd-7Z6ALt-mFybke
  23. That's a pretty good way to multitask Tom. Get the kids exercised, (Or is that EXORCISED?) Get a little sunlight for yourself, (I'm getting so pale I probably glow in the dark!) And leave the dust and mess somewhere away from home where you need not clean it up. Plenty of progress and indeed it is looking very much more and more like a nuke everyday. Remember, just a few days ago it looked like a stick!
  24. Nice work Denis. Looks ready to go looking for Snoopy.
  25. Looks like you had a good turkey day surrounded by all the right people Craig. Thanks for sharing.
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