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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. I was hoping you would post your build when I saw it yesterday Carl. Looks even better in the closeup pictures! I still almost would call it a scratch build rather than a bash. Congratulations
  2. Doesn't really matter. The feeling the painting creates is unaffected by the model of the aircraft. Like you said, at some point in time they would have had to fly in the area.
  3. Careful Waitoa you may not want to bring up the subject of food over an open fire with this crowd! You will have more recipes for roasted pig than you will know how to deal with. Your pig does need a little glaze though!
  4. Please look in and post an update for us on you and your life now and again Doris. I have truly enjoyed following your fantastic builds over the years and even though we have never met or even talked, consider you a friend. I do hope you find a place in your life that returns some of the joy you are missing. My wife and I will be thinking of you and hoping for better times in your life.
  5. Thank you I made more than a few mistakes on it back then. The most noticeable was not painting on or under the number decals and the white center stripes. I had no idea they were so translucent and would not look like white circles over the black body. I was also not certain on the wheel color I think they may have been gold but even now I am not certain.
  6. It's like having a third job isn't it! I have two in ""school" and the extra work is endless. Luckily I am retired so I do have a little time.
  7. Makes my 1/24th Tamiya effort of a few years ago look down right primitive!
  8. I have seen them cancel school here because they were having high winds in Portland Oregon, 300+ miles away! True story, just a few years ago!
  9. Ah ha! What is that coiled next to the door? A garden hose?
  10. You must be traveling tourist class Chris if all they will give you is a Styrofoam cup! Nice work so far. It looks like all your effort in masking paid off.
  11. Around here they would call it a snow day if it was even forecast for the passes! And the only classes they have are Zoom classes!
  12. It appears that I don't know as much about the gunships as I thought I did, but I'm pretty certain that the only ones we would have given the south would have been the AC-47 versions.
  13. Sad to see him go. He always seemed to have fair prices and an inanimate knowledge of what to stock.
  14. I find every addition to this village nothing short of Amazing!
  15. Those look like Florida dress shoes to me. Here in Washington they would be filled with moss!
  16. Well no one can accuse you of letting any grass grow in your workshop Craig! Outward and onward! To infinity and beyond!
  17. very nicely done. Congratulations
  18. I would have suggested an awl, scribe or the back edge of an Exacto blade, but I was thinking that the balsa is a soft and fibrous wood and when scribing across the grain would tend to pull the fiber up and leave fuzzy edges along the scribe. If your thick primer prevents this then so much the better. Looking forward to the results on your test piece.
  19. You may have to just use a flexible ruler and a light stroke with a knife tip. Not an easy proposition in balsa. Nice thing is that you can fill any mistakes back in with Plastic Wood and try again if needed.
  20. Nichimo I believe. It seems that FuJimi also makes 1/200 sub assemblies.
  21. Nicely done as always Craig. I like it better with the chrome added. That was a lot of green.
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