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Jim Rogers

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Posts posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Absolutely stunning work Ken I wish I had your talent. You are the inspiration for my Rattlesnake build. I admit I stole your Redheart bulwark idea. It adds a different look to the interior. I am currently in hot standby waiting for my custom sails to arrive. I loved the look of your furled sails so I sent the templates back requesting the sails be made 3/4 size with dogears. I also used your Bowspirit idea and repurposed a French and Indian war Iroquois tomahawk wielding warrior as my Bowsprit. I can't wait to see your finished build. Not that much longer. Again STUNNING.

  2. Nobody has answered the question of why red? When I toured the Victory back in the 70's I asked the tour guide why the bulwarks were red and was told it was to keep the gun crews from panicking from blood during combat? Not really sure that is true but have never heard any another explanation. Personally I think some Bos'n had some red paint laying around and just painted the bulwark and became a trend setter.

  3. Put a bullet through a CD containing all your Technical Manuals and put a bullet through a printed Tech Manual which one can you still use?EMP wipes all electronics unless heavily protected doesn't bother a book. Electronic books and magazines are very convenient no doubt but going all digital is foolish.


  4. Sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees. I ran the Technical Documentation code for Navy Lightweight Torpedoes for 5 years. There was a major push to go completely digital and do away with printed manuals. All maintenance procedures would be put on iPad type devices. I fought this tooth and nail as it was and still is real short sighted. Ever try to read a iPad screen on the flight deck of a Destroyer during the day in the Arabian Gulf? Impossible. How about picking up that device with greasy hands. How about dropping it on the deck or over the side? A paper book survives all these scenarios. Going all digital in anything is a terrible idea even hobby magazines. But it is going to happen just because of cost in printing and shipping. The dollar always has the final say even over common sense.



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