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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Outstanding, I hope someday I can get one too. I had a Sherline Mill and a lathe, but lost them in a divorce....nice machines.....enjoy
  2. Hi Mobbsie, wow, looking really great. I still have some furniture to build before I get where you are at, but you have given me a great education on how I'm going to do it. Do you by chance have any plans or instructions for constructing you serving machine. I am going to need one and thought I would copy yours if you have no objections....or just some dimensions and gear sizes...anything would help Mate, if Sjors can figure it out, I shouldn't have any problems with it.....lol.....sorry Sjors, culdn't resist......Take care Mate....thanks
  3. Hi Piet, your metal work is meticulous.....as if I expected different. I'm getting close to attempting my Harpoons....maybe this weekend, I'll break out the solder equipment, and I'll have my Byrnes drawplate to make the handles....might be good to go.....thanks, my friend....I wish I lived closer so I could see her again up close and personal.....lol...amazing how your little anchor actually works.....
  4. Oh my, we have Popeye leading the 3 stooges.....I think the Marks Bros would approve. Congrats to a multi tasker multi ship builder.....I'm looking forward to seeing how the brothers 3 are coming along.....
  5. Here's yesterdays progress pictures. Just the Fife Rail and bilge pumps. The dowel is for alignment while gluing all of it to the deck. Actually I'm not procrastinating on the harpoons, I am waiting for my Byrnes Drawplate to arrive, so I can get the dowels right....should be here by Saturday. I hear they are wonderful to work with ...... so, we'll see.....meanwhile I'll be either making some harpoon heads, or getting ready to build the the next "mini build" ---the Tryworks......I guess I get to break out the bricklaying or mason skill for this one.....just another hat in the shipmodel world
  6. Hi Joe, (Wacko), the plans and reference info seem to indicate there are 5 harpoons, lances, and hooks per boat. I only have 5 boats visible that will be hanging from the davits. 2 boats are stowed upside down on the shelter roof which I haven't built yet. There are also 4-5 harpoons that hang underneath the the roof on yet unbuilt racks. So there's a bunch of them.....Depending on how they look on the boats will determine how many I will put inside them as there is a lot of other stuff that goes into them as well.....buckets, mast and sail, buckets, and more so should they start getting too full I will limit them to what just looks good instead of historically correct. Don't want to create the image that if you launch one with 5 men in there also, that they would sink because of being overweight.....we'll see.....
  7. Hi Piet, they're still waiting for you to make them.....ha ha.....seriously, a few chores needed around the house is taking precedence....must keep the Admiral happy, so there has been some delays on this end. Later in the evenings I have been able to do a little work. I managed to build the Fife Rail and get the Bilge Pumps mounted. Pictures a little later today when everything is dry. Just a little progress, but it is progress......so the enquiring minds will have to wait a bit..... Thanks to all that contributed pictures, articles and instructions on how to build the Harpoons......very much appreciated. That's one of the cool things about the forum is that help is just a matter of asking. Thanks Mates......
  8. Thanks for the pictures Sjors, looks like Mobbsie did a good job on the machine. I'm going to try to make one when I get to that stage.
  9. Hi Lawrence, well, it seems that each whaleboat had 5 on them, so I have 5 boats exposed and 2 turned upside down and stowed, so that makes 20 and then there are about 5-7 of them stowed under the shelter roof that I still have to make so that makes 25-28. Now once I start on the boats I'll determine what works with the scale and stock them accordingly. There are a lot of things that go into the boats, which really make them a build of their own....tiny repetitious models.....we'll see.....
  10. You must have been real good Mate, those are some fine looking tools.....just keep the fingers out. I like the way you did your yards, and showing the needlework and splice. I will have to remember to go through your log again when I get to that stage of the build. All of your little jigs will really be helpful.
  11. I had a Sherline Mill, and a lathe and most all of the tools.....ex wife sold them during my divorce and while I was in ICU in the hospital......gonna replace some day....
  12. I like the serving machine. I have to study and figure out how it works. Looks nice, good to see you moving on.
  13. Thanks Ian for the information on Piet's log. I got lucky and found what I needed. Your Unicorn looks great. Model train sites would be good for finding that kind of metal, I hadn't thought about that. John
  14. Thanks Piet, I was able to find what I needed at Hobby Lobby. Wasn't exactly but I think close enough. Found a sheet of .008", I haven't calipered it to metric yet, as it is still packaged, but it was the only size they had, it had a little crease or dent in it, so I got a 4" x 10" sheet for $1.39. Bargain since I'm going to be cutting it in pieces. I also found some .8 mm brass rods. Thanks for telling me the sizes, now all I have to do is match your forging skills and I'll be off and running. Looks like if I match the requirements I'll be building 5 harpoons for the boats, and 8-10 for the racks......going to get a lot of practice.
  15. Looks very nice Piet. I like the metalwork. I am going to the hobby store this afternoon to see what size brass and copper I can find. We are limited in our area, and I don't want to drive in to Houston on Black Friday. Hopefully I can find it, otherwise I guess it will be internet....thanks for providing the sizes for me.
  16. Looks like a success Augie. How did you remove the planking or get the glue to desolve without damage?
  17. Wow, finished and pictures to prove it......what can I say that hasn't been said. I love the pictures...Congratulations on a job well done....
  18. Wow, Piet, that is fantastic, and will work like a champ. I should have known you'd be tryng it out.....I'll try to duplicate......thank you.....we haven't eaten yet, so in a little while I'll probably be out of commission.....oink. Hope you and Gwen had a good one.....
  19. Thank you so much Piet, I knew I could depend on you especially with metal work. Details are really what it's all about. Your sub is really taking on a personality. I will assume the roll of pig tomorrow, actually I already am, cooks perogative....eat as you cook to make sure it's tastes right...we've been maiking stuffing and apple pie. Our best to you and Gwen.....aw...go ahead...join me in the pig trough. I'm rolling over and Diane is calling me pig. So I will also take this non topic for the opportunity to wish everyone a very Blessed Thanksgiving, and may we all reflect at this time just how much we have to be thankful for whether it is health;, wealth, bounty, and most especially this blessed life that we all enjoy.....may God Bless all of you and your families in this joyous celebration of thanks to our creator....take care and enjoy...........all of my friends........John & my Admiral, Diane......
  20. Thanks Augie, Isn't it interesting how many different types of skills are required to build a model ship. I don't guess I ever thought about it before. Maybe we are a "jack of all trades"?
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