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About oldmate

  • Birthday 01/04/1947

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    SW Florida

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  1. I have this kit on the shelf. I am a bit fearful of the scale because of my "Old Fingers". Great job and it looks superb. Congrats Ric
  2. Sweet build. Shows off your talent and what can be achieved when coupling those talents with great plans quality materials. My hat's off to you OH! Wait I lost my hat in a storm!😑 Ric
  3. The last thing I would say is the it is "worthless and gutless" I have had mine for years and it has plenty of power. It suer is not a Byrnes saw but if it could be fine tuned a bit more I would be happier. You do not mention the species or thickness of the wood you are cutting. Remember these Dermel saws are not only "old", but many have been miss used and poorly stored. Clean it up, align everything and by all means get a new blade. It just might be the original blade. Good luck Ric
  4. Leo, I started my cutty by Sergal a couple of years ago and have set it aside. It is an enormous ship and so much fun to build. I am 75 (soon to be 76) and I wonder if I have the years left to finish it. I have much of the deck furniture finished and I suppose I should get back to it. like you I am not sure about the brass pieces. Happy building Ric
  5. Welcome to the forum. I am of the belief to leave them fo the reasons mentioned by allanyed above Ric
  6. Yes I have put this kit on the shelf for far too long. Guess I should think about it again.
  7. I just have to ask, Why make your own rope when there are so many sources available out there. Just seems to me that the time spent could be better spent on the model But that's just me I suppose Ric
  8. Proxxon all the way! You are not limited in length as it is a through the heaad stock by using collets. Love mine for any small turnings. Ric
  9. Great work John. Beautifully done. I am still working on my Cheerful and very behind on my log. I stay home all of the time except Dr's appointments and yet I contracted the Covid crap. After getting from the hospital. I have not felt like doing anything. Just no energy. They say it will pass but could fool me.When it does, I will get back her. In any case nice work Ric
  10. Yes, so far it look great. I too have found some errors as far Sergal kits are concerned and what is represented as proper for the period of the ship, That dose not mean that the carronades can not be replaced, I have this kit as well waiting for it's turn. I plan to make time to research it ship before I start the build. Great start I I hope to follow you progress if yo don't mind Ric
  11. I am working on it as I type this. Last weekend I purchased 11 Kits brand new in the boxes mostly from Mantau Victory, constitution, rattlesnake,Constitution cross section,President, Bluenose II to name a few. Bought them for a song. I don't know if I will live long enough to build them or any of the others I have started. But either way I am back at it. And yes, I have had several challenges with the Cheerful but it's coming along. Ric
  12. Sweet, I've been delayed for some time now on my cheerful build. However, seeing this post inspires me to get back at it. Thanks
  13. I have not posted for awhile but I have been working on my Cheerful. I have been ill again as iI have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and the treatments have been …. well i should say , not great. But when i have better days I continue to work on the ship. Rather than take the time to post I have decided to just build. I will try to post my progress thus far. You know, now that I approach the small parts I realize how stressful it becomes to build them properly spending hours to assemble the deck furniture, cannon parts, mast, bow sprit and all the associated parts and pieces. Difficult but not impossible. It just takes time. here are some pictures of what I have been working on.
  14. Great build. I have the kit finished to the point of installing the frames. I only hope to complete it as well as you have. It's waiting me to finish Chuck's Cheerful. Hope to use your build log to guide me somewhat. My congrats to you
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