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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. Thank you Michael and Popeye for your compliments they mean a lot coming from such experienced builders. Well the hull is done finally. I guess I still have to drill holes in the chain plates but I'll do that when I start the rigging. For now I've go the masts up and the gaff and boom on for the spanker. Just need a few spars and it's off to the rigging yard.
  2. The ironic thing is I don't even drink. I just googled alcohol and moose and picked the first thing I saw.
  3. Come on Augie join the dark side! You could put an aircraft carrier with mini airplanes in moose head beer bottle. (That's how you do it Andy)
  4. Only the week? Congrats Commodore Augie! The detail of your ships match the prestige of your rank.
  5. Coming along nicely. Did you say this was your first wood ship? If so I'm not sure whether to believe it. She looks great.
  6. Well done Augie tweezer hands. She's a real beauty. Good luck on your well deserved fishing trip.
  7. All this fine work and making your own rope. Your a jack of all trades it seems.
  8. That drill is cool. Let us know how it works out.
  9. We both know I've already lost it. I don't suffer from insanity I enjoy every minute of it.
  10. Sorry to hear abouttheboutof bad luck. I'vehad a bit aswell as youmight tell my spacebar is goingout. Atthe very least it will give you funny stories later. Ship looks greatthough. Good to seetherigging goingup.
  11. Thanks guys your comments are much appreciated. I admit those darn capstan bars about put me over the edge. Got the starboard deck stanchions in. Just have to do the Port side and the cat heads and anchors and the hull is done.
  12. Well done Augie. Those rigging spiders don't have a whole lot more to do.
  13. Oh yea shooting from the hip is not as easy as the movies make it. Tried it out at a range once and missed the target completely. Almost shot down the target hanger. Needless to say the range was not to happy. Shooting in a surprised state like that doesn't help either. Your reflexes move faster then your brain and the shots are all fired before you even aim. I can see how he missed the moose.
  14. I've heard trains are good moose lures as well. They seems to take them head on.
  15. That is the worst feeling in the world watching your ship turn in the air knowing that only doom awaits. Good think she turned out ok. I've dropped my ships a couple dozen times but at my scale they typically don't take much if any damage. I have on occasion though lost a well placed poorly glued anchor or cannon to Davy Jones Carpet.
  16. Jersey that's a good question. Could be the general stigma from all the save the whales campaigns I remember growing up. Could also be that she's not a war ship or a pretty ship with lots of sails. That is something to think about. Great work Tex she's looking great! The planking looks awesome.
  17. Hey look a band wagon. HAppy Birthday Sjors!!!!
  18. Very nice Sven. The details are very intricate and precise. Must say the wheel looks great as well.
  19. Come on the dark sides not so bad....we have cookies.... Sjors your build is turning out well. Took me a while to catch up with all the side tracks. If your build log had a sound track it would probably be Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne.
  20. Good idea on the desk top Popeye. I did the same thing on my work computer. Stared at the Bounty rigging for a month between financial statements. Totally helped though. I'm sure you'll get the rigging down nicely.
  21. Sven - Great work! The port holes are perfect. As far as the ships wheel you could try some watch gears. I picked up a bunch from a jewelry shop for just a few dollars. This link has a good example of one. http://folkartinbottles.com/workshop/building-the-hms-bounty/220-alvey-greg-hms-bounty-building-log
  22. Popeye must admit I haven't heard of bully sticks. I had an idea but sis a google search anyway. Good thing there only made for dogs but I don't see giving my dog one any time....ever. Oh yea there's a build log here. Can't wait to see the pictures Augie.
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