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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Has anyone ever bought directly from Euromodel before and had stuff shipped to the US?  If so, was the shipping reasonable and reasonably quick?


     I would like to buy a set of plans from them (Ajax), but I was wondering at other people’s experiences with them.  


    I always do research before buying from a new vendor.

  2. Thank you very much for the kind comments.


     I don’t know if I would say that building from card is more difficult than timber.  It’s  just different.


    It’s definitely been a learning experience.  It’s been a lot of fun too.


    Next time, I will likely reinforce the bulkheads, the keel and the deck with 1/16th inch basswood.  That’s to prevent the warping and the twisting that I had in the hull.


    Planking went really quickly.  It usually takes me a couple weeks to plank a hull.  I went from a frame to a painted and coppered hull over a four day weekend.


     I would probably plan out the gunports better and maybe use a precut piece instead of cutting through the hull again.  That caused me some grief.


    I need to figure out a better way to laminate large pieces together without warping.


    It’s definitely worth trying.  


    Ab Hoving made an excellent tutorial on this forum.  It’s what got me started on this model.



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