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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I think I’m going to try and get Admiral Claus to get me a Syren Rope Rocket and Serv O Matic for Christmas for this model.
  2. Thank you all very much! I have been having a lot of fun with this model! The poop deck is on: Once everything dries completely, I will add some trim, trim some areas that need trimmed for the rest of the hull sides, fix some areas that were over zealously trimmed, paint the interior portions of the hull sides, seal those areas and install the hull sides. Then on to installing wales, second planking, and the hull decorations that 16th century ships were so well known for.
  3. The bulkheads are finished and installed: It’ll be time to close up the rest of the hull very soon. Then to add the second planking, the wales, and the rest of the decorations. And then to paint to match the rest of the ship.
  4. The bulkheads are touched up, the backs are painted and are ready for sealing and installation: The first bit of ropework is also done!
  5. It would be functionally no different than building from the plans for a kit. You would just have to adjust thicknesses.
  6. The doors are done: And installed: Now to paint the reverse side of the bulkheads, drybrush everything, seal everything, and install the bulkheads. Then I’ll be taking pictures of the entire ship again.
  7. Welcome!
  8. The doors are painted, working on banding/hinges: Next up will be door handles, then final painting and assembly of the bulkheads. Then installation and the rest of the bulwarks/second planking.
  9. This round of carvings is complete: It is now time to put up the extra pieces that I carved ahead and continue with the doors and the bulkheads.
  10. The tools I use most are a scalpel, with a #11 blade, a self-healing mat, a couple pairs of long tweezers, a pin vise (micro drill) w/ micro bits, needle nose pliers, diagonal cutters, a couple different scales, drafting triangles and sand paper. If you are kit building, you don’t need the triangles.
  11. @Loracs, The resources on this site are absolutely amazing! That group project got me started on carving. The carvings for this model are all very similar in technique to the ones from that project. I actually referenced back to it when I started carving these. Speaking of which, here is a little more progress: All door frames are made now. I made one Fleur de Lis. I have one more window frame to go and 5 Fleur de Lis’s to go.
  12. Thank you very much! I learned to carve from the Learn To Carve group project on this forum. For these, I photocopied the parts pieces from the plans onto cardstock. I glued those onto a 1/16” basswood sheet and carved that.
  13. I used “Antique Gold” by Delta Ceramcoat for mine. It worked well for me.
  14. Making progress: Elizabeth’s Monogram is done. Everything else is rough cut and ready for final carving.
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