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Kenneth Powell

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Everything posted by Kenneth Powell

  1. Fantastic work. It's been said here before but worth repeating - Reading through your log is like reading a 'Wooden Boat' issue. Oh Wait! This is a real boat and you're just telling us it's a model. Kenneth
  2. Thanks guys for looking in. Russ - The sanding tool worked quite well. It's actually a piece of the stand I was making that broke off so I trimmed it and glued a flat bottom. It has a good shape for the job. Scott - I used a very thin layer of wood glue to attach the sand paper. I hope it peels off the 'boot' without much trouble. The decking is very narrow. The plans call for a taper but my measurements must have been a little off. Next up is the main deck.
  3. I had no idea I hadn't posted anything for so long! Been busy with every other thing under the sun. I did accomplish some decking. I could take some time on some evenings and do a pair or 2 of deck planks treating each one like its own model. Isn't that our motto? Before trimming and sanding After trimming and sanding Say Hello to my little sanding tool
  4. Shawn - I purchased this same kit in an old dusty toy store in 1984 after college graduation and before career start. I remember lightly sanding waiting for the phone to ring. I had time to actually work on a model then; not like now. It was a fun kit and I still have all the instructions and other printed material. It's kind of a sideways bread-and-butter construction. The balsa did dent once and I filled it in with marine grade epoxy filler. I can't wait to see your new cut pieces. Kenneth
  5. What a resurrection! To stay in a box for 21 years and be in good shape shows she is still a lucky ship. I will be watching with interest. Kenneth
  6. Beware the fragile deck beams - They pop off like pop corn in the popper! I just glued mine back together and kept on going.
  7. Sport - Everything looks great. I also painted mine the gray the instructions called for, but after further review I went over it with red and liked it better -but it's a personal choice. I really like the decking. How did you get the great-looking, dark simulated caulking? Thanks - Kenneth
  8. Thanks Everyone for you your responses! Very helpful. I will try the pigment on EdT's log that j21896 listed. Will let you know how it turns out.
  9. Has anyone heard of or knows where I can get a wood glue that dries dark brown or black? I would like to use it to glue the deck planks and simulate caulking on my Rattlesnake. Thanks - Kenneth
  10. See, I told you I'd visit. Your build looks great. I especially like the detail of the boat with the oars and all the scratch-build items you are doing. Keep it up. Thanks - Kenneth
  11. Thanks everyone for stopping by. Martin - The work bench is actually a chunk of an old bowling alley. I went on business travel for a few days and my wife and her friend tore out my old bench and gave me a full garage make over. Really nice but I couldn't find anything for 2 weeks! Mog - The blue in the windows was easy; painted a sheet of paper, cut to fit and placed cellophane cut to fit over it and behind the cut-outs. I think I will stay with most of the precast items from the kit, but will not use the anchors as supplied. I am going to visit your log right now. Next up: guns and decking. Thanks - Kenneth
  12. Nice use of a miniature building jig. Thanks - Kenneth
  13. Okay, Now for Red Russ, I took your advice and I like it better than the gray. Sport, I hope these photos help. My camera is not the best. The metal and wooden transom together As close as I could get without getting blurry I also built a stand. I used a nice piece of cypress and finished with clear varnish. I plan to add felt strips once it completely dries.
  14. Thanks guys for looking in. Sport - If I remember correctly, the wood transom and metal carving were close in size. The metal is very soft and I bent it a little to match the wooden transom. Once I glued them together I only had to sand a little for a real good match. The metal used in the kit also sands as easily as the wood which makes gives an almost seamless result. We should have good sunlight tomorrow so I will work on those photos. Russ - I thought about red in the beginning and now may go to it. Kenneth
  15. And now for some Color: Now you guys can see what I've been up to lately (besides admiring all the builds on this site). I went into this project wanting to paint her. The models finished with stain and varnish look great, but this is what I wanted. I didn't use much filler on the hull because it is a wooden model of a wooden ship and I wanted the run of planks and end seams and other 'beauty marks' to show. I measured the water line at stem and stern from the plans and marked it with a neat marking tool my wife bought me from model expo. The trick was to keep my small level steady across the rails during the whole marking process. I painted on primer then a few coats of each color with very light sanding between coats. Then of course back and forth with the touch-ups. The gray interior may look a little different from other models, but the instructions called for it. Let me know what you think. I will take a few more photos of different views and post them very soon. Sport - I hope these photos of the cabin bulkhead are OK.
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