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Ab Hoving

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Everything posted by Ab Hoving

  1. Here is the original design, which was worked over by Rene Hendrickx in Delftship: On the basis of Rene's lines plan I made the front and aft frames: The rest is relatively simple: Good luck! Ab
  2. I made new plans, based on a statenjacht and with an interior that seemed useful for the ship. I stopped building because there were so many questions, too little answers and too much guess work, which is not good for my motivation. Here is the lines plan, I hope it works better for you than for me :-). The length of the ship was 70, the beam 19 and the depth in hold 8 Amsterdam feet (28,3 cm). You will have to do some math to put it all together, but that is only part of the joy. Ab
  3. I’m so sorry Meriadoc, I did not read your message well. Indeed the one on my ‘shipyard’ is a wadconvooier, you are right. For the answer, my reply here above will be sufficient, I hope.
  4. Hello Meriadoc, Thank you for your compliments. Actually the ship on the View of the Amsterdam Harbor with the Admiralty Store house in the background is not really a wadconvooier. It is a 'kaag', a very popular small inshore freighter, often used for transport of people. The type with its straight stempost is very recognizable on many maritime paintings of the era. I have draughts if you are interested, but it is not really the easiest way to start building in paper, because it's clinker built. Although I don't know your level of skills, I would advise you to build the hooker in the tutorial first. You will have to find your way in what sorts of card are available and which ones are the best for your purposes. I have made two efforts to try my luck on the wadconvooier, but neither of them entirely satisfies me. It is indeed an obscure type, maybe not even a type, but only a function. I spotted two variants, one seems to be based on the design of a statenjacht, the other is mostly fluit-like, both with an extra mizzen mast and triangular sail. As you can see I have draughts of both, but although most of the work on the models has been done, they could not completely convince me, so I 'abandoned ship' in both cases. Let me know your choice, perhaps I can help you. Best, Ab
  5. Hello Sailor1234567890, Am I correct if I suppose that you want a tutorial about the way you copy the shape of your model from an existing plan? Ab
  6. Perhaps I have a tip for you Jan. Cleaning a model mostly means dusting the rigging (and vacuuming after that). For cleaning the rigging I always use an ostrich feather. These feathers a a bit fatty and the dust sticks to the feather surprisingly easily. For the rest of the deck I use paint brushes in various sizes and in the end I remove the gathered dust with a 1/2 cm wide flexible tube, attached to a vacuum-cleaner. Just a hint.
  7. This sound so familiar to me. When I was still building custom made electric guitars the painting proces showed all kinds of horrible effects. Imagine a body sanded untill it shone like a mirror with after spraying all sorts of blisters coming uit. The most horrible effects with reactions between filler and paint, paint and paint and anything that can cause disasters. It almost drove me crazy, although I have to admit that once the effect of spraying cause a beautiful, but unplanned crackling, like on an antique painting. Making guitars was a piece of cake compared to spraying them. In the end I just painted the bodies. More work, polishing afterwards, but no blisters any more...
  8. Hello Jan, If you don't want to put the brails on your model, just don't do it. The few people who knows about them will forgive you. 🙂 The question was how were they rigged. There are two kinds of brails, the ones coming from the side of the sails and the ones coming from the bottom. The first kind passes a sheave on the front side of the yard ( a turtle block) and then through a block attached to the top, or to the noose of the stay down to deck. The second kind pass through the clamp on the yard, also through a block hanging from the top or from the stay. As to my models: I must confess that I cheat with these ropes. I led them to the yard and secure them there, to prevent a too lage number of ropes going down to the deck. And about my Swan: the ropes are there, you just have to look close. Because this is a very small ship the there is only one brail to the middel of the low end of the sail instead of the usual two. They are hardly visible, but they are there, I assure you.
  9. Looks good Jan! Shouldn't there be brails on the front side of the sails? Great job man,
  10. My condolances Doris, very sad news, but what a beautiful model you have made. You are an example for all of us. Ab
  11. That's the spirit Henry X. It may seem as if I know it alle, but basically I only have a very small expertise... Ab
  12. Hello Henry, Thank you for the compliment. The fact that I try as good as I can to document what I do, is because long ago I chose the Dutch 17th century as my specialism. I know the literature on the subject and the pictorial material left, as well as archaeological finds. The plate you show here depicts a ship from way before that age. Maybe 16th, maybe even 15th, but certainly an era of which no written sources are left, that reveal enough information for us to build a model after. I know nothing about these early ships. Everything beyond 1600 is based on guesses and interpretations. That's where the dark ages start for me. Some people on this forum (very admired by me) show us their interpretations of gathered material to make reconstructions of dromons, galleys, carracks, gallions and whatever names these vessels have. Highly interesting, but also often highly speculative. If you want to make a model after this nice, but not extremely realistic plate, you will have to start with diving into the material there is. Soon enough you will find out that there is next to nothing you can work with. My advise: find a more recent ship type. More and more publications are becoming available about an almost infinite line of ships, both specific ships with a name, and data on ship types in general. I'm sure that will bring you more satisfaction than spending a long time of your life on a model that is based on a series of unproven ideas and assumptions. I wish you good luck with your choice for your next model and if you really find things we, here on this forum, can learn from, I will be first to read it. By the way, not because I want to use this as a way of advertising one of my books, but I think Cor Emke made drawings of a very early buss in '17th Century Dutch Merchant Vessels (Seawatch Books). Perhaps that is an option (although in my opinion this is one of what I call the 'too early models'. Ab
  13. Hello Olha, Thank you for the presentation of my Tasman book. I hope many readers will like it. Are you by any chance related to Kroum Batchvarov? Cheers, Ab
  14. Emiel supplied me with the long expected Photoshop painting of the man-of-war I showed here this summer. It is a view on the Amsterdam harbor with the Admiralties magazine (today the Scheepvaartmuseum) in the near distance.It is the end of the day and a calm allows various vessels to dry their sails, while some yachts still find enough wind to view the anchored ships. There is a lot to see and it does not even show my entire fleet! Hope you like it just as much as I do.
  15. In February is showed the model of a tartan, which I picked for its simple fluent lines to test Seahorses method of paper building without using filler. My son made the design for a book sleeve with an older model of a small fluit under attack bij a North-African corsair. I thought you might like to see it:
  16. The bowsprit might originally be used to serve for the bowlines (I suppose).
  17. Very nice thread. I like the research, knowing how hard it is to get trustworthy information. Making changes to a model under construction is only proof for a serious attitude towards historical reality.
  18. I like this project very much. Great research, nice building, amazing result. Congratulations.
  19. Maybe I can shed some light on this. The book 'The ships of Abel Tasman' contains two draughts, one of the yacht Heemskerck and the other of the fluit Zeehaen. The book deals with the process of designing these two reconstructions and tells the story of Abel Tasman's travels in 1642. Published by Verloren. https://verloren.nl/boeken/2086/253/168/maritiem-en-waterstaat/the-ships-of-abel-tasman The book '17th century Dutch Merchant ships' contains the draughts of many characteristic vessels of the Dutch merchant fleet, amongst which several fluits. One of them is the Zeehaen. Published by SeaWatchBooks: https://www.seawatchbooks.com/ItemDisplay.php?sku=114003 I hope this helps. Good luck, Ab
  20. Easy. Look here, page 4:
  21. If you are looking for material for sails this address may be the solution for your you: Whaleys (Bradford) located at Harris Court, Great Horton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 4EQ in England. E-mailaddress: info@whaleysltd.co.uk. For my purposes the best material to work with appeared to be 'voile cotton', but also 'Navara Fine Lawn White' works splendidly for my 1/77 scale. For the bigger scales there is also 'Poplin cotton shirting neroli white'. Prices are here. The material can very well be treated with starch and dried as wanted with a hair-dryer: Good luck, Ab
  22. A former colleague at the Rijksmuseum, Susan Meyer, suggested i should use 'voile cotton' for sails and she gave me a piece, which I used for this ship, with the result shown here-fore. She also mentioned the name of an English company which was most helpful in finding the right material after a sample of the wanted textile was sent to them. It is a remarkable company, called Whaleys (Bradford) located at Harris Court, Great Horton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 4EQ in England. I sent them a sample of the very fine cotton I used until my stock (which existed of a sort of textile, I removed from old maps, soaked in water) was gone and I had to find a replacement. Today I received an answer with several samples of cloth that were very close. Indeed, like my colleague suggested 'voile cotton' was one of them, but there was another, called 'Navara fine lawn white', which seems even slightly better. It is slightly less transparent and very closely woven. It costs 22,74 pound per meter (1.55 m wide) and if more than 2 meters are purchased the price is 18,95 pound. 'Voile cotton cream' is slightly cheaper but comes with a width of 1.40 m. I supposed some of you just wanted to know.
  23. More enthusiasm than I anticipated, thank you very much. It's just pottery, little more. Wefalck: the scale is 1/77 and the sails were simply sprayed with a spray can of starch your mother probably used while ironing the sheets. Her hairdryer did the rest (together with some pushing and pulling of course). 'Hans' We can discuss some ins and outs for the kits you sell, if you like. GrandpaPhil: Your own efforts with paper are not too bad either... Druxey: I'm flattered being told that by you. You are not particularly from the easy approach like I demonstrate here. Petr: Thanks, but in your country there are so many better builders, you included. Marcus: I missed your recent updates about planking the fluit. Problems?
  24. Just a note that I finished the man-of-war. These are the results: Not very spectacular from the side view. The quarter views are OK though. And the sails look like sails. I'm a happy man. Ab
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