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Everything posted by VTHokiEE

  1. Thanks - very glad to be making some saw dust again! That's a good idea, I'll take a look. The hinges that are drawn (and I've seen on other builds) are usually T Hinges. I actually did stumble across a sheet of 1/35 photo etch hinges for dioramas by a company called Mathos Models that I may buy and see if they'll work (but then my nemesis "blackening" rears it's head 😂). I'm finding some other things (from railroad modelers as well) that could work if I don't end up fabricating them myself.
  2. After a considerable time away from the shipyards I found some motivation recently and have been plugging away at the ship's well and have almost completed it. I didn't take photographs of the progress, but I built up each of the 4 sides and then glued the sides together as square as I could. What I'm currently struggling with is how to make the hinges. I don't think my metalwork is at a point when I can fabricate them so I'm currently leaning towards using black card and pondering how to give the pin some depth. I have a little bit of time to ponder it though because I realized I build the lower deck beams incorrectly (confused width and depth) and need to remake them (about halfway done with them so I better get on the hinge decision before I start scouring the web for PE sheets that could solve the issue for me).
  3. Been a little, or a lot, out of the loop but wow you are really creating a wonderful work of art here - love it! Really great job!
  4. Can you show a picture? My advice might not be accurate (I’m definitely an amateur here at best regarding milling/etc), but I have added a scrap piece behind/next to parts which has reduced tear out in some situations.
  5. Hi there, sorry to hear about your issues I'll try to take a look into it and see if we can figure out what is happening. I will send you a direct message for more details.
  6. I picked up the NRG usb drive. The menu system didn’t work with my standard pdf viewer but worked with Adobe Reader. When I opened the menu pdf through Adobe Reader and clicked the issues I had to allow it permissions to open the associated files. Hope that helps!
  7. Doh! I knew I was missing something - @tlevine thank you so much. Once I hit the planking between decks and the upper deck framing I thought that I had gone too far. Really appreciate it (and really need to re-read everything through).
  8. Thank you @tlevine, @Chuck, @glbarlow, and @druxey - much appreciated. Have a quick question; I'm looking at the lower deck framing and I think I'm overlooking something. I'm currently making the lower deck beams, which are dimensioned, but I am having trouble finding the dimensions for the rest of the section (lodging knees, carlings, and ledges) and the only profile of the hanging knees is on page 12 (which doesn't have a scale but I think I can find a way to scale it given the other other components in the image have known dimensions). I've browsed through TFFM and the remainder of the fitting out directions but where can I find/determine the dimensions of these parts and how deep the notches are for then to sit in on the deck beams? Thanks for any insight!
  9. The limber boards.. these little guys took me for a ride (the whole weekend in fact). I'm not certain how many cedar trees were lost in the making of these seemingly small parts but a memorial has been erected in my back yard (and honestly they could be made better, just maybe not by me right now...). I tried to use a small plane (multiple times) and I simply could not get there so I changed paths and broke out the micro mill. I learned an awful lot more about machining setup these past two days - ha. When I finally had what seemed like an acceptable board I realized that I had shaped it to fit my not planked side and of course they didn't fit well when I switched them. Finally today I emerged from my work bench with a set of limber boards that I think will work. The limber boards are simply fitted here as the instructions warn you not to install them yet. Next up the main mast step, which (if I am reading the instructions correctly) apparently is completely hidden - sounds like a good opportunity for more practice to prepare for more visible parts.
  10. I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I recall coming across this posting of yours regarding the library, is it the one you are looking for:
  11. Sorry @42rocker I mailed it out tomorrow. There are more than a handful of Floridians, sadly its such a big state it seems that many people are spread apart though.
  12. Congratulations Rusty! I have loved following your build - such a gorgeous ship.
  13. Spoken for. I picked up a Brig Niagra kit on here for the price of shipping several years ago and I don’t envision getting around to it. I’d like to extend the same offer I took advantage of to someone else. Of course if you have an Ancre monograph that you aren’t using, or the Speedwell books from Seawatch I’d gladly pay shipping (within the US) in trade 😁.
  14. Thanks @druxey, I ended up not trying other woods and sticking with the bamboo - I started getting slightly better at drawing it...slightly. I can't fully understand why some of the treenails seem larger than others. I assume it had something to do with my drilling/trimming/sanding technique as I got more consistent the further along I went. It may remain a mystery though. Appreciate the comments @glbarlow, have some Castello in my shop but still looking for the right tool (or should I say right priced tool) to cut it down 😄. Small update - I finished the treenails on the section so far which means that I can't put off the deck clamps much longer. I am trying to decide if I should start adding any finish coats yet or not though. I still need to glue a few things down so I suppose I'll put that off a little longer.
  15. I agree, I like having all these little details as well (the more the merrier 🙂). If a builder doesn’t want to add them they can always leave them off. Very neat project!
  16. Ha, certainly not - as long as it looks close enough from a reasonable viewing distance I'm good. That's a good point about becoming too small for the machine at a certain size.
  17. They do like quite nice; I'm curious would that material allow you (or someone) to make smaller deadeyes and blocks? I was thinking about your mini speedwell or similar scaled ships and it is a selfish ask as I'm starting to give a lot of consideration to these scales. I don't think I have room to display larger scale models - well maybe one more :-).
  18. As always I'm very impressed with your work and precision. You're creating a very beautiful ship!
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