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Everything posted by VTHokiEE

  1. Thanks @druxey, I also remembered that I will need to add the frame sections over the sills but I think that makes sense to do after I get some fairing done.
  2. Big milestone - all the frames are raised - Hooray! I'm currently trying to decide if I should add the scupper "boxes" (for lack of a better term) now or later. I would only add them on the un-planked side as I believe they will be completely invisible on the planked side - is that correct? I'm a little (or maybe a fair amount) nervous about fairing. Mainly: Accidentally rounding the first and last frame (I'm also wishing that I was a lot more precise about my spacers. I left them a bit longer than I should have and don't see a great way to cut them down so I suppose that will be some added sanding there). Fragility - I need to remove the section from the building board which at least doubles my risk of clumsy hands. Any tips before I dive in? (aside from the reminder to go slow 😁)
  3. Quite an exciting event! Possibly the last time for a while that you'll have a clean workspace as well 😉 - Have fun!
  4. I agree with @GrandpaPhil the drawings (to me) look like a cross section staring straight down the keel and then a cross section if I started perpendicular to the keel (if that makes sense).
  5. Wow great work modeling and milling that piece! Did you use any tutorials to learn how to do that in blender?
  6. Don’t sell yourself too short; this kit may well be quite challenging but if you keep trying to improve your skills you’ll consistently be attempting stuff outside of your comfort zone and growing from it. I’ll get off my soapbox but as someone somewhat over their head on a project (first scratch build) sometimes you dive in and figure it out as you go (but can’t hurt to have a side project like you asked to relieve some stress when it gets hard :-).
  7. Ha, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I think the two ideas that jump out to me are anything in the Vanguard line-up (historically accurate and quality materials - some upgradable to boxwood) or if you want to try something different (maybe more from a construction viewpoint) Syren's Cheerful. Whatever you choose - I'm looking forward to (and especially your split Granado).
  8. From the majority of CAF model build logs that I have followed, I think this would be a long and intensive build (typically commentary on the instructions seem like they are a weak point). Given that you have it, why not decide to work it slowly in the background? As issues arise reach out to the manufacturer and ask in your log - I imagine it won't be easy but I think you'd eventually see the other side (but it may take years). Or maybe build the CAF cross section of the Granado if you would like something related but different? As for something else - what type of wow factor are you going for? The Sphinx looks like a great build.
  9. Very interesting build - some day I hope to build a ship or two from this era as well. I've been keeping a half eye out for this kit as well, unfortunately I doubt I'll find it (and be able to purchase it). Maybe if enough of us band together we can convince the designer to make a different variation 😁.
  10. I’m very excited to follow your build. Ever since I saw James’s review I thought these kits would be and interesting way to do a POF but the website has been “sold out” any time I ever checked. How did you manage to find a kit? Good luck with the build!
  11. Looking good so far! This is typically my pace as well for planking 😁
  12. I have to agree with @No Idea I think your build looks really nice. I’m glad you revived it and good luck finishing up.
  13. Thanks @No Idea and @Old Collingwood @druxey I’m glad to hear that because they have been a little hair raising so far. The upper sill which doesn’t have lower frames to guide from seems like it will be trickier still 😬. Of course that makes it all the more satisfying when it’s done.
  14. Chugging along slowly raising frames and currently working on the port sills. This was (and is) a slow process and I'm only 1/4 on the way through (as a plus I learned how to use this machinist parallel clamp that I picked up awhile ago and never figured out). I've been marking out the locations for the scores, creating a straight score (with saw or knife), and then filing out the score. I shaped the plank using my disc sander but the sides aren't perfect so I may consider using a different method (maybe my mill, but I don't have a precise way to set the angle yet so maybe not) for the top sills. A note for my future self: When I was building the frames I left more meat on the later frames compared to the earlier frames and I somewhat wish I had done that for the earlier frames. Whatever my next scratch project involves I plan to leave a more meat on all the frames - live and learn (or do and learn maybe?).
  15. What do you mean by your mobile will not upload at all, or can you elaborate on your issues with XBox/PS4/Mobile? It may help debug the issue; I can upload photos from my phone so I'm a little concerned that purchasing a tablet won't fix whatever issue you're encountering on your mobile (as they are similar devices). I also upload from laptop/pc (and I would assume either would work fine for you as well).
  16. Thanks @druxey , I’m learning a lot on this build (the last frames I built were much better than the first ones). Marking out is certainly critical - I’ve tried a “finer” pencil frequently sharpened but I plan to switch to a mechanical pencil (or lead holder as I’m finding them sometimes called). Thanks for everyone’s advice, likes and comments - they are helping me get through it (and help me improve as I go).
  17. After raising frame 1 fore it was time to add the sweep port sills. The instructions reference either doing this prior to raising the frames (which requires a lot of precision in building and raising the frames) or doing it once the frames were raised (which probably is a little trickier to get a clean score and a level port). Considering my current set of skills I chose the later. I'm adding spacers as I go to provider support and allow for clamping (It was trickier to find space to clamp the second frame after the first was up). The I had to consider how to transfer some marks to the frames to indicate where to file away. I ended up clamping a wood batten perpendicular to the square that would reach into the space between the frames and allow me to (hopefully) accurately mark out heights for the sills. I'm not certain that I needed the bottom line for the sill, but decided to at least do the first set with it. I carefully, and very slowly, used a triangle file to notch in the angled score. I also found that I don't have anywhere near the appropriate light levels in my garage for this work, but since it wasn't too messy I felt safe bringing the building board inside to work (and I was the only one at home 🤫). I found the top angled score much easier to accomplish and then tweak for alignment compared to the lower birdsmouth score, but in the end I think it all worked out. I used a disc sander for the edges on the sills and quickly discovered that I'd like to upgrade that to a Byrnes sander - or I need some angle gauges and some better jigs to evenly run the edges of strips through. Wow, I can't believe that little sill took me the entire morning. Now on to the other side and see if I can do a better job on the scores.
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