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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. You are a lucky man Lou 😎 I'm willing to bet there is an off road Ferrari in the pipeline as Porsche and Jaguar have SUV's Craig, the chrome looks loads better with the molotow ink, proper shiny metalwork 🙂
  2. Ditto to the above. It looks a great base for the colour finish!
  3. Hmmm I sacrificed the the bits in the hinges, worked out about 2 inches or so all told, still got 33/34 usable wood. For a total layout of £2.80/approximately $4.00 I didn't bother that much 😁
  4. At the danger of sounding like a dinosaur, online shopping is, in my opinion, part of the problem, but on the other hand is also something of a saviour as well. I suppose it is progress, and it isn't just model shops, in our town it's been most small independent stores😟
  5. Thanks Tim. After taking mine apart, I did sand the numbers off one section, but with the rest I'll wait till I cut it into strips as it's less strenuous sanding smaller thinner pieces.
  6. The boxwood ruler turned up and was dismantled. After cutting a section into various size strips, I had a go at making 1 block. This one block took over 30 minutes to make. I'm quite happy with how it turned out😉 It's about 4 or 5 mm size so I started mass production?? but have been commandeered on kitchen duty so will carry on with these later. This being the first time I've worked with boxwood I've got to say I love it, I can see what the attraction is now. Thanks once again for the likes and continued interest in my humble workings😊 Cheers Edit: I take my hat of to all those people who make their own blocks and especially Chuck for making millions of them 😲😳
  7. Two of those we had were like that, more of a club than a shop, and the owner/staff were knowledgeable and had time to chew the fat, now it's in, pay and out, quite impersonal 😔
  8. 😃😃I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for that 😁
  9. Yes, we had 3 railway model shops in the local town, zero now, have to go into the cities😔
  10. Oh that is sad😥 But what a wonderful, amazing and awe inspiring adventure you've taken us on! Thank you for letting us share the vision 😁
  11. Sounds like you're cracking on at a fair pace with this one now OC! And bugger it I've missed the curry again!! 😄😉
  12. Looks good, I'm also looking forward to seeing the top works begin. I don't envy you your weather, not that keen on the white stuff🥶😬 Glad to hear you be getting the jab soon, I am still waiting to hear when I get mine, although the Admiral has already had hers, along with my two daughters who work for the NHS. Stay safe and stay warm😉
  13. Blimey Denis, what with this, Clothilde and your PT boat you've been busy! As others have said, good to see you back on the wood, both these are looking nice. You may have said earlier, but are you giving these sails?😉
  14. from south of the border😁
  15. Not done much on the Cutter, I have tried making my own rigging hooks, At the moment I'm a bit haphazard and irregular in their shape and form, but I'll persevere. Probably need to solder the eye piece to stop them pulling apart. Thanks for looking in and the likes 😉 Cheers
  16. Again absolutely amazing!! It looks as though the tavern might be open for a flaggon or two😁🍺🍺 I think an MSW coach trip needs to be considered
  17. Great work on the bashed turret, I would not know it wasn't designed specifically for the Challenger if you hadn't said😉
  18. The rattle of iron shod cart wheels and the ring of the hammer on the anvil, it's coming to life now animals are in residence 🙂
  19. Very nice, cool lights! The base is the finishing touch.
  20. Undead cyborgs, someone at Games Workshop has a great imagination. Is there a danger to the village from them?🙃
  21. After the Vindicator is through dealing with the bugs I doubt there would much of the village left.🥴
  22. Them space Marines have got some serious hardware!!😄
  23. I totally missed this one Tim, abject apologies, it's a lovely little schooner 🙂
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