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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. and welcome to MSW
  2. Is the oil stone a mini version of a normal one? It's the perfect size for those tools, by the looks of it! Sounds like a plan for a cottage business 😄😉
  3. Doesn't matter how slow you build when you're producing something that nice, Eamonn. She looks beautiful!
  4. As Ken said, family first, and don't worry 'bout us, we will still be here for you👍
  5. I second this, perhaps just short sessions along side an amour build or maybe another piece of towed artillery or support vehicle. You can do it brother!
  6. Well the sun has been out and the weather dry so I've been out on the backyard with Winnie for the last couple of evenings, taking the bulk of the inner bulwarks off, just a bit of fine tuning with the sanding sticks and its back to planking. this is as she is now You may have noticed that the Wales have not been double planked yet, I've done this as I still have some sanding to do and would definitely catch the wales, so once I have it sanded and smooth I will fit the wales and get some paint on them. Thanks for the likes and your patience 🙂 Cheers
  7. Great photos Jack, you've got some rigging work ahead of you, judging by photo #3
  8. Thanks Phil, and everyone who has looked in. Hopefully with the weather getting dryer and warmer here in the UK I'll be able to get Winnie outside and get stuck in to fairing the inner bulwarks so I can carry on planking! I'm looking forward to getting to work on her again.
  9. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery Chris, the wing looks great btw
  10. Thanks Jack, the only thing is it does not bend all that well 🙁 Thank you Phil, I have to admit your Hannah build is inspiration to me!
  11. This happened to me and @Backergave me the solution, resize your photos and upload again. It worked for me🙃 Winnie looks great though, even capsized🙃
  12. Hello all, not been able to do much, work, life and everything else that stops me getting in here has happened. Anyway I sent off for some pen blanks to use for deadeyes and they turned up, so got the fet saw out Cut a couple into quarters to round off into dowels. These are English boxwood £2 apiece with delivery from Wood-shed.co.uk, next is to get them rounded and the holes drilled. While I had the saw out I cut up a small sample of some wood from a shrub I pruned 2 years ago, it's been drying out in the spare room since then. The shrub is Mahonia and according to the net is suitable for small items of wood work. I wanted to see wether I could make some reasonable planks with it as it is a very nice yellow. The strips I've cut are about 6inches long and 1.5mm thick. Well that's all for now as real life has come knocking again. Thanks for all the likes and please come again😀 Cheers
  13. Yes me too. My aunt had her cataracts sorted and could not believe the difference 😉
  14. Welcome to the group, and happy modelling. Just take your time and above all enjoy 🙂
  15. and welcome to MSW
  16. I can equate to this Mark! I strive to get the planks tight but find more gaps every time I look 🙄. I'll echo the other comments though, the pear does look really good!
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