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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. One of the reasons I went German😂 easier camo painting. Don't know what I'm going to do 'when' I get to the IJN aircraft 🤫
  2. Perhaps a tad darker but without the flash it looks fine, the white caps will change the look too. Could you use a translucent darker blue as a second coat?
  3. I'll have to get some brown paint, it's now on my paints to buy list😉 Thanks for the input, much appreciated
  4. The scenics and farm buildings will look great! A suggestion for the road is fine coat ready mixed filler with a touch of sand added, that way you can add wheel ruts before it sets. My twopence worth. Hope your brother gets well, and also gets some help when he gets home.
  5. Very nice Glenn, looks like your proxxon mill was worth the outlay, so that's another thing on my wishlist 🙄😂
  6. Cold has put a stop to my work so I've done a tiny bit, tried a khaki and OD mix, much better imo colour looks better without the lighting on it. Also painted the running gears tyres after dusting the wheels with khaki. Thanks for the likes and popping in. Cheers 😉👍
  7. Superb piece of artillery, the detail you've added is simply stunning. Excellent work!
  8. Thanks Ken Yes the green is supposed to be khaki, I'm going to redo with a khaki/olive mix. Thank you brother, the new toy is pretty nifty, I'm going have fun practicing, makes a good reason for increasing the collection 😁
  9. Thanks Jack, hmm I see what you mean, it is more yellow in real life, honest, I think it may be my lighting in the room. The green definitely needs more definition, I may use a bit of olive drab in it. Thank you both. I like it as it is quicker to cover an area and with practice I can only get better (I hope). I think it will be extra useful when I get round to the Corsair.
  10. Well managed a hour or so on painting, although half of that was cleaning the airbrush. I am quite pleased with the very first attempt on an actual model, even if I say so myself ☺ I used tamiya desert sand and a first pass of the camo pattern in khaki. I personally think the green needs to be darker. More soon, thanks for looking in and the likes🙂 PS fees good to be back at the bench after the last two weeks. Cheers
  11. Great job Kevin, I'm loving the camo paintwork! these Pacific campaign aircraft both Japanese and US just look so good.
  12. Sorry to hear that, at least the company are sending you a replacement 😉 Hopefully you get this one, else the KGL will be wanting to start a war if you can't keep them busy😋
  13. I take my hat off to you EG for modelling a seascape, I always struggled doing water when making wargame terrain😉
  14. Thank you Patrick🙂 After a very hectic Christmas holiday with our UK restrictions, I've not been able to get on with any of my ongoing projects 😕 But I am hoping to get back to this as now I have been given an airbrush for my bday and I've decided to use this tank to practice on. That said I have already had a go on some scrap ply and a styrene sheet I had picked up long ago, but i still expect thing to go awry.😏 Also I will be sharing my time with Winnie, so thanks for hanging in here. Oh I know it's a bit late but..... Happy New Year to all, let's hope for it going a bit smoother
  15. Never fear, the Admiral and I settled for a chicken tikka pizza and cheesy garlic bread and a large tot for warmth against the light dusting we english midlanders call snow😂 Happy new year to and your family.
  16. I'm watching with childish glee for this one Denis, a working tank!!🤩😁
  17. Sad news about your buddy. Model looking great! Hard to like the post though.
  18. I've had this happen with several parcel delivery firms, (Amazon, Yodel, and Hermes) our PO are reasonably good mainly because the postman has bee doing the round for 10+ years. One parcel delivery firm even wanted to charge me for the rescheduled delivery 🤯 Your floaty thing is coming along nicely and I'm enjoying the detailed history lesson as well 😉👍
  19. I know the feeling 😐, they were just getting over Christmas and saving themselves for new year eve, so my birthday used to be quiet, but doesn't bother me now😏
  20. We'll rig the block 'n' tackle up EG and get it up here. Bad luck on the nose cone Jack, I have full confidence that you'll get it sorted though 😏
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