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Everything posted by cog

  1. Won't heating the tips soften them up, or make them brittle. The use of just acetone will definitely not ... Cheers
  2. Brian, It doesn't matter how you've got your model. It is merely the direction you plank in, whether from top to bottom or vice versa, it is always the side which will be against the already fitted plank. Read my previous post So the way you describe it, the top Cheers
  3. Hmmm, did you see the part move the glass, or did you see the glass partly move ... Must be the bling bling distracting your eye ... Yesterday, and today some more fiddly bits on the turrets. I won't add the barrels, because I want to paint the turrets and barrels separately. That'll have to wait until it is somewhat warmer. The garage is to cold and humid for airbrushing at present. Tomorrow I'll add some new pictures Cheers
  4. Getting crowded from downunder ... You really stick to each other like glue Grab a seat Patrick
  5. Could you have crammed more on it ... I do see a little spot of plankin' though ... an empty barrel ... some old nets, pieces of rope ... you've another idea ... can't wait ...
  6. Brian, The side which is put against the fitted plank is the side you bevel/shape/taper. You want it to have a seamless fit. You do not know how the next plank will come against it, so it wouldn't be logical to fiddle on that side. Cheers
  7. You behaved very chivalrous, I don't know what I would have done if all my little bling blings (PE) would have vanished in thin air ... It is the easy way out to get them by order now though ... not even considering to make them a new ... you know: Practice makes perfect ... You could use some practice in preperation of your trireme, the other bireme, for you did make all those oars .... Cheers
  8. Where did you get that fat finger/thumb is that a blow up rubber finger??? Gawd that's tiny ... can imagine you'll be needing time to first find all the parts, and then fit them into one tripple gun ... great work, Greg
  9. Thanks for the pledge tip Mr Bunny. You've got one hell of a beautiful superstructure on your hands!!!
  10. Greg, Look for juweler's tweezers, or the Japanese http://kaneshin.shop.multilingualcart.com/index.php?lang_id=en&genre_id=9&keyword=&sch_goods_tag=&act=&sortkey=&offset=10&tsuka_conv=jpy found the link in another log
  11. That kit part is a mere piece of plastic with some protrusions, those brass one's ... look a lot like the real deal. Well done with your fat fingers!
  12. Sam, It took you long enough to find the log ... been testing the serum Good to have you aboard!! It seems you've lost some weight if you can squeeeeeeeeeeeeeze into that little corner!
  13. Thanks Greg, I appreciate it. Do you have those roof tiles on your turrets? They are not in my Pontos set. I do have the old tool kit though. I won't have the guns on top of the turrets, as the Musashi was sunk before they fitted them. 1945 fitted on Yamato ... Maybe a reason to buy the new tool in the future and build Yamato as she was just before she went down ... Cheers
  14. Ah quite .. the easy way out You should try it on a test piece. Then you will be sure about it Cheers
  15. Hello Jack, Nice to see you swing a the back, must be relaxing That amber liquid is a solvent they told me in the store ... haven't found out what it solves yet, but the taste is alright Maybe it works on this kit's parts to remove greasy finger stains I make ... Cheers
  16. Glad to see you back at the bench, Nigel. For the treenails ... try toothpicks. A bit more effort, worth the try ... Cheers
  17. Lovely work on those 20mm guns, Greg. Although, the wood grain is a tad corse for them . Very nimble fingers. You could change your nickname to that: Mr Nimble Fingers ... I think I will stick to one at the time when I get to them.
  18. Hello Denis, Slurping ...? Then you could take the high barstool in the second row. You can still see something
  19. Mark, There is still a spot for you. The reserved arm chair Couldn't build without your support my friend Cheers
  20. Nigel, Still on time ... this is one of those fiddley parts build ... moving ever so slow. A snail could pass me by Cheers
  21. Hello Pat, I'm afraid you'll need to hold your breath when you want a front row seat. Maybe Keith and Greg will move over a bit ... Aussi row is growing Cheers
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