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Everything posted by cog

  1. You are nearly finished !!!!!!! Can't even entertain you until you get new sandpaper ... bummer Looking good, Mike. I nearly feel guilty when I look at my progress ... nearly
  2. The new AOTS (Anatomy of the Ship) takes another month before it is printed (shipping as from 9th March next) In the mean time I have been studying the old version of the AOTS, specifically the funnel C14/6 is a view at the funnel in C14/2 at the x'ses. The red lines are the different parts of the baffles in the funnel. I'll be having a ball ... Now that I look at the drawings of the funnel, it should be more "substantial" rather than slim ...
  3. I shouldn't bang your head to much. Rea might get ideas I'm afraid you will be banging till the end of time, Nenad, but paper might not do the job for you. Have you thought about styrene? You can shape it easily, sand it down to the thickness you require, it comes in all sorts of shapes, and sheets ... Evergreen is a quite well know brand for it ... just a thought, to save you from getting a permanent headache ...(amongst other things, like a mortal wound, concussion, etc)
  4. Greg, Thank you, that explains a lot. I'll be making those baffles myself, as those are not included in the old tool. The new tool has the entire Funnel, and the platform look heavier. Interesting change. Musashi is, but for the additional armament in 1945's refit, equal to Yamato. Although I red somewhere Musashi would be slightly longer ... maybe they wrote about the funnel
  5. I got the Pontos for the Musashi (also stated on the box), which is still old tool, so that's odd. If you compare the funnel from the old tool to the one from the new, is the new shorter and wider?
  6. Although the quality of the Pontos set is very high, I have to say that Fly Hawk has quite a few bits and pieces more. When I look at the funnel's platform, Pontos has just the search lights, whilst Fly Hawk has an additional floor plate, and shutters for the range finders. I do have to admit that the quality is not as good as Pontos' on e.g. the AA guns. The flat PE is slightly thinner if I'm correct. Furthermore, the Pontos parts do not always fit the kit's parts which is really annoying!
  7. I could, if I knew what they looked like. So far I've found zilch on it, but for a mere mentioning in several texts. I have some brass sheet, and I might be able to make some from the remainder of the sheets from Fly Hawk, even black paper could be an option. I, however, would want to be certain about the way those are mounted, before I undertake the endeavour. I guess 3 lengthwise and 2 dividers, but guessing is the easy part ...
  8. Some slight progress. I'm waiting on 2000 - 3000 grit sandpaper before I can finish the funnel. The brass is all from the Fly Hawk detail set. Pontos didn't have the rangefinder neither the flooring for this particular item. That's all for now, cheers
  9. Thanks for all the likes! Sam, You are right. Easy does it, as Sinatra sang. I'll keep my mouth shut though, the plastic might warp! Mr Bunny, Your goodness could have been kinder considering the nr of parts for the tripple barrel AA gun
  10. I ordered directly from their site. It is both in French and English. The language will not pose any problem. They do not deliver through retailers, just from their site. So not much choice in booksellers
  11. The way I look at it, Chris, you should do what and while you can reach it easily. At a later stadium you often need to put far more energy, and creativity in the job at hand, to get it done, whilst it would be a jiffy when tackled at the right moment. That and the probable unnecessary damage you may cause ... You can start on the canon, though, just don't mount it if you're not finished with some other jobs on the inside of the hull. I am very much looking forward to your updates. A wonderful build! Cheers
  12. Pat, Thanks for your vote of confidence! What's an AA gun but a few pieces of brass, untill you lay your hands on one ... hands might be a rather crushing word for the size I'm working at ... The funny thing is, it's not the eyes which wear out (especially not with a visor), but the nimble finger tips which start to shiver and shake. It doesn't help much, the vibes, getting everything onto it's pre-defined pinpoint spot. I can do a few hours at the time, and that's not a lot of guns. Mind you, I've just finished the single (25) and double (2 whole pieces!!!) variants. The tripple will be done at some future date. That one will be worse, i.e. bending brass-wise, and has some nice fragile parts to break:
  13. Australia goes digital ? Gawd I hate reading such information (AOTS) from screen. As a programmer I should be used to it, but I still can't. I read thrice as fast from paper, and won't get headaches. I can't say a paper free environment is to my liking. Luckily we build these in plastic. Would they dare to get us to build 3D digital ...
  14. Didn't know you could get in that bodily state ... How about amazon.com.au, isn't that faster and/or cheaper? I wonder if it would be. When you look at the number of times both ships have been in harbour for refits, I wonder what they would have done against the weathering. The Japanese are quite meticulous about maintenance ... I for one wouldn't be surprised if they weren't as weathered as we expect them to be ...
  15. I know ... the new tool (which I have not got) Rub it in mate ... Befoe I forget to ask: isI the upper hull plating less high than the lower. That was something I saw in a topic on model warships
  16. Mr Bunny, That's a poor excuse, just follow the trail ........ Greg, You might as well start on the new kit. Painting conditions alter from day to day anyway, so it will be different each day you pick up an airbrush. The hull, can't say I've seen anything decisive that she'd been rivited, neither to the contrary. I can't say one would see the rivets well at this scale, or as you wrote, they would probably so much ut of scale, it would not add to the detail of the kit. I do have seen an example of hul plating which was done with layers of primer, and scraping some of them down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVULb3sOd2w and this one http://www.modelwarships.com/features/how-to/HullPlating/index.htm I found interestin. Considering your searches, you might have seen both of them thoug Cheers
  17. Alan, Good to see you back at your build, even if it is slow and with minor updates. Will the injections help to cure the problem, or is just a temporary solution?
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