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Everything posted by cog

  1. The prop issue ... Depends on if you want the ship pre- or post-mine incident ... If the ship hasn't been in dry dock, I wonder if they could have gotten the prop off, even in harbour ...
  2. I had to dive into that sanding sealer business, didn't know it. I know the method of moistening the object and resand (multiple times). This, however, is far faster, thanks for sharing.
  3. P.s. For future reference: Do not use it on multiplex (glued) woods. They won't stand it. You'll end up with loose layers
  4. If you need to pieces of wood, planks, you can put them in hot water for a few minutes and bend them, careful, into shape
  5. I'm pondering on entering an Igor instruction class. You've got so much to teach ... brilliant
  6. The prop's remark from Bob, that was what I was wondering about when I saw your splendidly made propellors in the pictures. Well done Patrick. Couldn't do it any better meself, not to say I couldn't do it at that scale Cheers
  7. You're really finished ...? No ini mini miny tiny surprise left ... Oh well, we'll just have to live with that magnificent build you made. One thing I know ... you will have a very hard time to improve on your next build Cheers mate
  8. Yes, Nenad, George would have kept you on the straight and narrow ...
  9. I have an old Corel kit, but the wood is ... not impressive to put it mildly. The instructions are not good. Italian/English, at least it looks as if the Italian has been literally translated into English, and they must have had what to do in mind, but forgot some essentials whuile translating. I have to admit that the kit is 16 years old, maybe they didn't mind so much then ... and am I fussing. My problem is translating bad English into understandable Dutch. Your observations confirm my thoughts ... Cheers Carl
  10. From my limited perspective, you've a few chooices: Go with the flow, i.e. let the wood decide for you, do a bit of spiling/cutting, and you might end up with something you may or may not like Get additional wood - wide enough - so you can cut the planks to shape. I don't know how that will turn out financially, but you'll end up with a model which hull confoms to the planking standards. The subsequent choices: Do you want to make it conform planking techniques, and if so, are you willing to pay for it ... Cheers
  11. I would go for the heavier mast when I see these images ... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-p2JHmAVCllI/T8N-bxHwYyI/AAAAAAAABBg/jOjCVx31Lnk/s1600/Cutty+Sark.jpg http://www.visitgreenwich.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/VG005.jpg P.s. have you tried it with all three masts mounted (same size of course)?
  12. You mean you polished the floor, whilst looking for the elusive pimpernel, I mean telescope. I like the way your youngest puts her finger on the sore spot, very observant
  13. Glad you are back, Igor, and up to your increadible standard too. Great details. It seems you improve yourself with every build you make ...
  14. Microsoft never was able to draw a straight line You should use a calculator to get the circumference, not a word processor, Nenad What kind of LEDs did you put into those tubes?
  15. That's an interesting object, Jim. Should be fun to build, and get it working!!
  16. Go for it Nenad. I'll be watching out for your experiment's result. P.s. if those masts are painted white, it will make a difference in looks too
  17. Nenad, I know it was "just" a visual test, and there is the distortion from the lens too. However, a round form looks differently compared to a square form. It often looks slimmer than the square, oddly enough. You should try it, put along side eachother a cylinder and a rectangular block, the cylinder having the same radius as a rectangular block's width. When you turn the block ever so slightly it already looks different.
  18. square masts give a wrong impression ..., that's what I see ...
  19. Patience is something you will have to learn when ordering through the internet ... some stuff take months ... it looks very good though, so it must have worked Cathead, I never did either, but I prefer a grouse ... famous bird in Scotland ...
  20. Looks good, even if you didn't get that thread on. The thickness of the sleds looks good too. Not to thin. You took the right choice, Jesse. Wel done! Cheers
  21. Thank you gents, I never had the need to be up one of those, and wouldn't look forward to it either
  22. The question surfaces: What to do when in active combat with an enemy battleship/cruiser and torpedoboats running in on the ship ... I wonder if they would decide either the big guns or the smaller ... Honestly, I can't imagine the concussion would kill you, but I'm not savvy on the subject
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