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Everything posted by cog

  1. If you go for Tamiya's Yamato, watch out for the differences in PE there are some which look like the new, but are for the old tool, and vice versa. Also a rather large price difference in the PE versions. I saw one for the old tool at AUS$ 300+ whilst the new one was around AUS$160 (both Pontos) Furthermore, the Pontos PE has far more parts than some others I've seen.
  2. Your rigging, standing and running, is really confusing ... so many. I would be lost if I had to set her up properly
  3. Doesn't look very comfortable, just looking at it gives me pain in my but, you could have scratch build a bit more comfort Very nicely doen Robin!!
  4. I remembered Wintergreen making a steambox http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/9951-sea-of-galilee-boat-by-wintergreen-sort-of/page-2#entry303750, couple of planks and a steam source ... might be a bit of an overkill for the size of the wood you are bending
  5. thank you, it puts the ship and the size of the details in perspective
  6. Sam, I've got the Musashi (go rin no sho would mean something to you ... considering the shingen on the wall, or is it a true blade ...) waiting for me to start. Some home improvement first though. I'll be looking forward to see your Akagi take form ...
  7. So when will that be (the wedding). Don't worry about the time ticking away ... we'll be waiting ...
  8. Nenad, I wouldn't mind how they looked, i.e. the heads, I just want to be able to use them ... when the pressure is mounting ... I like that pump on the side, don't have it at home ...
  9. You've got a giant match stick too, like Igor. Considering the size of your flutist, it really nocks me socks off, wonderful work, Steven
  10. Yeah, right Bob. You are really full of yourself ... keep on bragging then my friend (more pictures), for it does you credit
  11. Cabrapente, A qué escala se construye, esos detalles se ven maravillosa (at what scale do you build, those details look marvelous)
  12. What on earth do you mean, it sounds like double Dutch (which I should be able to decipher) as a DD (Daft Dutchman)
  13. You took this build with a running start ... good to have you back. I knew you couldn't resist us ... so what's up next ???
  14. If really desperate ... make a sinking model diorama. Not the nicest way to finish it, but you only need parts of the super structure, chimey, etc (I know ... I'll get back to my corner) (whilst retreating ...) The advantage of wood is you can cut the sore spot out and replace it ... I'm not familiar enough with plastic if that is at all possible ...
  15. You had some spare time on your hands right??? At least it looks that way. Fortunately you can now switch between builds when on is drying, or when you are waiting for some building materials. She looks good ... you are like a small whirl wind ...
  16. Nice work. I like the colour scheme of the planking, it shows clearly the way they run from aft to fore. Have a nice vacation and enjoy your visit to the Constitution
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