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Everything posted by cog

  1. Mark, Have been looking at some French sites a.o. the musee nationale maritime for your stealersd and drop planks, or spiling, but alas ... couldn't find a thing so far ...
  2. Grant, You certainly do not know your limitations yourself ... at least, it seems that way ... for what you say doesn't comply with what you show ... Great work!!
  3. It may be tiny what you show us, but it is, comparatively, a rather big update ...
  4. Patrick, Nice glossy finish, and yes, I agree with your remark that it's a bit sombre ... On the other hand, it's a nice contrast colour if you keep the interior bright ...
  5. Igor, It looks like she is sailing away on a sea of ink ... beautiful. P.s. I'm interested in those images of the stopper too ...
  6. You didn't do Bad at all Mama, es[ecially for a first time and without clear instructions!!!
  7. Mark, Smart to wait with sanding till your hull is planked. Laughin' would only show my ignorance, and so far I refrain from critique, as for now it would only show my incompetence ... To me it looks very promising ,,,
  8. Nice result Patrick. You really feel at ease wworking at this scale ...
  9. bit sloppy that right one ... I know we used to have matches of 40 cm long, to use to light the oven or the wood stove ... you are using those right ... Very, very, very B E A U tiful work Igor
  10. Nice work Jim, did you 'turn' the yard on a makeshift lathe you were working on? Like the footropes, something to remember ...
  11. JesseLee, I've been there to. Better to have it done now. I had to rip off the decks too. The problem with wood ... it sometimes got a life of it's own ... so don't overly tickle it Nice solution though, and ... very daring!!!
  12. I'm glad you are working on a somewhat larger scale than your last bottled ship ...
  13. Nice start ... stern blocks ... same way as those in the bow ... at least, that's the usual way
  14. Nearly missed the boat!!! You are moving fast again, Patrick ... Didn't know you were on the move again ... So far: Very, very promissing!!!
  15. A long drum rrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll. Great mate! Yououou did-it. Marvelous, spectacular. I love the overall shots. You rewrote Billings' history ..
  16. JesseLee, Stain from your pencil depends on the hardness of the graphite to. Here it runs from H, HB, B , B1, ..., to B6, where H is hardest and B6 is very soft. The softest gives the darkest stain though. When you rub - even gently - you spread the graphite and make it lighter, so if you pick it up, touching it it already spreads, you'll probably ended up with some light grey-ish fingers. Nice progress.
  17. Mick, Maybe ... you should keep in mind the possible future extensions you may wish on the lathe you'll buy ...
  18. Grant, Good to see you back at it. A very nice job, as well on the beams as on the planking. Like that 'fuzzy' caulking look
  19. Nice Cristiano. I would say: As long as those cannon balls don't freely role over the deck it's alright
  20. JesseLee, Good to see you on the move. Take your time. Good save on that bulkhead. And about Murphy ... we all ran into his law at some point ... You just deal with it the best way you can
  21. You couldn't keep me away ... not with a thousand horses ... It's entertaining, it's educational, it's creative, it's challenging, or as Mark Taylor would say: 'It has a learning curve' ... and I would add: on every level you can imagine ...
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