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Everything posted by cog

  1. Looks great Cristiano. About the flags ... missed the version info Ah well we can't all be perfect ...
  2. Don't you worry Bob, the magic is still there ... you just need to release it ... you'll manage .. I know!!!
  3. Mobbsie, Like the jump ... shows a very crisp upper deck beam overview ... looks sharp and new!!! Couldn't do it m'self ...
  4. Patrick, Just looking at your models make me feel good. Could use a bit o' that today! Thanks mate
  5. Looks challenging ... I'll enjoy this with your prowess ... no need for a chair .. I'll watch over your shoulder
  6. Jason, Good to see you at it. Nice work, even if it's little to show for, it's progress. I see you broke out fresh anchor cables
  7. Nice work Cristiano. Looks ready for rigging to me! Clever move on the shot holders, when you make to many they will be a hazzard for walking anyway Missed versions 1.0 through 3.0 ...
  8. Dan, Sorry to hear about the damage ... glad it was quickly repaired... maybe be prepared and have a ball of wool ready ...
  9. Dick, Nice detail, didn't know about those knights ... another learning moment
  10. Sam, I keep quiet for I prefere not to be in the corner ... did you do a lot of nitromethane sniffing ... Popeye, love the lesson in plastic kit building ...
  11. Patrick, Very nice paint job ... as for colour ... that's a matter of personal taste ... luckily paint is a practical medium ... sand and spray...
  12. Michael, Seeing those pictures, it just registers how small the engine truly is ... hope preparations are going according to plan, best wishes for this hectic time for Judy too, hope it's not to tiring for her
  13. I didn't, but my Brazilian Portuguese is bad ... and reading it ... nah, not an option s jet, my Japanese doesn't carry much weight either
  14. JesseLee, Looks good mate you're a bit early baptising your build though ...
  15. Nice work Bob. If you ever get in the slumps again - which I do not hope - it will certainly be something different what will get you out ... never the same thing twice ...
  16. Cristiano, I presume those books are in Italian ... I can manage in English, French, German, and Dutch so that will pose a problem
  17. Thanks Cristiano, haven't seen that before ... on the other hand what have I seen at all of rigging ...
  18. Cristiano, Good choice, gives your model something extra ... a bit of diversity ... looks very nice ... What's that rear most deadeye for, the unused one ... ?
  19. So we learn ... plastic needs more versatility, and knowledge than expected. Nice work Popeye!!!
  20. Mister magic ... Right, the grey .. I would choose a lighter shade between yours and white ... besides the parts which oxidise turn white-ish ... Couldn't you use a sharp knife instead of the scissors? Any one of your methods should work fine, by what you showed us. Overall you've managed to get some nice work done!!
  21. Brake fluid ... Ah well, another tip to store ... So you've been at it for three days already laddy ...
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