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Retired guy

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Everything posted by Retired guy

  1. Hi Robin looking at the screw it does look a little heavy, just looked on the drawing I have on the 68 lb Carronade on the Victory by Arthur Bugler, it says it is 2" elevating screw and the breeching ring was 4 1/4" dia, so for the screw in 1/64 scale it would be 1/32" dia and ring will be just over 1/16" dia but I am not sure what size of gun yours are. Regards Richard
  2. As per other items made from white metal I did not use the white metal Dreadnaught (Canada name) head galley stack which was provided, made from 3/32" tubing and then machined the mount as per drawing provided, this will be painted sliver. Next I made the two Dory Kids again from boxwood, have to still make the gripe rings and the chocks, chocks will be made to fit the Dory hull once I build them. Looking at pictures and drawing provided again I noticed the hoisting engine cover box looks like to me (could be wrong) it is sitting 90 deg to the stanchions and also sits on a mount which shows in black so that the hoisting engine would sit horizontal not on an angle shown on drawing provided, pictures are a help with my build if not allowed please delete. So have discarded what I have built and remade using boxwood, made planks so that they would be approx 4" 1 to 1 size, made corners round as per pictures also now have made it with the pull out, in the process of making the cover with workable hinges. The mount I have made so it slants too the the couture of the deck. Making the new engine cover I thought why not make the engine, so this I have made out of plastic and still is a work in progress, started by making the flywheels ( did make them wrong, made them with eight spooks instead of six opps will not make again) also found a picture on the web of a 1920 2 cycle, not sure who made it if it is even right but it looks ok to me, would anyone happen to know what engine would they have used for the Bluenose?? Then took the size off the drawing and made the body Added the water tank and exhaust will paint it green Thanks very much to all for your likes and for those who leave a comment until next time. Regards Richard
  3. Hi Bob just wondering if the airports were like the ones on Bluenose 11, I bought a book "Bluenose on board a legend by Devyn Kaizer photography by Peter Zwicker" and it has one picture of airports in the Captains cabin, picture is to help with build if not allowed please delete. And yes the boom buffer was a major improvement and thanks again for looking in. Thanks for looking in Justin, do hope with what I show will help anyone with/how to make small parts to enhance there model. You are correct Keith, it was tricky and the cast parts were completely wrong, found this picture on the web if not allowed please delete Just have the U-bolts and ring to make. Regards Richard
  4. Hi Jim use your pin vice and put the drill in so that you do not have to much sticking out this way it won’t wobble to much, but before you drill you need the Center dot using a small punch were you want to drill the hole so that drill will not wander Just drilled .016” hole through 1/32” with just doing as per above Regards Richard
  5. Don"t envy you on doing those Tom but do like the outcome 👍 Regards Richard
  6. Wow very nice work Eamonn would not have thought of using heat shrink, rope work looks brilliant too 👍 Regards Richard
  7. The second one does looks way better Robin, and love the deck planking as well 👍 Regards Richard
  8. You say "Thank you Gary, modesty compels me to point out that the mill did all the hard work." but we still have to steer it ☺️ Love the safety bars Keith they just look spot on 👍 Regards Richard
  9. Very nice Schooner like the way you used 3D printing of jig brilliant. You said “why would I want to build another Bluenose” l would love to build one as you are doing. Regards Richard
  10. Coming along brilliantly Henrik 👍 and you stay safe as well 😷 Regards Richard
  11. Do like the walnut as well Robin it contrast the pear wood brilliantly. Can you get a darker tung oil🤔 but then again your second picture showing the stain grating looks really nice 👍 Lovely build you have going and what ever you decide will turn out fantastic. Regards Richard
  12. 2nd what Mark above has said just brilliantly done wow 👍 Regards Richard
  13. Very nice work Keith, looking at the real boat did they ever have some nice carpentry wow must have cost a small fortune 👍 Regards Richard
  14. Thanks very much Eamonn did add a bit of Ebony wood for the rubber parts Thanks Jim would like to see what you come up with for the buffers 👍 Thanks again for your comments Dave Thanks Jeff will keep posting Hi Robin, nope did not machine the nuts I buy them from scale hardware which is now been bought my Model Motorcars Ltd and also RB Motion, didn't know that there was no glass in the Main Cabin portholes and stern Skylight come to think of it it would have been quite the smell down there. Thanks everyone for your kind comments and thanks for all the likes. Regards Richard
  15. Last post I left off saying I should change the coaming on the skylight, well I removed and built out of Boxwood now with making it the same as the companionway coaming the size changed so now made the skylight again but this time made it with planks same as compaionway, planks were .031" x .0625" made the plank match the stanchions, also made the skylight top a little more curved, then once it was made I machined the portholes, will add clear plastic for the window after I paint it. Not glued them in place yet, will paint them before they go in I liked how the portholes came out to made two for the main cabin, did not like the wood ones I made earlier Started to look at the Boom Buffer and I noticed it was not in good shape so cleaned it up the best I could but then decided to make one myself, so copied what was given but then I looked at the drawing and thought 🤔 Make one as per drawing provided (drawing is 3/8" = 1'-0") so here is how it turned out Do have one of the white metal for sheet buffer installed, but looking at it it will be hard to see so I think it can stay there. Thanks again for all who look in and comment and also thanks for the likes,until next time Regards Richard
  16. Hope that wasn't a good Rum you put your rope into 🤔 😄 coming along Eric you will have some wind in your sails very soon. Regards Richard
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