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Retired guy

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Everything posted by Retired guy

  1. Made the square bearings as per Model Shipway drawings and then Casey Blacked all gears, bearings and shaft. Then started to work on the wood whelps and that is when I found I had made the shaft wrong, while I was looking at the pictures I thought there was a step and when I glued the first ones I could see there was no room for the shaped whelps so re-machined a new shaft. Started to make the riding Bitt, cheek and knees adding in the square hole for bearing, this I machined in the mill and all wood was Boxwood Added the deck pads which I did not have the first time and filed chamfer to both Bitts and then glued knees to Bitts After that I started back on the wood whelps for rope hawser, made as per LB Jenson book but the shaped whelps I went as the picture, made all wedges so total of 20 pieces made from Boxwood to make up rope hawser. Installed gears to see how it looked at this stage and also to start making the double pawl, here is a picture of old and upgraded Pawl bracket machined .134" x .210" base part was .012" thick and sides with holes was .010" thick, pawls were .076" wide and had a taper on each one Added four .013" holes in base so that I could add four bolts Looking not to bad Next up was to work on the Chain Hawser started by making pie shape pieces to go around shaft and then machined the wooden sheave which go on the outside (I think it is called a sheave) Last ting was to add the iron whelps, looking at the pictures I think there was four and that is what I have done, but looking at Model Shipway drawing I can see eight so does anyone know how many? I can easily add the other four. I am really glad I upgraded and enjoyed making all these parts. Until next time Regards Richard
  2. Hi Jim, I sent an email to you last week just wondering if you got it Regards Richard
  3. Looking good Wally 👍, could you not use tracing paper for the nibbing from the drawing and then mark to wood, (this is how I did mine on the Bluenose) then you just need to mark and cut your ends once you get there. Regards Richard
  4. Hi Robin, forgot to say have not painted the sides just yet its on my to do list 😄 Regards Richard
  5. Thanks for looking in and your kind comment, and welcome to my ongoing build Moab Regards Richard
  6. Quite the complicated curves you have going on there 😲 but they do look brilliantly done 👍 Regards Richard
  7. Its all in the details Keith very nicely done and I know what you mean by getting diverted Regards Richard
  8. All looking exceptional Robin and hope you are staying healthy 👍 Regards Richard
  9. Thank you all very much for such nice comments trying to get her to look right, but there are so many difference's between drawings and pictures so trying to make a 1921 version is going to be tough, as you can see in picture of Pawl teeth band it has more teeth than the drawing from L.B Jenson, and looking at the Model Shipway drawing it has the shaft way bigger than 17" then looking at the picture of the wood whelps the shaped part looks longer than Model Shipway and L.B Jenson drawings, so I think a lot of parts either broke or wore out and replaced as the years went by. Again thank you all for looking in on my ongoing blog also thanks for the likes do appreciate it. Regards Richard
  10. Made the hinges for the engine box, glue in place and they work well. Did find out what engine they used, found it was a Acadian Co Bulldog 10 HP, gasoline fuel, make &break, magneto start it was in the L.B Jenson box (if this is not allowed please delete) and found a picture of it on the web looks like it was red/orange. Now that the gears are made for the boom crutch, I looked at the windlass I had built using the white metal parts and wooden parts that I added as per the drawings and thought this should be upgraded Drawing part of Model Shipways Then looked at LB Jenson sketches and he had some specifications and sketches (these are to help with my build if not allowed please delete) And on the bottom of this page it says Bluenose were fitted out as per drawing Then looked back at the pictures which were taken just before she was sold 1946 we have three deference's (these are to help with my build if not allowed please delete) So I have gone with a bit here and there so started by machining a piece of boxwood to 17" dia real size 1/64 scale was .265" put a bevel on each end (which later found I did wrong) then drilled a .046" hole and put a shaft through. Next up was to make the two ratchet bands size .485" dia x .046 wide then cut 36 teeth Then made the windlass gear size was .656" x .056" wide and then cut 48 teeth this worked out to 7.5 deg gears fitted good, put it back in lathe using a piece of wood so that I could put it square to bore inside dia Machined the spider band which bolts to the windlass gear, then glued it to a piece of boxwood .265" so that I could machine the spider legs, same time drilled .013" holes in each leg Marked some blue on the gear and filed little stick outs for the connection for spider band, next up was to bend the spider legs to fit the gear rim, then made a jig so that it was nice and steady while I drilled the two together. Up next was the Pawl teeth band this I made as per L.B Jenson sketch which was for 13 teeth on an angle so machined size as per sketch size was .354" dia x .076" wide Put it in the mill and offset the cutter and bit by bit got the teeth to look the way I wanted Made two washers .014" thick to go either side of Pawl teeth Again did enjoy making these gears it was fun figuring how to make them. To be continued Regards Richard
  11. I have look around for a workaround and could not find one either so bike chain was my only choice, I really don't want to make one Thanks a lot Eamonn it is an elegant shaped boat. Regards Richard
  12. Hi Joe will be watching how yours come out have 6 to 8 to do do for mine, would rather do it in you scale opposed to my scale Regards Richard
  13. Those triangle pieces fit nice Wally and you are right about scratch building is very rewarding and a lot of fun, but as I said on another blog you are scratch building as soon as you have the frame work done, every bit of wood you touch, you have to do something with it that is scratch work 👍 Regards Richard
  14. Great updates Phil as always wheels are a tricky job eh 👍 Regards Richard
  15. Deck companion and pin rails look very nice Robin great job 👍 Regards Richard
  16. Lovely work on the rigging Eamonn getting very close to the finish line 👍 Regards Richard
  17. Boy missed a few updates Wally you have been busy looks like all the hard stuff is done, brilliant job 👍 Regards Richard
  18. Another brilliant piece of micro fabrication Keith, absolute joy to watch your progress 👍 Regards Richard
  19. Brilliant workmanship Eamonn and do like how your rigging is looking 👍 Regards Richard
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