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Everything posted by slagoon

  1. You can actually get Kindle for your computer....http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=sv_kstore_1?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771 I still prefer paper but I do like the ability to have access to the readings anywhere.
  2. Aww, thanks... Well the box, to be honest is an homage to the most recent movie...the one with Mel Gibson and Bligh did bring a box with him. I don't know if it was a carpenters box or what though....As far as a book - well I haven't read it yet, but I do have this downloaded to my kindle...if you don't have a kindle or smartphone you can still read it on your computer... here is a link http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0083ZQ16Q/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title . It is free. As far as the camera, well I just accidentally hit "Check out" at amazon on a new T4i....so you might be able to talk me into selling it this one (or my parent's old TSi that they replaced recently and gave me to sell) PM me if you are interested.
  3. Wayne, I am indeed going to use the brass wire for the chainplates. I have made my first four already (made a little jig for them) I am, however making them out of one piece of wire rather than two since the pieces are so small and once the nails are in you won't be able to tell anyway! Last night I put my coil of brass in a 1 part Blacken it and 20 parts water concoction and left it overnight. This morning it is all rusty looking (perfect in my opinion) so I rinsed, dried and made my 4 little chainplates. Only 18 to go. the other side of my jig is where I'll reeve the deadeyes together. I do actually have a question for you - while I've got your attention....you seem to know a TON about paint schedules. My husband is about to start working on a Robert E Lee...and he wants to know the original paint schedule...do you know where I can find it? I stink at research. Voldemort...sorry no photos today. I figure popeye made enough photo updates to satisfy you.
  4. funny - it doesn't look to be leaning. In all reality I am completely jealous of your new home. It is so beautiful and looks peaceful. I live 2 blocks from a fire-station...peaceful does not exist. I do look forward to seeing your upcoming progress on LSR.
  5. Time to change your avatar.... In all reality though, the ship looks great and the poetry had me nearly folded over laughing. The two together were fantastic. Thank you!
  6. Ok I first opened this post from the "view new content" area and didn't pay attention that it was the CAD area. I saw your model and though "gosh he just really went to town sanding so much you can't tell what it is made of. hahaha - no it is made of 1's and 0's Absolutely amazing work and very realistic.
  7. Gary, cool story - too bad Norstroms doesn't have that stuff anymore, I'd actually shop there if they did. Buck, thank much!
  8. That has got to be one of the most unique ships I've seen.....adding to wishlist...
  9. cool comparison. Hurry up and finish so I can be a good copycat hehehe lookin good though and thanks for your help.
  10. I keep wanting to say the apache, but it doesn't have that sharp bowsprit area.....fudgecicles
  11. Grant - I think the scale has a huge part to do with the challenge - there are times when it feels insane. I'm looking so closely at something and paying so much attention and I'm unhappy with how it looks, not realistic enough, or not crisp enough. Then I pull my face back another six inches and it all looks better now (until I take a photo and it is MACRO) haha. Thanks for the compliment Sjors...I just feel bad that the photos aren't really interesting but I do have a sense of accomplishment
  12. how about a live web cam when you are building
  13. Thank you for sharing these. You make it look so easy (even though it isn't) what clay do you use, and are you softening it with something occasionally... it looks like you put some sort of liquid on once in awhile.
  14. I see Sjors is getitng grumpy with no eye-candy to view hehe..... I'll have an update WITH PHOTOS at the end. Augie, I've been following DSimens' work since MS1.0 crazy awesome and tiny. Sorry, though, I don't have any anchovies. too salty Sam, nice to see you back and thanks! and no I don't ask for directions...that's what GPSs are for! As far as instructions...since I have no real ship experience, things like masts and rigging are magical creatures that are as understandable as unicorns and fat free hamburgers. ... If my kit were not labeled beginner I promise I'd be less whiny. Keith, yep, with things like macro tubes for my SLR or macro settings for my point and shoot it is indeed hard to tell scale without something recognizable. I don't know whose it was but on the old MSW I saw someone who was making a war ship and he had an anchor icon on all his photos...anyway he used a tic-tac for scale, and my goodness I look like a fat fingered 3 year old in comparison to his work....thanks for the compliment too I'm having fun and hopefully folks are learning from my mistakes as I have from theirs (and their successes) and that's what matters. OK SJORS here are your photos! I started working on putting bits of the bow together... here is the dolphin-striker and the jibboom.... Off to the left in that photo you can see the bees that I had to make (closer now) Here is a closeup of the dolphin striker - you may be able to see the hole approximately where the "M" is in topmast...if not - maybe this will help I also had to put two holes in the jibboom just before the shoulder for the stays Here are my two masts assembled and my boom and gaff... I put some eyebolts on my bowsprit And then made my homemade bitt for the bowsprit and that's all I had time for in the last two days in the hours before I had to go to work. Thanks for visiting
  15. guys...the other thing is that when we had the hard drive crash we lost all our info, so what you see here is what the members themselves have re-input or begun in the last month. I searched and there is nothing related to a "Cairo" so chances are what you remember is pre-crash. That info too is in the stickies Chuck mentioned.
  16. nice to see another gal around High five!! can't wait to see where you go with this.
  17. I haven't made one of those, but here is my dragonscale that I'm most proud of (I'm wearing a necklace and each of my bridesmaids have a bracelet I made)
  18. was that a pun from popeye about fretting? geesh - she really does look quite nice. Can't wait to see where you go with her...any thoughts to sails or no?
  19. Sjors is nothing if not good at coaxing photos out of people. Your progress looks good so far. Can't wait to see how it goes!
  20. wow I missed a couple interesting pages there. Sjors, nice cabin. And we want to see more pictures of the progress of your ship build. What part are you working on now?
  21. Anja, don't forget how great the tweezers are for nipping at the husband when he's being annoying
  22. Is it the rossiya?
  23. oh man....at first I thought you really were making a 6 pack (maybe of old fashioned milk bottles) and then they turned out to be buoys - what a let down Lovin the details. Don't forget the little cups that you put your feet into for the skiis.
  24. Absolutely beautiful, and the eagle is a great touch! What kind of decal setting concoction do you use?
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