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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Wunderbar Joachim ! I just came across your lovely buildand am very much impressed about your handcraft skills. Those sails are top notch, I`m wondering how you got the different colors in the reinforcement patched areas, A very nice model Nils
  2. thank you Pete, this weekend my wife and I are attending the necessary garden works, which I have been postponing for far too long...., also I have been running out of excuses, too hot, too windy, too wet, aching back, etc. Now, that the weather is just right, I have done the basic cut to all the hedges in different hights and thereby saved o lot of money that would have gone to a gardener crew instead..., We have a large number of big green sacks filled with hedge cut and other garden greencut standing under our carport, waiting to be transported to the garden waste yard, see if someone would lend me his trailor in the coming week... Nils
  3. Good morning Allan, Many thanks for looking in yes, I wanted to build a tallship, and was evaluating between "Gorch Fock" 3-mast bark, and "Pamir" 4-mast bark. In the end I built both, whereby my "Pamir" is representing the version in which she foundered, with only 6 young men surviving that tragic loss way back in 1957.... Greetings from Glinde, in Germany Nils
  4. Status : gasoil storage drum (handpump still to come), and anti fouling coating.... Directly attached over the engine or at its side there will be smaller fuel day-tank, not yet shown here... Nils 20 mm round dowel, 3 mm brass bandages, two stand supports, enblem printed on photo paper I chose red antifouling, dull silk appearence
  5. Very nice build Al, Super quality, it looks fabulous What about rigging and sails ? Nils
  6. Dirk, Thank you very much for posting this link, the pics are only for members though, I saw the fantastic model by a member, (Victory 78 ), of a different German forum, in the preparation phase, before I started mine, and at latest then, was amoung other reasons totally encouraged to build this boatstype myself.... Nils
  7. Hi Jason, I`m delighted to study your well built HMS Diana and enjoyed your progress to date, keep it going... also very nice pics... Nils
  8. Hi Denis, thank you so much for your appreciative words, I`m very pleased that you like it... The credit for the hatches ( for bilge access) goes to Wefalck , he gave the idea to do them at all, I did the how to do.... Nils
  9. Status : I started my luck in painting the white waterline stripe. I know its a tricky task on the clinkered Hull, whos done it before will know what I mean. If viewing from horizontal waterline level the stripe will be straight, if at an angle the white paint line on the strakes will be more or less a bit "zick zack" on the steps. Next will be to mask off the white line with Tamiya tape and get the underwater red or green coat (resembling the antiouling) Nils
  10. Wonderful work Eberhard ! so many busy people at the winterly pier, a beautiful 19th century atmosphere, well done project Nils
  11. Good morning Pete, the "drawings" I used are : (please ref to my post #208) from the book Herman Winkler on page 53 and the drawing from the web, beneath the forstanding drawing, (my post #208) lines and frame plan are taken from Hermann Winklers book, page 53, of course there are quite a lot of details to be done in typical scratch build mode, but if you wish you would have my build log for comparism, or whatever you feel is worth adopting from the web`s free information..... For example I wanted the fish containments, the engine, the berths, the swivible centerboard, the engine cover, a minimum of furniture in the cabin, the oven, the ballast stones, the bilge pump, 2 scaled crew figures, the faked hatch covers to the bilge area, the horizontal plank connectors, ...etc...., and whatever is still to come... For rigging and sails later on there is enough information on the web and in the books mentioned above. I do`nt know what plan Mathias is using, guess he mentioned it somewhere, it must be very detailed, and I also did`nt find the source, but it is not needed.... Nils
  12. many thanks Pete, Have one side done with the plugs, 3 planks left on the portrside. Trust I`ve never drilled so many holes before. First mark the positions, make a small centering point. drill 0,6 mm. enlarge to 1 mm, place the toothpicks and dip the pointed end in CA before, chisel off the overstanding pics, file and sand flush. I guess that all who did a good looking treenailing on the hulls and decks experienced the same exercise, for me it was new ..... Nils
  13. Status: still doing the the hull plank connectors, had to take her off the stand plate for doing the last 3 planks on each side, it works quite well... Nils
  14. Many thanks for Geert, and for all that clicked the "likes button"... Geert. yes, I`m also happy with the effect, trust it will look fine above the waterline. (varnished natural wood). At the waterline there will probably be a horizontal white stripe and below that either green or red "anti fouling" coating, I doubt if the plugs in that area will show through the paint, but we shall see later on. Nils
  15. Kortes, Wunderbar, congratulations, you`ve built a beautiful ship. She looks so realistic. This little jewel is so well done, rich in detail, very neatly performed and real candy for ones eye to see Nils
  16. Lovely work Hof, looking at the fuselage construction, the real plane must have looked somehow the same. One can imagine that unfreindly bullits went through it like through butter... Nils
  17. I am enjoying your build log Geert, it looks like a real boat beingset up in the workshop... Nils
  18. You`re right Pete, thats why I cut then all off...... Ì`m really pleased with the outcome of the wooden plugs, got all in nice row alignment. The lighter wood color of the picks is a good contrast to the pear planks Now all the others can be done in the same way.. Nils
  19. Status : transfering the waterline to the model, and beginning to put wooden (Bamboo toothpicks) into the horizontal, overlapping clinker planks. I did`nt do this before, so its a jump into the cold water. I did my best to get the 1 mm toothpick holes in alignment, starting with the upper stb. plank. Check of the outcome will follow tomorrow, when the toothpicks are trimmed off and the plank sanded over. Nils the little jig for marking the waterline thin bamboo toothpicks a trial with 1 mm holes in the planks (Chose this one) trial 1,5 mm holes ( found them too large) picks glued in lightly with CA
  20. Oh Pete! I do hope my input of the last post did not upset you too much.... Your "Bluenose" will for sure have more displacement capacity to carry a suitable ballast. I will be following your progress with great interest. I wanted to show you what I meant with the lines of the "America" I built, but did not complete. You`ll see why it reminded me of your "Bluenose". Some years ago my PC broke down, and all the personell files, and hundreds of pics, also modeling pics went lost with it. Fortunately I posted to a thread here at MSW to my rememberance, where I found my only still existing pics after searching... Have a nice weekend Nils Yacht America, hull closed and watertght, but not complete, deck and fitting out started.... The length of the hull was about 1380 mm, as long as the sideboard where its standing on 3 Kg extra internal lead-weight made the hull already reach the waterline There were two large hatch plates, under grating and skylight, flush with the deck in order to give access to all RC equipment and winshes etc
  21. Thank you very much for your kind words Pete, I see were walking down the same lane, your suggestions for fuel tank, brass filling cap, shiny straps etc, many thanks I`ll see what I can do about it. I was also thinking of placing a steelbarrel with Shell / Mobil Oil,. or so... enblem on it aft, next to the motor. My wife suggested there should be some blue/white checkered pillow cases for the berths of the cabin Nils
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