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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Good morning Pete, thanks for your compliment to the scetches. Most times whilst I do them there come ideas for further impovement.... A pitty your book got damaged, but trust it will still be of great help for you. I`ve just done the two masts for mine yesterday, shaved them frome sqare to octogonal and then rounded an tapered a bit. The 3/4 mizzen can be layed flat The harnesses for the deadeyes are done and blackened, and I still have some Morope for shrouds and laceings.. It would be better, if the deck is started now Nils mizzen layed down main mast from 8 mm square, mizzen from 6 mm square
  2. Good work B.E. I knew youre going to master it , great looking ! In the meantime ( my Zeesboot) I drilled 0,6 mm holes for the horizontal plank connections, widened them to 1 mm, and glued (carefully knocked in) the points of bamboo toothpicks into the holes with low viscos CA wetting. After trimming and flush sanding it now looks as if all thes connectors have been plugged off with wooden plugs Nils
  3. Hello Geert, congrats, I know its an exiting moment, when the shell is removed from the mold, now you certainly will be starting with the framework..... Nils
  4. Fastening points for mainmast deadeyes : two shrouds at both sides are spaned with laced diam. 7 mm deadeye tackles near to the deck. The fastening points are made from 3 x 0,6 mm brass flatt (chem. blackened) with a loop for the screw that goes through the looped endes of the deadeye harness..... Nils Handscetch (not scaled ! )
  5. Cute lttle boats Pete ! realy something for inbetween.... BTW, I see those arrows standing on your desk, are they for a crossbow ? Nils
  6. This is the outcome for for an utmost flexible and black rubber hose (received today), trust this will do much better than the PVC one.. Nils
  7. Hello Geert, yes , they surely would also fit very well to the Zeesboot, I`ll evaluate that when it comes to the rigging.. Nils
  8. Thank you very much Mustafa, and for looking into the build log... I had a look at your Santa Maria, coming very nicely.... Nils
  9. Both wonderful pictures Jim. they look splendid Nils
  10. Thank you Pete, I`m pleased you like the fitting out so far. I think that in those days both hand cranked- and also battery starter were used. I have a starter unit attached to the engine housing, looks like I would need a battery also. The black round rubber (as hose) will fit into the hollow nozzles of pump discharge and hose end-nozzle. Oh yes, the oily rag, a good idea...., these small details bring life to the workboat ! Nils
  11. Thanks again for the link Eberhard, I found and ordered some black rubber (Hutschnur) 1,2 mm round on Ebay, hope it will work , and report the outcome later this week Nils
  12. Many thanks Eberhard, I agree, PVC is not suitable here, so eyes open for rubber or silicone, and the idea with the soldering tin-wire is a good alternative Nils
  13. Thank you very much Jason, much appreciated, I built in the fuel day-tank with removable cap and chain under the engine bonnet. For the main storage tank, also installed on board, (drum) there is now a hand fuel pump, a hose and a discharge nozzle for filling the day tank Nils the hose is a bit stiff, see if I can get one more flexible day fuel tank fixed to the upper, inner front side of the bonnet
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