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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Many thanks Jason, also to you and your family, the very best wishes, merry Christmas and relaxing days of the ending year... Nils
  2. great work again Jim ! Merry Christmas Nils
  3. Happy Christmas greetings to Bob, Mark and Piet, Thanks for your kind appreciations... Bob, I`m pleased you like the progress.... Mark, once I found a way to implement my ideas it goes relatively quick, its a bit like a chess game, thinking several moves ahead... Piet, I make the decks to the card template by using a sheet of 0,7 mm thin ply. That is pre-planked with 3 mm wide and 0,7 mm thick pencil caulked pine strips at the edges. The planed deck is then sanded over, primered and attached in place. Have good experience with making decks this way. Due to the remaining flexibility of the pre-planked deck, it follows the curvature of the supporting deck beams below willingly... Nils
  4. Yesterdays update work... permanently fitting in the complete planked poop deck.... I wish all fellow builders and all MSW administration team happy and relaxing Christmas days Nils
  5. Hi Ben, fascinating, looks like all paddeling motion will be simulated in kinematic action. Love to see that all in motion. Do you require an extra rudder for steering ? or will all be done with Charon`s (RC contolled) paddle alone ? Nils
  6. Many thanks Michael and Antony, for looking in, and for your words, Also many thanks to all the "like" button activators... Michael, not so beautiful and detailed as the section Karl ( Jeronimo) is momentary working at, but I trust the typical Chebec lines are also captured and refflected in my smaller version... which also in actual is / was a much smaller, shorter vessel... Antony, yes I`m very happy that those round holes worked out in that way, without "winding the bulwark" around the drill... Coming to your question for the Chinese Junk....., Yes I still have the intention, from todays standpoint to do the wonderful Hainan type vessel in scale 1:30. I unfortunately did not purchase the plan yet, of which kindly member "Amateur, Jan, gave me the link for. I know it sounds crazy, but I have already been collecting suitable figurines in scale 1:30 in order to represent the junk`s crew and fishermen. Let me know if you require the link for the dutch plan source for your project Nils
  7. Thank you very much John, for your nice words, much appreciated. Yes, it was because of the lines of a Chebec that I was adoring and just had to start building one...... Am now moving on to the next parts like deck supports / timbers for masts tackeling. The card template for the upper deck is in dry fit position... Still need to fit the chimney tube for the stove exhaust over deck Enjoy coming Christmas holiday and have a nice time.. Nils
  8. Hi Piet, I`m pleased to hear from you again, must have been a feeling like cut off from the family with a broken down computer, but now you`re all set again.... Thanks for your appreciative words, glad you liked the progress since your last look in. Have a nice and relaxing Christmas time with your family... Nils
  9. Update : made a sequence I was a bit anxious for all the time, drilling the holes for the 14 gunports.....hoping that the hull planks would not fringe out... Solution : I bought a 8 mm diam. hollow tube drill with diamond splitters around the cutting edge and used this with my electronic hand-drill at appr. 2000 rpm.... first I made a small jig to set the vertical centerline and to find the mid position between the bulwark supports. On the outside bulwark I fitted / clamped a bit of scrap ply, flush contact with the hull planks in that area. Sigh of relief , it went well, wonderfull sharpedged holes On the battle side the guns have a few degrees over horizontal, with upward pionting barrel. On the non battle side there will be shield plugs inserted with lions head decore from the outside bulwark. Those guns will be retracted with barrels pointing upward and stropped, out of action, just below the upper bulwark rail. Think that the smaller holes for sticking the sweeps through can also be made in this way for clean cuts.... Nils just before cuttung the gunports into the bulwarks the 8mm diamond splitter tipped hollow drill the clamp holds the little jig on the inside as well as the ply counter-plate on the outside planks battle side, the gunbarrel can be set to point ot horizontal and sightly upwards non battle side with closed gunports (here shown without the larger decore rings). The plug shields are removeable here gun retracted from action and barrel pionting upward
  10. Hi Ken, a very impressive build, beautifully done, thanks for sharing this build log, you can be proud of it !! Nils
  11. Hi Dan, you did a great job on those rails, must have been one of the most tricky tasks on this model !! Nils
  12. Awesome figurehead HJX, you must have a lot of experience with CNC milling and the right milling cutters thereto.... Nils
  13. Keith, Probably the lesson that the longer waterline gives more speed was not so known in 1753. Perhaps the aft grating was the place where the capt. took his late and undesturbed afternoon nap with the ships wake and the waters rippling down below, as she sails into sunset.... Maybe one of the fellow builders knows the real reason of this overhang in this way... Nils
  14. Thank you Keith, I unfortunately do`nt know why the stern overhang worked out this way with the actual vessels, and why this is performed as a grating. I`m building it after the ships that are shown with this design. It is required any how for access to the sheets and handling of the aft latin sail. Its one of the typical chebec design features... Nils
  15. Hi Gary, your HMS Alfred looks wonderful, congrats to this nice build. Also your new work bench is lovely..... Nils
  16. Fantastic modeling Danny ! never saw such interesting and detailed fitting out on a warship model before. Your skill level is just top notch ! Nils
  17. Beautiful work Giampiero, the carvings and all the other work are outstanding, I often look back to your earlier posts,..... just love the lines of that french hull... Nils
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