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Everything posted by Wahka_est

  1. I would say B. Some photos of stuff i found in 5min search. Hope it helps. NB! Great progress!
  2. I want to share my super experience with Hobbyzone Poland. Little more than month ago i wrote to Hobbyzone Poland and asked about professional build slip and when it would be available. They said that they are working on it but if after a month its still not available i should write them again and they will organize it for me. I told them that i will, even offered to gather up people to make bigger order - they kindly refused and said it special for me. So month passed, slip still not available and i sent them email. Same day i got response that “promise is a promise “ and asked my details to organize everything. 4 days later i got my slip with even handwritten note in estonian (yes from Poland) saying “thank you Vahur and Happy modelling”.
  3. Slight update. First planks going in. Somehow keel got bend in stern area. I guess i just have to live with it.....
  4. Small update. Last heavy sanding before planking. Managed to brake stern frames....so rough but practical reinforcements there. Ugly as hell but works. Got positive Covid test today so MAYBE i will get planking going in few days and have good progress as i have to stay at home a while. Lets see.
  5. Confederacy has always catched my eye together with USF Essex. I started with Essex but ran into so many troubles that i put it asaide until i make up my mind what to do with it. My Cruiser isnt done yet as running rigging is still to be done but i needed some wood dust on my work bench... So here it is: USF Confederacy by Chuck Passaro and Model Shipways. There are many superb build with box reviews so i skip that. So far it has been really good build with my own mistakes: bulkheads wrong ways so ribs are other side etc. But nothing major-those deviations lets say....make it stand from crowd Chuck has done superb job with instructions, only problem is that im used to follow drawings - i guess i have to turn that around. Challenges in this kit are single planking and inches (im metric guy). Other than that it should be straight out of the box build with dream maybe in future with full rigging. So lets see how rookie with no ships 100% finished handles its 2nd (i dont consider Terror successful build) build. Progress so far: Most of frame and gunports done. False deck glued today.
  6. Super job Chris! And now, what will you develop for us next until we are building Sphinx? Edit. And i guess James will do the manual? James please prioritizeas people are waiting .
  7. Hi Can anyone suggest 5-15mm thick min 300mm wide and 500+mm long hardwood panel producer/seller in EU for alder, maple and cherry? wood should be solid and not plywood or glulam panels. As a side hobby i engrave photos on wood and anodized AL with laser but impossible to find supplier for those woods in Estonia. Some examples of outcomes also on wood and anodized AL.
  8. I just bought flux beambox and im happy with that. its 50w co2 and cuts 6mm ply easily with one pass. There are cheap chinese lasers on the market that need a lot of learning etc. with western ones you can basically start cutting in 30-60min after receiving the laser. To trace the lines you have to draw it in cad like program first. my suggestion is to use maybe laser service provider and designer to cut that. They can scan it, redraw and then laser cut.
  9. Impossible to have workplace that clean! Keep up the good work!
  10. Really nice. If my Terror would have been half that nice i might even finish it but its not. What plans you have for your next builds?
  11. She is beautiful. I see huge boost in wuality from Terror-keep it up and you will be scrathbuilding soon
  12. She is beautiful! Nice work! How long is the hull? How are the instructions and drawings for Diana? For Cruiser its quite challenging. mast and yard drawings are missing a lot of blocks and many pieces that are not numbered what it should exactly be (of course still manageable). Vahur
  13. Really nice, same stage as my Polotsk for now. My 10y old daughter is also interested in building one with me but we are doing some smaller projects first as she needs to understand that it will take minimum a year to make. She usually gets bored after few hours so small training needed
  14. Small update. Stays allmost done. Wasnt able to finish last ones as k ots seizing is drying. Tomorrow i plan to finish those. Next its to yards, half of them are done as wood wise but no blocks. In general im pleased. Some blocks here and there to add on shrouds etc that also needs to be done.
  15. Doing little research i found that there should be also a book and planset from same author. Does someone maybe have that? 32 gun Frigate Uss Essex building a plank of frame model.
  16. Hi Does someone maybe have The 32-gun Frigate Essex Anatomy of the Ship that they dont need any more with reasnoble price? I would prefer 2005 year print. Also a question does someone know if they sell (legitimate) Aeropiccola Essex plans somewhere? If any member has them as leftover then i might be interested also. Im located in EU.
  17. Make sure to wax those with candle otherwise it wont work well-know from experience
  18. I did their other train. Love what they have developed. I moves on tracks etc of you assemble it accordingly. Im sure you will love it.
  19. Tnx Keith! Camera is the crulest i agree I have compared my Cruiser to Terror and probably i wont finish that as they are lightyears away each other with regards of quality. With Cruiser i know what i will do better next time but i just dont like the Terror wuality at all . Probably will give that away for someone to stand somewhere - everyone thinks thats super also (none of the tied to shipbuilding ). Have also thought about next build. I took advantage of Model Expo sales in start of this year ( dont want to talk about this ) and i think Essex might be next but i would probably like to rig it also. Any suggestions about extra plans for rigging and mast other than AOTS? Vahur
  20. Tnx! Funny how photos reveal mistakes made that you didnt notice before. In real also the model isnt so dusty
  21. Stays are getting there. Few still to be done but most are prepared with seizing. Holiday vacation has given me some good hours on build almost every evening. Funny: i was afraid of rigging but now i somehow love it. Its like the ship becomes alive. Big help from Thunder and Snake builds explains some questionable places and also books help alot. Allready doing some modifications on rigging that CC drawings dont show exaxtly how to do. An other note-i know my seizing isnt historically 100% correct-will do that better next time .
  22. Really nice Chris! Estimated release date? Then i k ow if to take uo next build or wait for this one .
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