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About NateB

  • Birthday 08/17/1984

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  • Location
    Cape Town
  • Interests
    Guitars, modelling and PC gaming mainly

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  1. Thank you. I actually think the one i want is water based. Will double check, just haven't had a chance to go past that side of the world yet to go get it. A small minor update: I was near the hobby shop and picked me up one of these Excel sanding sticks with belts on them. I need to sand my ship so i can either seal or oil it (not sure what i want yet). Its really working well at getting in those hard to get places. Especially where i have used too much glue, which is nearly everywhere hehe 😎 Pic of the stick
  2. I have to agree with everyone here. I have seen it with guitars. So many people go and buy a new one and immediately want to be able to play Stairway to heaven and obviously can't, then put it down and never touch it again. They should be starting with a simple bass line or melody etc. I found that most people I asked thought it would be boring to learn. And then when I teach then the basics properly they actually found it fun and sometimes resparked their interest in guitars. I also noticed that people would get frustrated with the higher level stuff because "it looked so easy to do" and when they couldn't it just totally demoralized them. So what I would like to add is that "easy" and "begginer" doesn't mean you won't have as much fun as something more advanced. Nathan
  3. Wow, this is amazing!I am defintely gonna be following this build from now on! What a great log, love the real photos, gives someone like me who has never even been on a ship something to see in comparison.
  4. Yay more Saffas! I am currently working on a AL Santa Maria.
  5. Thank you! What would I dilute the stain with? Paint thinners? And is applying with a cloth better than brushing?
  6. Wow! You're building a beautiful ship. And the incremental updates aren't boring, they're educational!
  7. Was thinking something along these lines, trying to find a good african walnut stain. Think i might have found one in a gel. Will have some updates soon
  8. This is one impressive build log! Hope you come right with your flags, cannot wait to see some "Finished" photos
  9. Thanks guys for the welcome! Ooh another Kaapie!! Yay im not alone!
  10. Good start! Nikbud on this forum also has a very good Virigina 1819 build, you should check his out as his veneer job was superb! Was tossing between buying this one and the Santa Maria. Good luck
  11. Thank you, thank you!! 😀
  12. Looking good! Considering getting this model next. As for CA glue i agree with it "depends on the workman". Personally been using pva glue for mostly everything.
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