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    Chania, Greece

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  1. I have tried several scalpel handles but now I'm using the Swann Morton B3 because it offers the most precise fingertip control. (https://www.swann-morton.com/product/52.php).
  2. One more great model Thanasi. I like the detailing, the authentic paint scheme and the innovative ideas you incorporate in model's construction. Kostas
  3. Bravo Thanasi! Very interesting project, excellent build, clever solutions. Kostas
  4. According to recommendations posted in carving forums (e.g. The Carving Path Forum) two of the best U.S. carving tool makers are: 1. http://www.capeforge.com/ 2. http://www.drakeknives.com/ Kostas
  5. I'm using GRS QC half round gravers (0.2 & 0.4 mm). They are useful for carving very thin grooves e.g. pilaster reeds. Kostas
  6. For hard brass I have successfully used brass drills from the following link : http://www.fine-tools.com/messingbohrer.html Kostas
  7. Nils, I have nothing finished yet. But in the following links you can see some relief & figure wood carvings for the Fly kit : http://www.wettringer-modellbauforum.de/forum/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=40148&pageNo=5 http://shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1820&start=270 Kostas
  8. Mitsuaki, I'm glad you decided to post your build log again. I'll follow it with great interest. Kostas
  9. Janos I thank you once more for your help. I'm using too rotary diamond bits (ball head, cone head & cylindrical) with my Proxxon IB/E and a flexishaft and several Pfeil gauges. Your photos will help me to add some homemade hand tools to my collection. I hope that a combinated use of the above and of some jeweller's needle files will cover my needs. Thanks Kostas
  10. Thank you Mathew for your help. I hadn't thought to look in jewellery supplies. I made some search and I found that these gravers are available in really very small sizes (from 0.2 mm). Thank you Kostas
  11. Bob thank you very much for your great tutorial. Janos your photos are very helpful. I'm admiring your amazing work on Royal Caroline. It's very inspiring for me. Thank you all Kostas
  12. I'm trying to make some relief woodcarving for a model at 1:64 scale. For this scale even the smallest Dockyard gouges (1.5 mm) are rather large. The only really small gouge I have found is a 0.5 mm Pfeil V-gouge. As I remember, in MSW 1.0 had been posted photos of homemade micro woodcarving gouges made from hypodermic needles etc. Has anybody such photos ? Thanks, Kostas
  13. I'm also using Lie Nielsen planes : No 100 for shipmodelling and No 60 1/2 & No 4 for woodworking. They are all top quality tools. There is also a new smaller plane suitable for model making the L.N. No 101 (http://www.classichandtools.com/acatalog/Block_Planes.html) Kostas
  14. I have found 2 kit manufacturers making mouldings but I have not used these so far: http://www.bluejacketinc.com/fittings/wood3.htm (basswood) http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/caldercraft_decorative_strip.html (brass) Kostas
  15. Hi Sokrates, I have used on my R.C. the same painting scheme as the model in photos of Garward. Kostas
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