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  1. Regarding the curvature of Victory's stern the only real answer is to have an engineering firm develop a 3-D software model of the real ship's stern. Then the exact appearance and proper offsets can be seen from any angle. The problem would be who would pay for the development of the model: Amati or the British government?
  2. The stern of the Amati Victory is too flat. It should have curvature. See the pictures of the real ship on the internet.
  3. I'm very happy you are offering a precut laser engraved deck. I hope you continue to offer that option for your future releases.
  4. The new issue of Wooden Boat Magazine has an excellent article about model builder Malcolm Darch. Includes pictures of his models. ( Of course, you always want even more pictures.)
  5. What do you think of using scribed decks for Winchelsea instead of individual strips? I know that it can look much better from viewing Myron Van Ness's models at the Laguna Festival of Arts in the 1990's. I know Bluejacket offers scribed decks but I don't know who else does. EA (CWG)
  6. Thanks Mumin for information about Bojer. I think their kits look great and they are all at 1:40 so a group of them could really show the development of the galleon. I sent them an email asking about how they are sold; whether they have a distributor. I noticed after I sent the email that the prices are shown at the bottom left in zillotys, which is worth about a quarter (25 cents US). The prices look very reasonable to me. I have not received an answer yet. I will update this posting with any new information that they might send. The problem with the web site is that there is no English translation button that I could find. (See Mumin's posting for the link.)
  7. The original Seeadler was a windjammer with a complete ship rig (yards, etc) that was used by the Germans as a raider under Count Luckner. Of course, it had guns in the forward part of the ship. One of my biggest hobby mistakes was not buying the Billing kit when it was available. Now I have the plans and instruction book and also the plans from Taubman (which are quite different !!). Your model , to me, does not look at all like the original Seeadler, either the Billing kit or the real ship. If you want to discuss this further you can send me a PM since the NRG does not want members to print email numbers, addresses, or telephone numbers in their posts.
  8. How can one obtain a set of plans for producing a model of Ingomar?
  9. Johnegert, you're right. There should be (on models) a definite curve to the stern: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=HMS+Victory+stern&id=934A47EBE71698B5D398D3D0ED856D1458655FC9&FORM=IQFRBA#a
  10. Any chance your efforts will lead to a kit by some manufacturer? 1/96 clipper ship kits are just too small. They should be at least 1/72. (Or a book with frame outlines and plans included?) Ed
  11. Here are pictures of a "Young America" model by the famous model builder Ed Sims that was in a Newport Beach CA restaurant for many years. I don't know the scale but maybe it is 1/72. ((243 feet * 12 inches)/72 = 40.5 inches plus booms, 7 inches = 47.5 inches,the size of the case). http://www.vallejogallery.com/item.php?id=317 (Sims's "student" was Myron Van Ness of Laguna Beach CA., now deceased. Van Ness was perhaps even more talented than Sims. Van Ness's fantastic clipper ships were always displayed at the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts. If anyone has a digital picture of his work please share it with us.)
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