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Everything posted by HardeeHarHar

  1. Welcome aboard John! Can't wait to see how your build progresses, especially now that there are so many differing opinions. Just have fun, and don't fret the small stuff... Hmmm, maybe you have to fret the small stuff in this hobby. So, just have fun no matter what, and solicit opinions when needed. There are a lot of expert opinions here. Cheers! Brian
  2. Hey Mike, welcome to the MSW forum. Please share some pictures of your work as time permits, it's always nice to see the awesome accomplishments of others!!!!! Hope you are staying cool during the latest heat wave.... Best regards from North Carolina, Brian
  3. Cześć Mateusz, Welcome to Model Ship World. You have done some beautiful work on your models, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to seeing and hearing more from Poland (I was in the southern half of Poland (Bukowina Tatrzańska) for a couple of weeks a few years ago and enjoyed it very much). Best regards from North Carolina. Brian
  4. Hey Frank, Welcome to MSW!
  5. Welcome to MSW from Roanoke Island in North Carolina, I think you can see what a great group of shipwrights are onboard to help you get started. So glad to hear you will be starting a build log to share with the membership. I believe you will find everyone here is very interested in and supportive of the work of others. I look forward to hearing from your more as you start your work.... have fun! Brian
  6. Hey Nathan, Welcome to MSW. Nice work mate!
  7. Welcome to the MSW and NRG. Glad to have you with us, and if all goes well, soon others will be learning from your builds and build logs!
  8. Interesting thread, because on my MacBook Pro running Chrome the banner wasn't visible. That is, it was not visible until I changed the zoom of the page. One click smaller and "thar she blows!".
  9. Welcome aboard MSW Gizmo! Glad you found a place for your pictures and hopefully we will see some of your handiwork in the future... 😃 You can come back here and put a link to your post of your pictures in the Nautical General Discussion if you would like, and you can add a link to your signature/tag line as well!
  10. Welcome aboard MSW!!!!
  11. Welcome to MSW DeHammer!
  12. Welcome on board Scott. Look forward to seeing you work as it progresses!
  13. Welcome to MSW Drut, Looking forward to seeing some of your work as time permits. Best regards from Roanoke Island and the Outer Banks of North Carolina! Brian
  14. Yo ho ho Chris, welcome to MSW!
  15. Your rats are very nice. The whole build is very clean and impressive.
  16. Heya Diver! Welcome to Model Ship World. Full Steam Ahead 😃
  17. Welcome to the forum, and looking forward to seeing your build(s)!! 👋
  18. Nice work my good man! I agree, serving the line before seizing would have looked sweeet, but its not like the seizing alone doesn't look great. I wish I had thought of doing that, but I didn't do enough research.... Most of the time, I was just driven to see if I could finish it without breaking it in spectacular fashion. 😃 You probably already noted this, but I (for some unknown reason) used belaying pins I installed at various points for the running rigging. I thought I made some cleats and placed them on the mast and the bowsprit too....but I don't see them in this picture.... Doh. Keep up the good work Kev!
  19. Yes, safely handling a boat in progress is both critical and difficult. I’ve read where one individual dropped their ship down stairs!!! Needless to say, it doesn’t get any worse than that…During my rigging of the Jolly Boat, I had a couple of near catastrophic spasms, which made me repeat the following 3 words, over and over….”slow and steady”. I can’t even remember clearly, but I think I must have affixed the boat to some stand to do the rigging. I know it wasn’t flopping around that is for sure! I don’t recall the line being too flimsy either, but I wasn’t pulling it hard…ever. Can’t wait to see what you get done!!!
  20. That is looking good Kev! I bet it feels very nice to see your hard work and deliberations pay off with some significant progress. I wish I could say the same, but our bathroom renovations are coming along!
  21. I did, and thought i sent you a reply, but maybe it didn't get sent/failed for some reason. I'll go do so (again) presently.
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