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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Congratulation for finishing this beautiful model. It was a long journey, also for the readers of your log. But it makes a lot of fun to follow your progress. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Really nice progress on the master for the group build. Do you also build the scond version without the full planking first?
  3. Is it possible to have a look at your model, if I am in the hood. I live for a longer period in Amsterdam.
  4. Today I glued the parts of the keel of my little model together. To glue the apron, the rising wood and the deadwood centrally on the keel I build a simple jig.
  5. The colour of the wood is perfect for planking. Is it possible to show a picture with the cedar and a piece of pear wood? I am really interested to see how they looks together. I think on my Triton project.
  6. Congratulations for this beautyful model. It was a great pleasure to follow your log the last five years.
  7. Very impressive presentation, Albert
  8. Chuck, The second version of the keel looks perfect. What kind of timber do you use for the frameing? It Looks different to the cedar of the keel? I like allway the idea to combinate the cedar with pear or cherry for the framenig.
  9. As far as I remember right, you can print the drawings on 8.5 x 11''. Make sure, that you print the PDF with 100% scale.
  10. Really nice review. Can't wait, to get my kit - it's currently at customs.
  11. Welcome on the Triton shipyard. I will follow your log with interest.
  12. Looks really nice, Chuck. Will you add some treenails? I think that this is a nice detail, especially at the model with visible frames
  13. Really nice progress, very clean build. Your pictures show really well how good Chucks design of the pinnace is.
  14. Sorry, that was a calculation fault of mine. I thought on the Model Shipways kit as I wrote my last thread. 1/24 is also a really nice choice. It's the same scale as your pinnace models.
  15. 1/48 is perfect. The frames are so much more stable und can be build with the right scale. The detailed build log will be a great help later. EDIT: ANother reason for me is, that I build my other models also in the scale
  16. Really nice progress in the last few month. Very well done, Mike
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