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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Have you an laser cutter at home? The result is looking really nice
  2. For me it's an really interesting subject and I think it is an really nice idea to put my hand on both versions.
  3. Welcome to the Triton Shipyard and a lot of fun with the project
  4. Welcome to the Triton shipyard. It looks that you are on a really good way.
  5. Really nice Progress, Chuck. I like the size of your Version 2, much more possibilitie to play with details.
  6. Have a look at Lumberyard for Model Shipwrights. They have some really nice kits. Somewhere in the forum must be a nice build log of their Oneida
  7. These are very interesting news. I like the color of the yellow ceda. I think it will be looking really nice with my favorite pear wood and a nice choice for my HMS Triton. But in the moment I don't have any idea where to buy tis kind of timber in Europe. I like the idea of building the model in 1/48. So it has the same scale as my other projects.
  8. Really wonderful work, Ed. I had a lot to read this week and was really surprised about the many details you show in your model. I don't think that is possible (for me) to build all this details. Is there a simplified version for the 1/96 model planned? Than a not so talented modeller could use this version.
  9. Wow, the painting of the friese is looking great. One suggestion: if you choose this kind of presentation, it should be good to paint the inner side wall red. this can be seen in contemporary models and also in the Marshall paintings. If it's not possible to change this detail it is also fine
  10. I hope you have another seat in the first row. Really nice start and I like tollow your build.
  11. After a longer period I found time to read your log. Your progres is fantastic and the result really beautyful.
  12. Hi Kent, have a look in the articles database. For the binnacle, stove, wheel, and capstan you can use the articles of Rex Boocoock. What do you mean with Chocks481 and Stem481? The tapered keel is visible in the different keel drawings.
  13. The drawing is from Goodwins book. Have you further pictures of the model? I see very interesting details here and like to see more
  14. Hi Alan, have a look in Goodwin. You can use the 3 or 4 but shift system for the planking of the deck
  15. Hi Aldo, if the hard discof your old computer is ok, you can take it out of the computer, put it in an external drive station and put it with the USB port on an other computer. if you're lucky, you get access to all drawings, you have done. 2011 my old notebook crashed and I could restore a lot of my work on this way. In the meantime I store my data in an cloud, to avoid these problems I wish you a lot of luck with your data. You're hull is looking really well.
  16. Really nice progress. My section in quarterscale is big but your model must be really huge
  17. Really nice progress, Graham. I like your tools and the idea of securing the frames. thanks for shareing.
  18. It's allways a pleasure, if I get an mail that you have prepared a new update of your fantastic build. I love the elegant clipper ships and hope that I will have in the future the possibility to build a model of one - perhaps Young America
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