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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Now that all the masts are blocked I set the mast. They looked good so I glued them on. As luck would have it when I glued the Mizzen mast it was not setting the same way it was before I glued it. If I set it in the hole the mast stands straight up. I think it had something to do with the ring at the base. It was all glued up so I set it the best I could. It'ill do. I had lost part of the channel edging strip a few weeks ago. Today I found it lol, so there is hope for the feather to show up lol I set up my serving device. And got some thread and can't wait to start that. I should be pretty good at it by the time I serv all four of my ships. But that's in the future. Today I made all the yards, and got t the point were I put the ship out of the way and started the yards. This is just the first coat of paint, I will sand it down and recoat, then apply the footropes. Tomorrow I am so happy with this model so far. It is an amazing experience, thank you so much @chris watton for this. And to MSW for helping me learn, there is just so much information and pictures here. Well rigging is not that far I better get learning lol. Thanks so much ever grateful , . Bob M. PFCGP Goober
  2. Nice work, the basket is called the prow I think 🤔. My knights head came as one peice, and yes I broke the feather off, but I have an idea for a replacement 😀 Great progress!! Bob M
  3. Good morning Bill. This is my case for six of my models. The three Columbus ships, A Mayflower and a Sea of Galilee boat. The five on top are under a plexiglass case 18 inch by 60 inches. The river boat is on the bottom waiting for me to finish it.Then I will put a plexiglass front on it. My Darkkar has yet to be cased but it is in a plastic bag waiting for a case as well. My Duchess of Kingston and my Pegasus will go in their own case together. And will be by my chair in the lining room. Not far from my sight Lol. I left my Mayflower out for 10 months. When I got back to it I was surprised at the amount of dust on it. For me I would case my models , it took me along time to make them I want to keep them looking nice. Lol. Bob M.
  4. Well I started to put the blocks on the fore mast, but my brain was not working so I had to ask @Glenn-UK for some help. Thank you my man. I could not figure how many blocks on each side. He cleared that up for me and away I went. Thank you . Now the foremast was blocked, the main mast went pretty smooth. I had all the blocks for the main mast ready to tie on. It went pretty good, so just the Mizzen mast left to go. It only has 5 or 6 blocks, and one hole to drill. But that's as far as I can go tonight. Not sure if I can find anytime to build tomorrow, but Monday for sure. Soon I will set the masts and rigging can commence.. Opps I forgot the yard work lol. That will take some time, but looking forward to it. Time to start learning more about serving lines and what sizes I am going to make, what gets sized and what gets served, lots of fun. Hope everyone had a great weekend , talk soon. THANKS for peeking and the likes. Bob M. PFCGP Goober
  5. Nice looking ship, I am just making the masts for my Duchess. It such a beautiful ship. Darn nice work on yours Bob M.
  6. Last night I made my frist foot ropes, not bad I say. After I made them I painted it and left dry over night. This morning after ll:30 I put it all together. This is as far as I want to take this at this time, so I put the spritsail yard and mast away for safe keeping. In these plastis containers I have the fixing for four ship. The Duchess of Kingston, Pegasus, Bluenose and an Astrolabe. So now the plan is to make the foremast followed by the main and Mizzen. Then start the rigging from Mizzen mast to sprirtmast . That is the plan today, I have come to learn plans change lol. So now I have everything set up for the mast. Just have to follow the plan. The yards are all going to be hand sanded and tapered So tomorrow I will start the foremast and yards, that's lots of work right there lol. This is just so much fun , the build is down to just the yards and anchors. Plus the rigging of course . Bob M. PFC GP Goober
  7. Glen the flight is canceled, snow? Ice, plus Pile said NAY . So 850, They do go by fast. Did that song help lol.Looking great my freind. The best part about finishing the ratlines? is there not many lines left to do. fantastic work,she sure is shaping up nicely. Bob M. PFC GP. Goober
  8. I finished the bowsprit, just have the line to put on under the block . It is 500mm long natural tread. I left it off because I didn't want to get it tangled up, it is easy to add it later. Now I will build the spritsail yard. It will be my first time for making footropes. I am looking forward to the process. . After I get the spritsail yard finished, I am going to finish the foremast and its yards. I have broken the mast tip for the foremast three Times . Pile finally said Leave it off till we block it and do the yards for it So that's my way of thinking. Finish each mast and yard then move on to the main and mizzen mast. I have know idea what I will do after that , but that is going to be in awhile so lots of time to decide So this time I am going to pin the mast tip on, then block it and make the yards. Time will tell how long this will take, but so happy to be building again. Except breaking the tip off on a daily basis lol. The masts and yards look pretty much straight forward, and when that is all finished it will be time for shrouds and RATLINES. I getting excited 😊. It has been months scenic I tied a ratline.. Maybe I should fly down to @Glen McGuire and get my fix, 17,000 a shiver is running down my back whooo. Progress is slow, been spending time on other Duchess of Kingston logs, most are finished but not marked but they are all fantastic. Looking at those logs I know I will be able to pull this off. Some words are hard to understand but a picture is worth a thousand words, so they say. Another thing slowing the progress is @Keith Black. I have been learning about river boats and how they steer. I have been Google in pictures all morning lol. PFC G. Pile is screaming for work to continue 🙃. I agree lol back to the fun. Thank you everyone for the help, she going to be a beautiful ship. Thanks MSW, Knocklouder.
  9. You have been busy wow, I got to finish mine someday. lol. Great job my man. Bob M.
  10. Hi Tom, I would contact @Louie da fly that man know all about these things. Bob M
  11. Lower deadeyes on the portside went fairly well. I used a onion skin paper and taped it to the side of the ship and drilled the holes. It went well ☺️ some touch ups but minor. The woldings are finished. I am going to start with the bowsprit, then do everything I can on the three masts. There is a lot of work to do just on the bowsprit, and the spritsail yard has foot ropes a first time for me for these . It is really nice to be in the shipyard, I never realized how much ship building has become increasingly part of my life, it is therapeutic because I feel a whole lot better today then yesterday 😊. I can't wait for tomorrow 😀 😊 Ok going to do some painting for the rest of the night then back to the bowsprit tomorrow. Talk soon my friend's B ob M . PFC GP Goober
  12. I have buildt 7 ships just using a knife and sand paper. Some times I use a scaple for realy fine stuff . I always want to get me one of those Lee Valley mini plane but they are pricey. Bob M.
  13. Bob M.
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