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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. I can't thank everyone enough for all the help and advice over the last three years. I have made many mistakes along the way trying to learn , ship building, reading and writing, and understanding my computer and how to handel being on MSW. But I have made great strides in all areas. Yes I still butt in where I am not supposed to be , but working on it. Lol And may or may not have posted more than I should or a few memes not admitting to , anything lol. Many thanks for all your help, as this is how my Pegasus will sit for awhile, quite a while I think but we will see. Captain Marvin and I feel a little sad about putting her away under wraps, but it is what it is. Farewell on this log see you on my other logs. Just feeling good about all the help NRG/MSW and all the members here. THANK YOU. Just a little corse correction to get me to my goals. Thanks everyone.
  2. Louise this is the place to be, Good luck on your journey !!
  3. Patch and sand , patch and sand, now is the time to make the hull perfect, skim coats sand repeat lol. Looking good
  4. Hello Dave, a word of caution how I build things they may or may not be the correct way . Especially when it comes to planking lol. And what I am about to do for my shroud lines is differently not right but it's the way it works for me.lol You will see what I mean on my next post of the ship. I have some issues to address before building can resumed. My hull is single planked just Like yours and patching and sanding will give you a good hull. I follow most Mayflower logs and your doing great. Do a great job patching and painting it will look great.youll see. The colors I chose are what I think the Mayflower One looked like, and scene's no one know for sure it could be lol. For myself I didn't like all the flashy colors. All my deck is wood even the bits which are done and will add later. We all have to make choices about how we want our ships to look like, and its your choice on how much detail you want to do. I was going to serve all My shroud lines but that has changed. Long story . Glad to help if I can, but I am still learning how to build models myself lol. I can tell you I am having the time of my life and won't stop till I drop lol. Bob M. PS if you run into problems, just ask the so many that will help. I would not be as far as I am now if it were not for the support and encouragement from the NRG/MSW staff and moderators, and all the members here.
  5. I think I will follow along, your work is always amazing. I will have to dig out my pictures of my trip to the Yukon and see if I took any in 1978. Good luck on your journey.
  6. Nice work, coming along nicely. I have only been modeling for just about three years, I found the articles about planking in the MSW data base great. They really helped me. Although I still have not got the hang of it I almost understand lol. Keep up the great work you'll have a model to be proud of.
  7. welcome to MSW. Good luck on your journey.
  8. Nice job, ya I bought one lol. It's up next . Amazing work thanks for posting I know it will help and will reference it often. Thanks !!
  9. Good luck on your journey! Tremendous amount of info here at MSW, and an even greater amount of help, just ask you'll see .
  10. Well for some reason or another I decided to finish the Mayflower. I have to find all the parts and plans they are here some where lol. . Wish me luck. I still can't belive all the help I get here. And a thanks to people who have helped keep me on the right course. So I hope I can make some progress with my modeling journey. I know I know Scatter Brian LOL.
  11. That is very sad news. 😔 I tried to make my Pegasus along the lines of how yours looks. Yours is so impressive. And I just today put mine back on the shelf, to go finish my Mayflower. I will look forward to tagging along with your build If you don't mind. . I may have to reconsider my decision to finish my Mayflower LOL Glad your back .
  12. This is my shipyard before the pests moved in.And this is what happened. But I am happy to say that the shipyard is open again. Although I am not ready to build yet, it just needs a little cleaning up and organizing . It's a lot brighter now , which is good. Notice my newest tool for the shipyard to the left lol. I brought the ships back down today, wow I can not belive how much dust got on the ships. The Pegasus was not so bad, but the Mayflower was very dusty . So I decided to shelf the Pegasusand clean up my Mayflower. There is not much left to do on her so I want to clean her up and finish it. Then I can put her under the display case. Also, rigging the Mayflower will help tune me up for the Pegasus. Lol I have work to do in the kitchen, I repaired most of it, now I just have to sand and paint. But I will be very anxious to get back to my Pegasus. By the way the pests WERE norway rats, some were shot, some were trapped, and one the dog got, most didn't like what we fed them lol but they're gone. And we check everyday for movement lol . Ok off to finish my Mayflower, see you soon. Bob.M
  13. Sad news Paul. You should post some pictures of your Lady Nelson to see where you are at. There are some excellent logs for the LN on MSN, follow a few of those and you be on your way to getting her done. Good luck on your journey,
  14. Hi Peter, those pins usually don't come with the kits. This is what I use Headless pin nails. They do make it stronger, if you just glue them on a slight knock will knock them off. Hope it helps. BOB M.
  15. That's quite the bend on the keel, at least you can bend it back into shape. I will follow along on this one as well. Good luck on your journey.
  16. Hello Brad, on my Amati Nina they go through the mast and are tied on the deck with three hole violin blocks, then tied to the fife rail. Hope this helps.
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