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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Better get busy on your Sherbourne, because once the Duchess of Kingston gets to your shipyard it becomes all about her. Lol. It took Covid to stop me lol but I am on the meand, feel free to look at my log it will show you what to avoid, I have made mistakes. But even with those she is a beautiful ship. And the kit fantastic, you'll be very happy I am sure. Bob M.
  2. Hi, I used my thrid hand to draw mine, I have seen a jig made out if a toilet paper roll. Lol. After I leveled the ship and knew were to draw the line, clamped it in both clamps and away I went. MSW / NRG has a work shop video on this very subject, I found that really helpful. Great looking ship, Bob M.
  3. Nice work, anxious to see some finish on ship . Nice work. Bob M.
  4. Hello my friend, I was wondering if you have seen this type of glue, it sticks well and it is not CA. I used it for coppering my Pegasus, it cleans up with water, and no harmful fumes. Stay safe my friend. Bob M.
  5. Dan, some one will add it soon, I am not sure who, 🤔 The administration have to add it, But it will happen. Glad you joined Bob M.
  6. Maybe, but your planking is top shelf, very nicely done. Bob M.
  7. Hey, Hey, Hey look what this: it's my New Duchess of Kingston, She is not painted yet, also she not here yet lol. My good and talented friend @Gabek has this waiting for me to pick up. She even looks like she given the Adrmrial the look. Lol I got something for him as well, but we will h0ave to wait. Ya the big old Covid truck parked it's self here at the shipyard the whole crew got it. Goober is shutting things down, Pile is way to sick to continue .. They had a great time sailing, said it's eazy when you have Gnomer Pile finger power. Lol. So I did a little more stepping of the masts, just a bit, but going to have to shut it down again. Oh well give me more time to look around for rigging info. There is just so much to learn, what a fantastic hobby. And what better place to be then MSW. Thanks everyone ☺️ Bob M. ANd crew . .. And today's special thanks 😊 🙏 ☺️ 😘 @Gabek for his fantastic figure lol. Of the Duchess. Stay safe my freinds see you soon.!!! Sorry the last to pictures I wasn't going to post but it did anyway , But I know how it happened so I shouldn't do it again sorry.
  8. You scored high on that last ride Glen 😳 wow that looks good. I hope Carson is following, so we could tell him his ship is in the best of hands. Nice work. Bob and the gang.
  9. Glad to see you back my freind. Tagging along, . Bob M.
  10. Good luck on your journey!! Bob M
  11. Bob M.
  12. That looks great my friend, I had foot lockers for mine that were way to big, but I think each Viking had his own Bob M.
  13. Hello Tim, you may want to contact Artesania Latina, and see if they will send you a replacement, some companies have been known to replace messed up parts. But if not like @Baker says try to furled the sail, that way you don't have to repaint all the sails to make them the same. Bob M.
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