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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Great work Glen, I am going through your Duchess of Kingston ,as I am starting to build it, as well as following along here so I get a double shot of your builds. You do amazing work. Bob M.
  2. Great work, you might try a sheet metal roller, a small one hand crank is about 150 Canadain ,might work 😉 Bob M.
  3. Glove hitch gets my vote. Bob M.
  4. Congratulations Dave, that looks very impressive. I wished I had your talents and your youth 😄 Looking forward to see what you do next. Stay safe . Bob M.
  5. Oh Thank you all, @bobandlucy I was half way through my build when I came across your build, I love it. I had decided to keep mine close to natural wood, but those painted log like your are fantastic. Paul Jarman, as well as all the other logs I studied, thanks for posting. @Cathead Looking over your riverboat logs got me all excited like when @Glen McGuire got me to do a Ship in a Bottle I was tempted to build another riverbaot. @John Ruy I will keep you updated for sure, just not sure where to post it, just continue with this log or do I have to make one for the diorama, I will find out. 😉 John you did a fantastic job on your Bluenose, yes I know I got all twisted when I saw yours that I told you I was going to do one. Lol, I got two to do , Bluenose that is. But, I decide to build one more ship before doing a Bluenose. I am so glad that you posted yours I will look at it often I am sure. I received alot of help with this log, and will definitely pay it forward. If I can help I will, or at least directly you to someone who knows. A big thanks to all the administration here on MSW/NRG for their help, so proud to be a part of the organization. All the info and incouragement that you have all given me is overwhelming. Thankyou all again for helping me learn how, I amm hooked for life, modeler forever lol. Bob M. PFCGP
  6. Good luck on your journey!! All the help in the world is here on MSW, Bob M.
  7. Well I think I am going to mark this boat finished. . I have finished as much as the kit has, the rest of the diorama will be extra. Like I said a fun build but lack of instructions an my lack of understanding things was the only draw back. I had a great time l , and hope I didn't offend anyone with my log. Here is some final pictures, then she off the bench and on to the diorama. Making room for my next build The Duchess of Kingston. Not sure when I will start, but soon I think, something has to be sorted out and then I can start another model. . Thanks so much everyone, you have made my boat a keeper ❤️ 😀. Bob M. So now moving on to the Never-ending diorama lol. And my next build thanks again so long Knocklouder.
  8. Good luck with this build, I will be on the popcorn section cheering you on. Bob M.
  9. Finished the rigging Installed the turn buckes as well. I installed the chimneys today, and the flags. . I even got around to the black beads for the tops of the posts. Pile is impressed, says we are down to 3 benches, two rudders and 60 white cleats and we are finished. Although this build is going to have a 19x31 display stand. I went to the shed and got the base cut for it. And started playing. Lol. This is what I am going to be playing with. Water, telegraph lines andpoles. It goes on and on . Tomorrow I will finish it up, and then it will be the first thing I put on display. Which means the workbench is free for the next build. Hold me back lol This was a fun build , @Bob Fraser thanks again mate the plan was a life saver for me. I couldn't make out what the CD instructions were, but I could copy what I saw thanks, I still have your address, so I will post you a Christmas card. And thanks so much for all the King of The Mississippi logs here on MSW. For this build and the hard to follow instructions , I know I couldn't have done it without you all, thanks all for posting. Well one more day and she is finished, maybe two lol. Bob M. I am going to open the box Lol. 😆 🤣
  10. This will be very helpful, thanks for posting this. I trying to weather some planks for my corrals and weather the brown plastic parts as well. I get so many great ideas from you my man thanks. .. Bob M.
  11. Thank you so much everyone . @Keith Black I didn't pack a lunch lol. But I went to my mom's today and she asked about the boat She is 93 . I told her about my idea of a diorama with a train. And how much the scale train cars are. Ohhh she said I got a train set in the closet. Aghast , I ran to her closet. Were did you get this I ask. She had bought it for my nephew but never gave it to him. And just sort of forgot obout it. . That was 25 years ago. It is 1:60( ore bigger) scale I think. But it will work. The plan will be to have the train in front of the boat. And only the engineer will be seen. This is my man for the boat sitting on the enginers lap, lol if I paint this one like a kid I could say it was bring your kid to work today lol. These figures will go along here, down the ramp to a path to the gangway.Also some hatching rails for horses, plus other accessories from the train set. Private Pile says hey hey hey ringing the bell. Let's stay focused shell we. Finish the boat . So with that I will repaint the SOO engine to RHE . Thanks Keith for the name of my railroad. Tomorrow will work on the chimney pipes and the 6 poles that have to be cut up and stained and drilled. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow and start lol. I know way to much fun in the shipbyard lol. Bob M.
  12. Hello Travis, I can't help I am a newbie, But seek out @John Ruy logs for his blue nose. He does some incredible work he will have the answers. Good luck. Bob M.
  13. Well fellow Manitobin , looks like your off to a great start on this one. Again good luck on your journey Bob M.
  14. Rigging is coming along nicely, it actually eazy. You just have to make up some eyebolts, attach the rope glue it to the floor, then up to the funnels. There you just in and out the line pull tight done.I add a drop of glue because of my insurcuadeys lol. After I placed the Golden M as straight as I could, I sat back and said to myself, look at the fuzzy stuff on the gangway rigging. It's got to go. So I will changed the rope, I had left overs from the Mayflower that was the size I needed. The funnels are rigged, both sides. Now on to the rear flag pole and vent pipes and little fence. Then on to the poles on the side, hog lines ? I have no idea Thanks for looking, soon I will just have the flags to put on, all the little balls and cleats, andI think that's it for the boat . But have much more to do ,figures to paint, benchs to make. Plus I think I am looking at getting a train for the display. Spent half the day wondering about looking for trains, I forgot I am supposed to be building lol.
  15. I am no help at 58 but it will turn at 60 lol. Just dropped by to see what your up to, looking good. Bob M
  16. @Keith Black thank you so much, and thanks for everyone's help and likes. Keith that Pile of lumber was for the kick rails and cap rails. All used up and installed. The space there has two benchs with figures. The hand rails are done, just have to put all the black beads on. I need to prime the photoetch for the funnels, so well priming that all the figures got primed as well. So far I have not broken the shovel off , not yet lol. I have to let Taz do his rendition of Celine Dion of " My Heart Will Go On " for coming in second place for Ship Inspector. Private Gnomer Pile was not impressed. Neither one can hold a tune. But they are non drinkers so saving a bundle on Kraken Rum lol. That's it for today, looks like another scorcher tomorrow and smoke. Another shipyard day. I plan on making the funnels and run some line. I will be replacing the rope the kit supplied, holllly is it fuzzy. Oh well what can you do. Talk soon my freinds ,this is so much fun. Thanks for peeking .Bob M .
  17. "Since I don’t have a steam donkey pile driver like @Keith Black is working on, I had to enlist some alternative help to get mine in place." Glen it is looking fantastic, how does that alternative help work. Is it like Wack a Mole, when you see a Penguin you wack it 🤔. Let's not get any red(paint) on those grey post, they look terrific. And you thought you couldn't top your last build , but you did. Great job my friend. Bob M.
  18. Some great pictures there Are you going to have multiple donkeys and a train as well. So many idea so little time giv'er Bob M.
  19. The hand rails are done on the port side. Pile wants to finish the stern before moving to the starboard side. But I told him there is alot of work on the starboard side, stairs ,deck ,hand rails. And because of the size difference between us I win lol. The measurements in the instructions did not line up with what I had. So I redid all the deck and hand rail for the wheel house.. It turn out ok. I might have left a brace off but not noticeable. Pile says these stairs are not straight 😐. Moody little fellow lol. So back to the handrails, 17 section of railing to do, then it's on to the Rigging .All the poles for the boat line up, now. Some fileing and sanding did the trick. I am going to clear coat the funnels with clear flat, 2x clear coat. Great stuff. Also going to prime all the rest of the metal parts so I can finish the funnels as well . Lots left to do, and I have all the little tabs to bend and install the cleats. Neanderthal like little cleats lol. Progress is slow, summer time and the First Mate's garden is a bumper crop. We have picked 90 cups of raspberries and 5 gallons of cherry. Now the peas, beans look like there ready to go, and she wants it all rottertilled as well. But it to hot outside today, and smokey so plan to stay in the shipyard today, so I might get my handrails done. Later my friend's. Bob M.
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