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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Hello Highlander, if you are missing anything, contact OcCre, I am sure they will replace the missing planks, or what ever else is missing. As far as staining go's, I like to put thing together then stain, but I am a newbie more people with more knowledge will chime in soon, you'll get your answers 😉 Bob M.
  2. Hello DocRob, doing some research on the Duchess of Kingston, I came across this log, and it's the first one I see that has a ships boat. May I borrow that idea. It looks impressive. The whole log is amazing, I'll be back.. lol Hope you find some time to continue, she's a great build . Bob M.
  3. You know how I like to get side tracked lol. I was going to put some freizes on, but the white on the hull waterline was bugging me. So I redid it. I just sanded the waterline down I/2 inch from were it was and redrew it. I masked it of again and sprayed it. It now has 8 coats of paint. The first two primer coats followed by 2 coats of finish. Didn't like it so sprayed it again 2 coats primer 2 coats finished. It looks a lot better, I give it a 93.2 %. This is the new water line, it has a bit of an edge but a back side of a sharp chisel will fix that . It's not a @John Ruy hull , but I am happy with it. Next one will be better. Now I will work on some small stuff, deck furniture, ships wheel, Binnacle. And I am going to start making the masts as well lots of work there. I plan not to thouch the hull for a week or more, I want it to dry up and cure. Pile is in agreement with the ideal of leaving it the hull alone 😔. But it will be fun stuff to make the mast, and I am going to serve some line so I can rig some blocks. Thanks for looking and the likes. Bob M. PFCGP
  4. Keith, don't you just love days like those. . PFC Gnomer Pile says Move it ,move it move it. If we only got a few years left, Giv'er (canadain), getter done( Texas). Your work is awesome my man. Bob M. PFCGP
  5. Thank you very much my friends. @Bryan Woods I have to laugh lots now cus I won't remember later lol. There is nothing like doing something that looks good from my perspective. To cheer you up.. This is not painting, it's artist brush work. Big difference lol .But Pile likes it, . I did my best ,mines the one on the top. LOL. I had to look real close to make sure I didn't miss a leg or an arm. After a few passes I was happy. So I varnished it with clear flat Poly. When you see them up close big difference, I am old and shakey but I like it. Made the rudder, but it needs work and painting. This is the colour of the freezing, I tryed to match the gold, close enough for me, but I do let a lot go, It will do, on to the port side , I better get a sweater 😀. This is going to be so much fun, @chris watton Thank you so much for these great instructions. WoW, I can understand them, I may not make them as good but I now see were they go.Again thanks Chris. And thanks to all moderators who look after me lol. And for all MSW for all the help, I thought modeling was fantastic before now that I am building a great kit, it's awesome. Mississippi diorama, what Mississippi diorama, lol. Pile wants to get to the rigging, so he's pretty good at keeping me in line lol. Thanks for looking. Bob M. PFCGP
  6. This is the place to be, Bob M.
  7. Well @Keith Black how does that saying go haste makes waste , well I am not happy with the waterline. So I am going to sanded it down and try again. Eazy pezy.lol. I painted a few things, primed some other parts as well. I kinda jumped ahead, just needs sanding and final clear coat. I received my gold paint today, I like it. Should look good. I also wanted to do the horse shoe plates and the Fish plates . It went well up until I was all ready to glue it together, glue applied, clamp ready, go. That's when I tipped over the jar I keep my shelac brush in when not in use. All over the place. To make a long story short, 4hrs later I am done for the day lol. Maybe just a nap 😴. It went everywhere, I jump up got some rags , clean up and took stock of what was missing 😳. I found the half of the horse shoe the fish plates took 90 minutes to locate. Went for a walk cleaned my head and started again. Ready to go, would you not know it this time I slammed the horse shoe in all nails in place , only to inbed them in my thumb 😑. Blood drops on the model, I jump up and lose the horse shoe again. Minor prick of the thumb but it made me jump lol. Now the hunt was on, 2 hrs, and when I found it it some how got damaged. So I faked it. I glued what I could, then paint. It is on the wall side of the ship and won't be seen by any one. Good to go, repaint the water line. I broke off a couple of peices from the widow as well I found them so I can glue them on later. So a bit down about the paint line and the spill. But Pile says it only paint and wood , sand and repeat. Lol. So time for this old neanderthal to paint the stern decoration. So knowing that I will repaint the hull, I can fix a few more holes. But later, now I am going to do all that I can at the stren install the rudder , more Research . This model is incredible, I am over joyed, that's why I don't mined repainting the waterline ,it can look better. Do over lol.. Thanks for peeking. And the likes. Bob M.
  8. Dan, you can look for the name you want in your plans. I did that for my Mayflower, found a logo I liked, glued it to a paint stick, then put it on two barrels of Rum. My Columbus ships all had printed labels glued on clam shell. The world is your oyster lol. Best part only cost a bit of time. Lol. Bob M.
  9. Sorry it took so long, but I had to cut the grass. The joys of having yards. The blue went well, some spilled, Pile says he see Godzilla lol but it wiped up well. So I figured out were the water line should go, using my thrid hand I made the mark. Then taped it off and primed it. Well it was still all taped up I put a couple of coats of the finish white. I know this brand of paint , I like it but this will now take 3 or 4 days before I can handle it with out leaving finger prints . Oh well lots of other things to get done now. The first Mate says I was in a rush to paint the best planking I have done so far, I told her no one will see , but I will know it was planks right, then I stood up and screamed Nailed It. Lol. She said it was nice but don't let it go to your head. So I get to go play with my serving machine well the paint cures. Drying time is now full of fun things to do . I must go get some gold paint tomorrow. Thanks for looking Bob M. PFCGP
  10. Thanks @Keith Black, no Pile won't be painting. He knows that I have a red seal journeyMen ticket, I am just hard on brushes ask @Gabek lol. Thanks again my friend. Bob
  11. @Glen McGuire ,like the mythical Canadain Penguins, there are no Canadain Rats, they all come from Norway .Being a nice guy, I feed those Norway rats, lots as much as they can eat. I have banquet set up all over the place. Lol. PFC Gnomer Pile is preparing a firing squad if I don't plank the starboard side up to his standards 😤 One more time I reviewed @Chuck video in our MSW data base. I made four bands, tapered the planks and got started. Things were going good, the first two bands went ok. Then I switched to the bottom, G plank and four planks up. That's when I had a slight change in plan. But I booted that cat , pretty good, not a touch down, but a maybe a field goal. 🤔 Pile says he given me an unconverted touch down. I like it .It is my best side ever Big Grin 😀 😁 The stren was a challenge I have a little cosmetic surgery to do, but not bad after all the parts are added. So now we are sending the ship to the paint shop to get started with the painting. I do need to get a different gold, the one I have has glitter in it. But I have all the other colors I want for this ship. Also I have made some good advancements in the serving of lines. It's all new to me so it's extremely exciting to try, serving Thank you all for looking in, ok I may be a bit bias but I think this will be my best build ever, but it's because of the great kit that I stared with that makes the difference, between nice and extraordinary 😀 Thank you so much for looking and likeing , and for all the help I gotten over the last 3 years, and you guys thought I was not paying attention lol. Happy with my planking job. So close to doing it right lol. But it's mine . Big Grin. 😁. Model on my friends, model on. Bob M. PFCGP
  12. The keel went smoothly. So I started planking, then for some reason ,panic set in as I thought, oh 0 boy those inner patterns look like they don't line up. But all the plugs lined up. But will the cannons fit. I had to find out ,so I quickly put one together, They will all fit perfectly. Big Grin. Time to start planking, again. The portside was going well. Then for what reason I messed up a bit. The great news is, remember I was going to paint the hull if my planking was bad. Yep painting the waterline for sure lol. So I have one last try at planking a side of a ship the way it is supposed to be. Hopefully I will get it right this time. I think I know were I went wrong 😕. Some of my planks were tapered the wrong way, and too much, way to much fun in the shipyard lol. . Like I say I have one more kick at the cat, then my next four builds have no planking. Can't say that I will miss planking though But they have plantey of RATLINES. My favorite. lol 😆 😅. Thank you @Gabek , for all your help and figures, so glad we met. And I appreciate your patience with me lol 😆. @chris watton Thank you for this kit, I will try to make her look presentable at least I hope so lol. When I look at all the logs for The Duchess of Kingston, I say to myself, they all look great should I even put it in the gallery, lol, Its a very enjoyable experience, this Vanguard Model. Chris you must hear that from every frist time buyer of your models. They are just incredible, the Instructions are fantastic, even I can understand them. I love when you say, At this stage, your model should look like this. Big grin 😆. Close but no cigar lol. Onward to the properly planked starboard side. Thank you everyone, I just love learning how to build ships, their's so much to learn, I am very glad for MSW AND NRG and all the support and information here.THANK YOU. Every one All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight. As I lay my head down a very greatful shipmate , a happy Vanguard owner lol. Bob M. PFCGP
  13. Bob M.
  14. Amazing work, it's a jaw dropper . You should reconsider and build another Great work, hats off to you. Bob M.
  15. Thank you so much everyone . The list of people I need to thank is so long I need time to complete it. Thanks, next post . Yes I am a very happy man, MSW/NRG is my biggest windfall. My ships my not be just right, but neither am I they are fun to build. I am going to paint the bottom of the hull white. But I would like to plank it so good that I should leave it natural. Lol. Ya right paint it is . I soaked the outer side patterns like the book calls for. Then today glued them on. PFC Gnomer Pile, he loves that title, says we are a bit off but some sanding will be able to fix what I thought was going to be OK, it was just a little off, my fault My first, I'll fix it moment. lol. It was fairly easy, the pins lined up well and you just glue it together. All of the pin holes line up, Wow, there is just so much to learn, I am researching serving lines, @Keith Black , @Glen McGuire, @Moonbug , @Blue Ensign , and all the logs for the Duchess of Kingston, I have taken notes from everyone of them thanks for posting those logs. Peter , everyone thanks so much . You guys are the best. I'm overwhelmed. I know it's the kit but I think this one should be my best effort, then the Pegasus will be mastered lol. Have a great day everyone, I think the glue is dry got to go . Lol. Bob M. PFCGP , he loves it thanks @Glen McGuire.
  16. Looking good my friend . At least it's not glued to the ship, Bob M.
  17. Fire booms look to be quite long , and all the crew must have known were it was stowed, I am guessing beside the ships boat, with the spare masts. . Bob M.
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