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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Sorry about the delay, a trip to the ER for my ticker , I am ok just to high reading of blood pressure, very high lol Plus the Grandson wanted this doneSo now the second planking is finished 🙌. I did pretty good this time. I ended up having to put a stealers on the Bow and stern but it's planked. Because I did the Sea of Galilee boat the planks on that kit came pre tapered, I thought that I would do the same so, I tapered 10 planks and after the first three planks were on. Then started at the keel and work up. It worked out well except for the stealers but they are under the copper. Now its on to the coppering. @Keith Black I value your opinion very much, but I like shinny things lol I have no intention of using @aliluke method for his copper lol sorry. The shinnier the better for me . I even intend on keeping it shiny by polishing it yearly lol. If it turns out well , if not I will scrape it all off and paint it white. So I am off to learn how to copper, I used my third hand and at the 60 mm mark I drew the water line, I will tape it before I start. But I don't know when I get to that so I will leave it off till I start. I can't thank everyone enough for all their help , but here is another thankyou. Later my friends 😚 PS captain Marvin says he staying lol
  2. You have done some excellent work on this build, I just sailed through your build, Very ,very nice. . Bob M.
  3. Very nicely done my friend, the Amber Shellac will really make a difference, can't wait to see it. Your attention to details is paying off big time, the boat looks amazing.
  4. Those look relly good!! Are you still interested in the barter system, 20 cannons for 20 pounds lol, great cannons my friend. Ok ,I will go as high as 30 lbs for 20
  5. Planking has begun, lol Yes I reread the Linning off your hull by @Chuck in the article data base, and almost got this time. It is hard to do with out understanding math, reading better would help to , lol. But the planks are on the port side. I have some slight damage to the bow below the water line , it was done by clamps that were way to tight, it will be covered by the copper . On a positive note, my ship doesn't rattle yet lol. So on to the starboard side, one more try at getting it right . I did change the yellow, from old English ochre to Bright yellow, the first Mate says it looks better. Time will tell. I can't thank everyone enough for all the help I have been getting. With out NRG and MSW I would be lost. I am deciding on how to proceed with the copper. Some paint the hull copper below the water line, to hide caps in the copper plates, more Research is needed . They say a coat of paint covets a multitude of mistakes, I am hoping that the copper covers all of mine . It will be a week or so before I start coppering, so I have lots of time. Captain Marvin says" time to plank the starboard side, get it right this time or I am going to jump ship and join @Glen McGuire crew, where they are havin a BBQ, Beer and Burgers celebrating his fine competition of his build. So long my friends talk soon
  6. Welcome to MSW, this is the place to be. @Katsumoto just finished a Cazador it is amazing. Yes, start a log for your Cazador and you'll see that lots of people here will help, if you want it. Best of luck on your new journey
  7. Congratulations very nicely done, and the details are really amazing. I could put a wow on every post simply beautiful work.
  8. Can't wait to see the finished pictures, wow do you do some nice work my friend. As I follow along on your SIB , they get more and more adventureres and amazing . One can't help but imagine what you will come up next to top this sensational build. Congratulations it's BEER time,
  9. You know Glen, if you need to muddy the shore a bit you could use some of that cows nervousness , or Sacred Scowts Scat, because we can't use the B word lol. Just fling it over, it should stick to anything lol. Did you know Christopher Columbus brought the start of the Texas Long Horn cattle when he came to America the second time in 1493? Who knew , Spanish Longhorns . Lol. Your work is so amazing my friend.
  10. Well done!! Here I thought your next post would be a Diorama with one of the clamps with a robe walking on the water. Lol Great job my friend, throw a coat of amber shellac on it , it will shine. I think you're having way more fun then I did, lol but that's what it's all about. Great job, thanks for posting, the First Mate wants to know which one is Jesus.
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