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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. 20230812_001853.thumb.jpg.49c0fbaae4601fded4dbd20fdf2fdb98.jpg


    This is Pegasus all put away in the top 3 shelfs ,   all the planks are on the rack behind the super D cup, ready for planking lol.

      Yes most diffinly  going to order new cannons but what size is right.

     This is a cannon from the kit on a carriage, it does look to big, the bottom one is from an Astrolabe model that I have but can't tell you what size it is. More research  lol.


    Well I glued the bulk heads and the plank termination patterns  on the bow, it went together well.  Now just going to let it dry over night , then  bevel the bulk heads. After all the sanding is done I will attach the keel parts, then move on to planking the main deck.

     If anyone  could tell me what size of cannons, I should order that would be great.  Thanks 

       PS. Don't forget to donate to MSW. :cheers:20230812_195639.thumb.jpg.b043e5c6968cb1d919cc56d9b9483a7a.jpg


  2. Thank you very much everyone 😊.  I took my Nina upstairs to join the fleet, wow I was overwhelmed.  I looked at those 3 ships and  said to myself "thank you MSN and NRG". I am still having the time of my life  with this hobby. 

     The Nina was a fun model to put together,  and easier to put together.  I know it's  because of MSW, it's  here where we learn to build. So many talented people and amazing build.

      Some last pictures of the fleet,  then @Landlubber Mike dust off the   your Pegasus  and let the good times roll lol 😆.  I started my Pegasus log today lol.20230811_221005.thumb.jpg.ecd7184054d04bc7444738aa0264e92a.jpg



    So we put the case back on for now , the next time I will take it off is for the Mayflower, and who knows  when I will finish her. The Pegasus will get it's own special case.20230811_221929.thumb.jpg.459d03d9b66f5c26e4f923fdaff501e3.jpg



    So long my friends  and thanks again. Sea  you soon lol 😆           :cheers:


  3. Today I was supposed to go to work but it was raining, so I decided to do a kit opening  page for my new log, the Pegasus. 20230811_144059.thumb.jpg.d6734502dd89e4e27a3fc3d363db3c93.jpg




    The contents of the kit look really good, as I put things away , and get ready to build. My keel is made of plywood, not mdf. Must be an older kit, I assume.  I dont know much about the Pegasus,  but she sank in Canada in 1777, a little over a year after she was launched. 

     So putting things away, the keel fell out of the box, lol, so I decided  to make the temporary stand, and dry fit everything.  It went together really well. It does come with a lot of plans and books of understandable instructions. 20230811_211620.thumb.jpg.5a7e588e730dd2c36a31ed40c1c5f625.jpg20230811_161428.thumb.jpg.9788683e235fe31ff05f0fba3a60cd7a.jpg




    I dry fitted  all the bulkheads and got all the keel parts ready.  

    So tomorrow, I will start glueing and beveling the bulkheads, and also the four pairs of plank termination patterns. Then I will see what I need to do next. It is so helpful to know that if I run into problems, this is the place to be to get all the help I need here.



    Thanks so much for watching.  Take care my friends. :cheers:


    Bob M.



  4. Yes my friends,  I am going to mark this one Finished . It was lots of fun.

     I made the sail  and curved them , the main sail had a bit to much curve but it straighten out once hung.20230809_185859.thumb.jpg.7f78a05c608626504e48097f6a8b1799.jpg


    The rigging went well, I still need to learn how to tie Knotts but I am getting there. 

    So here is my Nina, all done ready for the display case.  But I will take some more pictures for the gallery, later.

      So I  guess that's all folks, thank you for looking, commenting  and likes.





        Time to thank MSW and the NRG for letting me hang around, while I try to learn how to build ship. This, for me is a valuable asset, worth donating to.  I don't think there is a better place to be than right here,  so many people to thank, I think I am a modeler forever  lol.

    I can't belive how much fun this is

    So with  my 3 Columbus ships Finished, it's time for me to build my big one, Pegasus,  I had it for awhile but was afraid to start it. But now I am not. It will be my next build, but I have some other work I need to catch up on. Then I will start the Pegasus.  Wish me luck lol 😆 

     Some  final pictures,  stay safe my friends. 


         Bob M.                 :cheers:





  5. Building is coming along nicely.  Had to make 35 eye hooks and rings , and installed most of them. 20230808_162351.thumb.jpg.58220b03f9bb647aefa3a6284b1056d0.jpg

    Then it was on to the deadeyes and shrouds,  I have 6 left to do for the main sail but  tomorrow is another day.


    I measured  and set the thrid hand and threaded them on. Then snuged up the  lines  and installed them on the ship. 20230808_142115.thumb.jpg.0eb34de8774847a2820534da10c22955.jpg



    A thank you to @mrcc for  his  suggesting GAC400, for stiffing the sails . Easy to use, just brush it on, shape it to the way you want, add a little heat with a hair dryer and done.



     Going to let everything  dry up , and wait for the main sail to dry overnight. Then she has 6 more shrouds, hang the sails, tighten  the lines and the FLAGS.

     Got a big grin on my face tonight, maybe two more days. Then I should be able to rap this one up.

     Then I have a lot of studying to do lol. Something tells me my next build might take awhile lol.20230808_221230.thumb.jpg.c5f52062e60a37f64bca55ebf510f648.jpg

    Comes with 14 rolls of thread I am told lol.I got so excited  that I bought another model.  The Pegasus was the last one in the closet, and I needed a back up for my stash lol. Got a good deal on a King of the Mississippi  made by Artesania Latina.  But that won't be for a while. Talk soon my friends, I am sure Lol.


  6. Inching along,  I have finished the masts and yards. Just have to tie them on the sails.  Mounted the masts. They lined up.



    I brought  my next  build down to the ship yard for a little inspiration . Man I can't wait. :cheers: 



    The Pegasus was my last model in my stach in the closet.  So I paniced and bought another one today. It's an  Artesani Latinia,   King of the Mississippi.

    Should be here by the end of the week lol got to have a back up lol.

     That's all full steam ahead .:cheers:


  7. The making of the sails. The First Mate  handed me these sails last night I was so impressed , they will.make the ship.


    So this morning  I made more coffee,  and soaked my sails in last night pot. I soaked them for about a minute or less then put them out side to dry. Which did not take long in this heat.20230805_115202.thumb.jpg.14844df240bde0bdfcd5623a71a291a0.jpg

    After I had my fill of coffee  I checked and they were dry so I painted the red with really watered down red paint. 


    Then I had to look at the sail kinda in place , I think they are good. They are darker than the Santa Maria,  but Ligher than the Pinta.  So they look good .20230805_172109.thumb.jpg.33ed77b96417051096535a24ece2c482.jpg


    so now it's on to the yard arms then attaching the sails, after the standing  rigging lol.

     Talk soon my friend's 



  8. I would like to thank everyone for the likes and comments,  much appreciated  😊

     And a thanks to MSW and NRG.  I just renewed my membership , and because MSW and NRG has taught me so much I up my donation and they sent me a certificate too hang on my wall in the shipyard. I have learnt a great deal but still have lots to learn, but I'm not planning to going anywhere soon lol.

     So today I finished the ship, less masts,rigging and the sails. But I don't think it will be that long before I finish it. The Nina has been the funniest of all three Columbus ships. 





    A few more pictures of were she stands now,  oh yes I mounted on the stand today as well. 

    So on to the masts and yards. The First Mate is sewing on the bolt ropes , she's said she would be done soon. So I will brew some tea to stain the sails.




    The mast look like they line up well.

    That's all for now, thanks again everyone!!!!

      Bob M.




  9. Feeling a whole lot better today, an excited to get to spend another day in the shipyard lol.

      A  big thank you to @Gabek , we found out that we live pretty  close, so we decided to get together.  Lol. After many failed attempts to connect  we finally meet and he brought over two mini vikings to row on my ship, they are amazing.received_289546777097065.thumb.jpeg.e89e2addce0ae9011c57c02a980b0a94.jpegreceived_2507313669426458.thumb.jpeg.33fcf2e3167210621af3e21e2bac026e.jpegreceived_672613534340262.thumb.jpeg.540589b3f83e5060a6c1212fccd109d3.jpeg

    We talk all afternoon about ships , lanterns, piracy,

    And most of all our love for building ships.

     The First Mate  said we were like a couple of kids playing with their toys. It was a great afternoon,  one I hope repeats itself often.

    So after Gabek left I went to the ship yard and  after playing with the vikings  awhile I got back to building. I sanded and painted  all the deck furniture then moved on to the whinch and anchors.20230803_184539.thumb.jpg.6225326578cafe04717d5f9245fd3bcf.jpg20230803_220642.thumb.jpg.7e2c71575eadb7f8d0e22a27d0be6d46.jpg20230802_175212.thumb.jpg.8c4b86ea38e3dd88c4b70868c90afa92.jpg

    Then I moved to the life boat, all the eye bolts and rings had to me made, installed the bilge pump, stairs and grating as well all glued in tight.

     So now it's on to the masts and rudder, possibly of putting it on the stand today we will see. Soon it will be just the rigging and sails. And then it's bring on the Pegasus  , I'm ready lol.





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