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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. Yesterday I got to plank eight on both sides. And yes I have a few more coins in the super D cup. Don't you just hate it when you sand ,carve, shape a plank get it all ready to glue in and bang it breaks lol. One more coin for the cup lol. So far I have broken 6 planks, but will be ble to use them soon as the planks are getting  shorter .

    20230427_165753.thumb.jpg.f193b5c5154db434e111ac8c4cdf7ba5.jpg20230428_152944.thumb.jpg.efae82ace9ca60cf2a1fd20628cff5e7.jpgAfter I cleaned it up,  I took a wet rag and wiped it down to see what it might look like. The grain of the  wood shows up so nice. I really like this kit, the wood is right on..

     So I will post again when I put four more planks on each side.

     Later my friend's.    :cheers:







  2. Well my friends, it's a sunny Manitoba morning, and the snow is turning into  water.  Time to build a boat lol.

     This is a wonderful  kit that Scott Miller has made. The grain of the wood shows so nice, I hope the picture does it justice. 

     I have organized all the parts and put them on the peg board, leaving very little left in a smaller container. 20230415_194719.thumb.jpg.c5077c33d14f3e7a7488b8250054a13c.jpg20230420_132236.thumb.jpg.c1894b76ceb96853c541e0b6b1cff84a.jpgSo now Captain Marvin says it's time to plank this boat.20230415_200356.thumb.jpg.61ca34f0cad5d320bff359d767e92255.jpgThe first thing I noticed was, I was going to need a bigger plank bender. The second was, I was going to need more clamp.20230420_111631.thumb.jpg.e266fb57f5dad1024eaf53a54a1adea5.jpgSo we got some more clamps lol. I even glued some sand paper on the ends of a few clamps for a better grip ,no slipping needed. lol  After that, it's been clear sailing. The planks are going on really well and the more I put on, the better it is looking. So this is where I am at now...plank four of 15 on each side. The first 4 or 5 planks go on with just a little bending,  but now I will have to bend, twist, and bevel some edges. 

    A trip to the dentist,  for an extraction and a filling has slowed me up for the next couple of days, but I am in no rush. I really like this boat , it's all wood except  the anchor ,sails, and rigging. 

     So far it's going great, I have a little  bit of a discrepancy  on the stern, but will be able to fix that when the time comes. LOL

    A few more pictures of how I am building this boat with the last picture of my boat as she stands now.

      I would like to thank everyone for their help and comments,  for those who are following along, thank you. It means a lot. A special  thank you to the NRG and MSW,  for helping me out when I needed it. It means lot as well.

     So in a few days, we will see where I am at. Oh yes, the super D cup is my new swear jar  and yes there are some coins in it lol.  Hopefully I won't fill it lol.  Having a great time, and @Louie da fly, get lots of popcorn because after this boat, it will be La Nina then a Viking Long boat(sorry for another one lol) so I will be here on the pages of 1500 or less for awhile longer lol . 

    Stay safe my friends and model on.








  3. Small up date I have decided to Mark this Model   " TIDE OFF" A nautical term for losing the wind in your sail and are adrift on the tide till you get your wind back. Not sure where it will take me but,  I will  just go with the tide. Not sure what shore I will land up on or crash upon the rocks.   So this will give me more time for my sea of Galilee boat  log and research I think I need it LOL:cheers:

  4. Thanks, @LyleK1 if by access you mean send everyone to your log for all the historcal and research  data, yes I will go for that. What could I add that is not  already there. Plus they will see your boat and read your log,  it's fantastic.  One that I will visit often.  Thanks so much for posting it.

     I am going to dedicate  this boat to my First Mate,  love of my life. She helps so much with the builds, editing,  sail making , sewing and did I mention editing  lol20230410_105106.thumb.jpg.e1489f44a873114ebface6fb85a944ad.jpg


     Well my son helped me put the disk in and make a pDF or what ever lol. And started looking at it and the next thing you know , ready for planking lol 

       Everything was so clearly marked on the strongback and it was easy to assemble.  I put tape on the strongback to hopefully  stop it from sticking when I go to remove the boat from it.

     I am going to let everything dry up really  well before planking. Plus life's little detour  will slow me down for a couple of weeks ,but after that I will have or make more time for the ship yard.:cheers:


    Bob M.





  5. received_611430103865580.jpeg.c313fc0f0361d4d8245a245b9476f5b7.jpegToday I feel compelled to start this boat. Last year while shopping around for more models to buy, I came across this boat. I found a log for it here at MSW  and got the address for the boat. It was at Scott Miller Guitars  http://www.semillerguitars.com/sea-of-galilee-boats/. I got in contact with Scott,  and he explained what type of boat it was, it's called a strong back.  He also told me what type of wood was used . He explained how much time goes into one of these kits and asked if I was I sure It was the kind of model I was looking for.  We agreed on a deal and I bought one. So a year later  lol, I emailed  him and told him I was indeed going to build it. I don't know why I need to start this log today maybe because it is Easter Sunday.

     I opened the kit and placed it in a box that was more accessible to get the parts.  The wood looks excellent,  everything is labeled  and packaged neatly. 

     There are some really great logs of this boat here on MSW, some with lots of research and historical information  if you care to look.

     I just need to build a boat,  lol. So for the next couple of weeks  I will be getting  things organized for the build. I will add more info about the way I will build this model and hope it looks as good as the ones I have seen here. Follow at your own risk, there will be plenty of typos, and a whole lot of laughter and fun and I am allowed to use lots of CA glue for this model lol . Happy  Easter everyone  I am having a great one . Thanks so much 

    Bob M. :cheers:








  6.       Well my friends  I am dropping  the anchors on the Mayflower.  I have received  some books  that showed me what I was looking for about rigging.   Serving,  seizing,  puddening, oh my. I have never heard of puddening,  please someone tell me the Mayflower  did not have this lol. I know it up to me how far to take the details of my rigging.  I ordered  a Serving machine as  ,  I had a hard time making my own.  The machine is in Canada, tracking it now, be here on the 12th.  So now I got to do some research  lol, look for better pictures lol.  

     I can not tell you all how much fun I am having here on MSW. Light switches  are coming  on all over the place, and I feel I am not running around like a chicken with its head   cut off.  I am just not sure of how far to take my rigging. So I am putting it on the shelf . Not for long though.  Just doing research  lol 

     This will give me time to look at The NRG data base and  the one here at MSW, all the information you need to build a Model thanks so much So I will  see you all later  , but don't be surprised if I start another build log, to keep my mined off of rigging  lol 



  7. Ir3, you forgot to add the word yet  to your statement that you don't have the skill.  I am a newbie here less than two  years, and remember how excited I was about going down this rabbit hole lol.  May I suggest that you shelf  this one for awhile get a few  less intricate  ones.  Then come back and nail the sucker . It's a journey  we just have to take a different  route,  but we will get there  .  Hope you understand  what I am trying to convey  to you. :cheers:


  8. Yes it's the next layer that counts, if you look in the Data base here on MSW, the three bars at the top of the page will get you there. It shows you how, I have never mastered it yet, but I am still trying  lol.

     I will follow along , but be forwarned I can't spell and make many mistakes,  lol 

    GOOD LUCK on your journey.   :cheers:

  9. Like a tic on a hound buddy lol. Great job on the planking.   Masts, rigging,  sails, and the  life boat. A bit of sealer your done

    Ooh yes yardarms too, no pressure you'll get there. Even if I have to get a few more members to help me prod you along, that child will get their ship lol.

     Your doing a great job, save some in the  tank for the end , but Give'er   :cheers:

    Ps you could post at a more reasonable hour lol.

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