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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. Well, first planking is finished, as well as the decks.  In my haste to get her done, I forgot to cut my decking planks to size, I used  a 80 cm , 40 cm butt shift  pattern . So I just penciled in the joints and nail holes on the poop deck. It will do lol.

     It is a small ship, so by the time you get all the deck furniture on, there's little deck left to see. I noticiced that on my Pinta.20230522_190847.thumb.jpg.9d5784c89e4389562bc164836945b3ec.jpg


    The plans said start mid ship with the planks, so that's what I did. I put on the first couple of bands then started at the keel and worked my way up. Fitting the last plank in with very little  problems.. so I move on to the decks




    So this is how she sits now, ready for final planking,  and the inside planks and cap rails. All in good time. We have to take a week off to attend the first Mate mother's  celebration of life in the next province over lol. I will be very anxious to get back  🙃 .  But thanks to the internet  I won't miss a thing except  my ship yard lol . Later, all my friends.   20230530_170648.thumb.jpg.282847faa65f17d393d0c4122ecb59de.jpg



  2. Hello, today marks two years that I have been learning how to build models. I join MSW two years ago and I think I have not missed to many days scene  then lol.  I have  been having the time of my life, meeting  people,  getting to know some  as well. 

     I was going to start  my Pegasus,  but wanted to finish my Columbus ships. As  LA Nina will be my next build20230518_214107.thumb.jpg.1adc9ad7ab296faa79116cd720cc7cea.jpg


    So I open the box last night and wanted to post, but dew to technical issues 🙃  lol I went to work.20230518_214705.thumb.jpg.cdeeaad5b0c91e9acced1eb8bace9b2c.jpg



    The keel and the bulk head came together  nicely. So I move on up to the upper deck, and planked that as well  So Iam about to start planking. But FIRST  I will give  Chucks  video  one more go lol. 20230520_150718.thumb.jpg.271b955f3457327de15851883774315a.jpg




    Glad  to be part of this wonderful organization. Both the NRG and MSW have become important to me,  my recent panic attack 🙃 🙂  because I couldn't log on kinda  made that a little more clear.  So to everyone  who has put up a like or a laugh  thankyou so much.

      It will be hard for me to control myself not to rush this because I will be doing the Pegasus  right after  the Nina. I do have a Viking Long Boat  to do as well but I thought I save that for when I get boared  with the Pegasus  lol.

      Now on we go, video,  planking lol 

    Bob M.


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