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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. The making of the sails. The First Mate  handed me these sails last night I was so impressed , they will.make the ship.


    So this morning  I made more coffee,  and soaked my sails in last night pot. I soaked them for about a minute or less then put them out side to dry. Which did not take long in this heat.20230805_115202.thumb.jpg.14844df240bde0bdfcd5623a71a291a0.jpg

    After I had my fill of coffee  I checked and they were dry so I painted the red with really watered down red paint. 


    Then I had to look at the sail kinda in place , I think they are good. They are darker than the Santa Maria,  but Ligher than the Pinta.  So they look good .20230805_172109.thumb.jpg.33ed77b96417051096535a24ece2c482.jpg


    so now it's on to the yard arms then attaching the sails, after the standing  rigging lol.

     Talk soon my friend's 



  2. I would like to thank everyone for the likes and comments,  much appreciated  😊

     And a thanks to MSW and NRG.  I just renewed my membership , and because MSW and NRG has taught me so much I up my donation and they sent me a certificate too hang on my wall in the shipyard. I have learnt a great deal but still have lots to learn, but I'm not planning to going anywhere soon lol.

     So today I finished the ship, less masts,rigging and the sails. But I don't think it will be that long before I finish it. The Nina has been the funniest of all three Columbus ships. 





    A few more pictures of were she stands now,  oh yes I mounted on the stand today as well. 

    So on to the masts and yards. The First Mate is sewing on the bolt ropes , she's said she would be done soon. So I will brew some tea to stain the sails.




    The mast look like they line up well.

    That's all for now, thanks again everyone!!!!

      Bob M.




  3. Feeling a whole lot better today, an excited to get to spend another day in the shipyard lol.

      A  big thank you to @Gabek , we found out that we live pretty  close, so we decided to get together.  Lol. After many failed attempts to connect  we finally meet and he brought over two mini vikings to row on my ship, they are amazing.received_289546777097065.thumb.jpeg.e89e2addce0ae9011c57c02a980b0a94.jpegreceived_2507313669426458.thumb.jpeg.33fcf2e3167210621af3e21e2bac026e.jpegreceived_672613534340262.thumb.jpeg.540589b3f83e5060a6c1212fccd109d3.jpeg

    We talk all afternoon about ships , lanterns, piracy,

    And most of all our love for building ships.

     The First Mate  said we were like a couple of kids playing with their toys. It was a great afternoon,  one I hope repeats itself often.

    So after Gabek left I went to the ship yard and  after playing with the vikings  awhile I got back to building. I sanded and painted  all the deck furniture then moved on to the whinch and anchors.20230803_184539.thumb.jpg.6225326578cafe04717d5f9245fd3bcf.jpg20230803_220642.thumb.jpg.7e2c71575eadb7f8d0e22a27d0be6d46.jpg20230802_175212.thumb.jpg.8c4b86ea38e3dd88c4b70868c90afa92.jpg

    Then I moved to the life boat, all the eye bolts and rings had to me made, installed the bilge pump, stairs and grating as well all glued in tight.

     So now it's on to the masts and rudder, possibly of putting it on the stand today we will see. Soon it will be just the rigging and sails. And then it's bring on the Pegasus  , I'm ready lol.





  4. Man does it feel good to spend a day in the ship yard. Feeling  a lot better. My foot is still swollen,  but not as bad as yesterday  . On the Mend lol.

    I got a lot done, stairs, colums, the winch, grating, the  cannons and life boat were done before.20230801_162622.thumb.jpg.9e3459f175a26bea49c73acd3c0a8394.jpg20230801_162507.thumb.jpg.0ec03a2e0d79d1a89aabeba71b28d1e4.jpg20230801_162438.thumb.jpg.cfa58169bce70f2b5dfecdeae76a6eee.jpg

    Still lots to do, but is mostly  fun stuff. We'll it is actually all full stuff, glad I picked up this hobby. 

      So I am just making things up as I go along,  moving on to anchors tomorrow,  and then maybe the rudder who knows lol

     But this is how she sits tonight. 20230801_164941.thumb.jpg.7efb27c387e2ef496c984e42f0716069.jpg20230801_204014.thumb.jpg.84ad9c682f6c6190b7d7062061af6949.jpg

     Thanks for looking.  :cheers:

  5. Well finally got to work on my ship. Seems I had to brake my foot , by dropping  a 95 pound  steel car ramp on it . Lol. I could use the break lol.  I was working outside for at least 6 hrs a day after, recovering  from what ever I had that hit me lol.

     The first Mate is calling bs, lol but I have the swelling  on my side , iceing  it down,  daily.  For sure.

    But on with the ship , making the stand  the same way I did for the Pinta  and Santa Maria. 


    Bought these at Lea Valley's,  drilled holes for the screws To go thought then I just placed it on the pegs to see what it will look like after I finish  it.


     I also finished the fenders on both sides  I think they turn out well. 

        So now that I got some time progress from here on in for at least 4 to 6 weeks should move forward  lol.   :cheers:

      Be talking to you all soon.





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