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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Hello, the first Mate thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers. As do I , we will be leaving soon and I have put everything on the self. They look the same so I made some signs to know the difference lol. Also made some for the three Columbus ships.whats you think?? As many of you know we recently lost a member Rafine, I was about to make the inside of my life boat , the way the plan showed , on the day I received the news, then my mother in law. I could not do it , so I wrote their names and the dates of there passing along with a note to each and turn it upside down and painted it free hand, I will super glue it in place when the time comes. My fair well to both. Stay safe my friends, see you when we get back, again thanks for making us feel like we are part of the community I really feel blessed Thank you. Bob M and the first mate.
  2. Hi,after 12 attempts to prove I was not a robot I gave up. Lol I phoned my daughter and she order the volume lll Pegasus sloop class by Greg Hebert ,she said she got through and is waiting for a code. Its just a matter of time before I get this book, cost and shipping is what it is ,Knocklouder needs a book lol . Thanks
  3. For whom the Bell Tolls!! Man was that Bell hard to do, mostly because of huge fingers lol . I just placed it there for now . I finished my doors and stairs today as well, waiting for them to dry but I had to see what they would look like lol. Well on a sad note will be putting everything away for awhile. My Frist Mate, and the love of my life, mother is very ill an not going to pull through. 😪 so I will be taking her home in Saskatchewan and will be gone awhile, we have no ideal how long so I am packing it in for awhile to be with her. I will return lol. later my friends.
  4. Yes thank you,!!! I was going to ask how to do that, I have figured it out. The next model I will,read it again, then line off the hull, make four section, then get my grandson to do the math for me, How to make 29 planks whittle down to 18 how much to take off , he will figure it out for me , wait for it, Next ship lol 😆 So I made my doors, and of course I had to see what they look like what's you think Hinges and Handel's tomorrow. Thanks for all the likes and help, scene this is the only Amati Mayflower log I better do a good job lol
  5. Don't you just love cold days. LOL I figured I would brush some polyurethane clear satin on the deck and hand rail that are done weee. Some of the 2x2 were higher then others. I don't under stand how that happened, I measured once cussed twice boom. But l clamped on a plank and Dremel took care of the rest. Took some pictures now letting it dry for the night. And now I will start on the doors. It's been a fun build so far, Differently need to learn how to plank, also this is where I should say look in MSW data base for how to do that ,for any new comer who wants to do it right. Well on to the doors and stairs, oohhh maybe I will start the masts lol. Have fun my friends
  6. Good day!! It's-39 c - 40f. Yep another model day brrrrr!!!🥶. I did not get finished with my Mainrail and capping. Life and a hockey game got on the way. But today I will finish it. I pre cut all the 2x2 according to the plan, most went on ok but 25% needed to be re-done to fit as small discrepancy are showing up A twist here and there nothing serious . I made this little spacer and went to town..I feel that it going OK starting to take shape, Once the rails are done I will be starting to make the doors and ladders, got a pretty good ideal how I will make them. But I going to paint them differently from the plan, All right stay Warm my friend's Bob M.
  7. Well the machine is frozen, -27 with the wind chill, snowing and someone forgot to plug in the diesel tractor . They won't start if not plugged in , mine anyway lol. So guess it's a model day lol. Cutting up peices for the Mainrail, and cap. Hopeing to get that done today. Talk soon stay warm my friends. lol
  8. Hi, I can't seem to see the pictures either 😕. Also can't seem to see any mistakes as well, lol great model. As for space, put grin on your face , build it , start a raffle 5 bucks for one ticket, 3 for 10 bucks. Donate the money to MSW. I won't buy one because MSW would not stand for me getting a free Pegasus And winning a Fly. LOL 😆
  9. Jump right in, those masters will help you with anything just ask. Yes start a build log of your ship or boat, Most of all have fun building cause it only gets funner and funner You'll SEE !!
  10. Well not much to post, started the bow, and the capping of the hand rail. It all looked good when finished, but today the port side handrail has lifted, I will just patch and paint that part,because it's to much to take it all apart. I will fix it lol. My worries are that MSW and the NRG will band me pretty soon as I can't seem to do things historical correct, LOL. I am finding a few mistakes in the plan, again the picture on the box , the plan it self and building instructions are all different. Big problems for someone who has to look at pictures to see how its done. As well there are parts missing, but I can make those, they are for the the anchor lines. Small parts, but they aren't there lol. Now I have to put those tiny little 1×1 on the sides . Talk soon take care everyone stay safe.
  11. 😪 There are no words I can say. He help me improve my models. I am heart broken R I P Good Bye BOB
  12. Well I have made this stand for my Mayflower, and put it on. I made a few mistakes but it will do. That famous line comes to mind Next ship. Lol . Planking is finished, sealed and mounted. And I like it!!. The buffffet is my new model stand, I think I can get the three Columbus and the Mayflower, not sure if the Viking long boat will fit in there to but we will see lots of time before that. The green carpet will go and I will come up with something better. The Sea of Galalie boat will go behind the curtain, I will add a plexiglass front. As for the Pegasus, it will get its own case and replace our flowers here. Having way to much fun building this ship. And now all the fun stuff,doors ladders, little life boat,up until the rigging, seizing,and sails lol Well thats it for now, ps Chuck I tried, maybe next time 😆 Happy modeling everyone
  13. wow That looks really cool and great details to, I am just learning how to plank as well, my first model I used an iron to bend the planks then I got an electric plank bender it works really well for me. A little heat and they start to bend. That is some nice work.
  14. Lots of people here who are willing to help, all you got to do is ask. Jump right in, and always remember Have fun building what ever you build.
  15. This model is so much fun, on to the port side. It is coming along nicely I think, for anyone who makes this one I would block the first 3 bulkheads and the last 3 as well. I read that after I finished my planking that it helps keep its shape, next one lol. I really need to learn how to plank right , The Pegasus is coming up, and I want that one to be just right, not it will do stuff that I am making now lol This kit for those who can plank better than I can is amazing. You get to bend planks on just the bulkheads I much prefer two layers of planking. And I only started on the 12 th of November I am scaring my self 🙃 😅. See you when the other side is finished Bob M.
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