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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Welcome Pete! 👍😀
  2. You’re not trying to set some sorta speed record are you? 😆 I’m in. 🍿🥤
  3. Hi Ed, Looks good. I just went ahead and glued mine in today, got tired of that off/dremil/ on/check/off again routine. The way I figure it when it comes time to lay down those first planks there is always going to be something (ie bulkhead, filler etc) that might need a slight adjustment. If we can get close, that’s what counts. You and I are at about the same place on our builds. I scratch built my anchors and last night turned the square galley stack into a round one. I’ve also been working on the stern piece. I’m about ready to post that work. Nice to have someone who is about the same place on a build to bounce questions off. I’ve got Markov’s build on speed dial also. 👍😀
  4. Now there’s a cool idea! Sort of like the coin under the stepped mast. I’m going to borrow that when it’s time. Thanks! 👍😀
  5. I have one from my RC plane days in the late 1970’s and it still works! When I was learning the wooden ship building trade and watching the planking videos, that iron came out of deep storage. Then the good wife donated 2 of her backup hair curling irons (large and small diameter) for the cause. 😀
  6. I like Divarty’s build also. Wonder what happened to him. 😕
  7. Hi Ed, Nice work! In my humble opinion, your filler blocks are still a little fat. If you were to leave them as is, when you start to plank… you’d see how the nice fair goes to a swelled hind end. I looked at every build plan I could find while doing the stern and all the fillers. I’m still not done… I’m new to the “filler” process. 👍
  8. It was absolutely the orientation of you picture taking device. I’ve use my iPhone and iPad… never had an upside down issue. 👍😀
  9. Do you have a build log going for this beauty? 👍😀
  10. I sanded down the stern piece so I could plank it without it being so fat it wouldn’t fit and look way out of proportion. I’ve got the planks. I glued a bunch of them together and made a “plank” board and thought about tracing the stern onto it and cut out the window openings. 😳 Or… glue each plank on and cut the openings piece by piece. That sounds better to me now that I ask about it. What do you think?
  11. Hi Bruce, Welcome! 👍😀
  12. Spent the afternoon looking at build logs and any completed paint schemes I could find for the Rattlesnake. I love it when the instructions have written words for what color and where, but no references on the drawings… and they don’t match the model on the box cover. 😳 I like the thin blue lines I see on some of the build logs.
  13. Ah, those darn airplanes… hard to stay away. 😆 I have a plastic and a couple metal kits that I hear in the closet. But I say “no”. 😆 I’ll watch! 👍
  14. Good thought. I’ll look over the build logs and all the finished photos I can and then decide. I’m going to assume that if I was building for physical accuracy, it would surely be planked. The fashion piece is next… I definitely have to open it up.
  15. Hi All, Think I’ve got the stern piece figured out… little sanding here and there. Stumbled upon this… What did you do to make the window frames fit, shims? Would the windows have been flush with the inside or the outside. I was thinking outside, then there would be a “window sill” inside the structure, just like in our homes. I’ve seen build logs that go both ways. Opinions?
  16. My hat is off to you Sir… unbelievable miniature scratch building! The pot metal binnacle that came with my Rattlesnake is horrible, seeing your work just might persuade me to give it a try. 👍😀
  17. Hi Steve, Welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  18. The Theater is open! 🍿🥤
  19. Welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  20. Late welcome, I’m following your build! 👍😀
  21. Hi Marty, Absolutely Brother, look at not only mine but there about 4 other builds of the Rattlesnake going on. I am here to tell you, the lazer cut parts are NOT perfect. Having been in the manufacturing business for many years I can tell you that every so often, a company has to recalibrate their tooling. In this case Model Shipways is WAY past due and their drawings could use some tune up work... in my humble opinion. The very thing you mentioned has been the constant in all the recent builds of the the Rattlesnake on this forum. Nothing that cannot be overcome however. Welcome aboard! 😀
  22. Thanks Everyone, Will work on it later today, let you know how it goes.
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