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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. That's The Marines for you. They downgraded most everything. The Navy Cross I put my crew chief in for was downgraded to a Navy Commendation Medal with Combat "V". I tried to upgrade it a few years ago and ran into a bureaucratic wall. The least he should have gotten was a Silver Star. I got a DFC that should have been higher..the worst part..we did stuff that nobody reported? S/F Rich
  2. I put my crew chief in for the Navy Cross when he left the helicopter firing his M-60 from the hip while dragging back the wounded team leader after he went down in the LZ during an extraction. There was so much fire it looked like it was raining in that rice paddy. Rich
  3. I did not like flying in the Ashau Valley!!! I got hit there on my very first mission. Rich
  4. I think Vince Guinee took over HMM-261 at New River after Nelson. Vince flew with us in 1966.
  5. I'm a charter member of Pop A Smoke. We're 261's next reunion with them in Jacksonville FL. God bless our door gunners!!!
  6. Ken, I flew with HMM-261 in 1966 and got 15 Air Medals (Oy!). My wife wants to visit Viet Nam but I won't go because I think the bullets that missed me might still be flying around and finally get me. I flew for TWA after and ran a business and finally retired in 2005. It's good to meet you. Rich
  7. I had to do the same thing with my Connie and was very happy when they turned out symmetrical. Nice work.
  8. It's daunting. When I rigged my USS Constitution I had no idea how to even start...but somebody told me an old saying..."How do you eat an elephant?" answer........."Start chewing on the toe!"
  9. Lawrence, I'm still in the process of selecting my next build. Not wanting to be some coo coo old man who fills his house with ship models...I'm looking for a model I can donate to a library, like HMS Surprise, to spur young people to get adventure in reading books like Master & Commander and Horatio Hornblower. Besides, since Arizona is putridly hot all summer, my Admiral & I travel a lot. Thanks for staying in touch. Rich
  10. With no ship being built in my shipyard....I constructed a flight simulator base for my 8 year old grandson.
  11. How's bending that Sapele on your hull planking? I found it diffcult and prone to splitting on my USS Constitution by Constructo
  12. There were a few times I wished I had some power tools building the Connie. I'm not anywhere near heading down the dark path of scratch building. Maybe in my next life. Kits are hard enough!
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