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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. One thing about this hobby is you get very good at error corrections. I wound up getting very creative in fixing mistakes I made along the way. It keeps the brain from deteriorating. I'm an long time aviator and we used to say "flying is a series of error corrections....the first error you make is taking off...!" The same goes for model ship building.
  2. Hi Mark. Welcome to our little club here in AZ.
  3. Take care of your bowsprit. It's easy to forget it sticks out so far. I built a bowsprit guard so it would take the bump or blow first . Very nice work!
  4. If the longherons are tight, sand them so yo do not have to force anything. This way you can make tiny adjustments to make sure all is straight and true. I had the same problem with my Connie. Good luck Rich
  5. This is a problem we all have. Plans and instructions translated from a foreign language. Constructo's plans were lacking severely in many areas and I struggled like you. Ask everybody on ModelShipWorld what they would do and chose what's best for you. As far as the keel and frames or bulkheads goes, if the keel comes in several pieces, just make sure you glue them together so the keel is perfectly straight.. You can lay it flat and put a book on it while it dries. Next, the bulkheads. They all have to be perpendicular and level when the keel is held vertically. I used everything from my eyeballs to strings and levels. Look at it from the front, back and sides. After I glued all bulkheads onto the keel, I added small blocks (not part of the plans) to make sure they didn't stray from perpendicular and level. If you do that, decks, strakes, longherons or whatever gets attached to the hull, the whole ship will be symmetrical. I learned that the hard way since I didn't do all that with my first model and it has a built in curve! This model ship building is harder than chess. Good luck
  6. I'm chuckling at your new shipyard. I started out the same way with a small bookcase. By the time I finished my Connie 20 months later...the project had taken over an entire room! I'm going to have fun watching your build.
  7. Make very sure the keel is straight and square with the bulkheads. It's critical. Good luck.
  8. Brian, I built a bowsprit guard that stuck out just a little bit further that the actual bowsprit so it would get the hit before the bowsprit.
  9. I just caught up with your build and it is quite an accomplishment! You work like a master builder.
  10. Boyd is right....I learned a long time ago that model ship building is just like a chess game. You have to be very careful not to go down into a trap. You have to constantly be looking several moves ahead.
  11. Thanks for posting your build log of the HMS Surprise. I shall be starting a Surprise this fall and will follow your build with great interest. Rich
  12. Frank, I'm all caught up with your build. I shall now follow your very skilled steps as she grows towards completion. Completion.... both a happy and a sad day! Was Peter the model for your figurehead? Rich
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