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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. It's been 5 weeks and I've been slowly plodding along. I've now planked the second band of six strakes on both the port and starboard sides. The number of planks broken or miss shaped are too numerous to keep track of. Also on the starboard side after resting for the night and then resuming the next day I did not like the look of first three strakes. So the first two planks from the stem aft were removed and redone. Here's how she looks right now. I'll be starting from the keel up next. As always thanks for stopping by and stay safe!
  2. That planking is looking really good! I hear you on the broken/messed up planks. I've probably have enough in the bin to plank a small cutter!
  3. Very nice job. I'm glad that you redid it seeing you weren't happy with the first planking. I've replaced many offending plank and am much happier for it!
  4. Thanks Chuck and Ben. Chugging along slow and steady and loving it! Also thanks for all the likes too.
  5. The anchor lining has been added to the port and starboard sides. Next I'll resume the hull planking.
  6. Yes I saw the issue popping up and I’ll be checking mine also. I’m sure some sort of “adjustment” will be needed. I’ll let you know. Thanks
  7. I've returned to the second planking layer of the wales now. The first four strakes are 3/64" x 7/32" and will be painted black. The fifth strake is the black strake will be added after the wales are finished being painted and will be left natural in color. As the wales and black strake are supposed to taper to almost nothing at the stem. This is to make them look like they fit into the rabbet. I pre sanded them down to 1/64" before gluing them in place. This helped me smooth them down without having to take as much off and risk damaging the stem. Here she is in all her dirty glory. The starboard side is unpainted and the port side with a first coat of paint. I am using Admiralty Paints "Matt (Metal) Black" Many coats of paint to go and then I'll add the black strake.
  8. Yes Bob I use Zap a Gap CA. Thanks ASAT. This is the first hull I've done in pear and so far so good!
  9. Thanks VTHokiEE. Thanks Bob, Working with it is nice. Holds a good sharp edge and sands well. I feel it's harder than Cherry thus making it a little harder to bend but nothing that makes it more difficult. As far as Chucks methods I edge bend, twist and curve with heat to the shape of the hull just as Chuck describes. As to the gluing I try to mimic Chuck as much as possible but I resort to some edge gluing a bit more the Chuck does. I haven't gotten that good yet. I grabbed a scrap piece of cherry and pear, wiped a quick coat of wipe on poly and took a picture. You can see there is a bit more visible grain and a little lighter color with the cherry. In my opinion they both are great wood to work with.
  10. Hi all, Yes it is pear wood. The color is very similar to Cherry but I had more pear on hand then Cherry so that's what I'm using. Thank you nzreg, Chuck, Capt Morgan, Edwardkenway and Bob for the kind words. This is such a fun build! Also thanks for all the likes too! Off to work on the Wales now.
  11. I've spent the last couple of weeks completing the first belt of hull planking on the starboard side. Both sides have been preliminarily sanded with 150 grit and received one coat of wipe on poly. Once I finish planking the rest of the hull I'll give it a good final sanding with 400 grit sandpaper. Now that I have completed the first band of planking I'll now go back and add the wales. From this point on I'll do a majority of the planking with the hull upside down. This will minimize the damage to the wales and their paint from my clumsiness.
  12. Thanks Justin and Bossman. I agree the scroll saw probably won't come it to play much if at all and the mini kits are outstanding. Also thanks for all of the likes too!
  13. I've followed your work and you'll be just fine. It's a great build that I thoroughly enjoyed and I'm sure you will too.
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